Title: Year 3-5 Mathematics Open-ended Activities
1Year 3-5 Mathematics Open-ended Activities
2Place Value
- How many ways can you rename 1265?
Open-ended Maths Activities by Peter Sullivan and
Pat Lilburn
3Place Value
- How many numbers can you make using the digits 1,
2, 3 and 4? You can only use each digit once in
each number.
Open-ended Maths Activities by Peter Sullivan and
Pat Lilburn
4Place Value
- A number has been rounded off to 1200. What might
the number be?
Open-ended Maths Activities by Peter Sullivan and
Pat Lilburn
- Create a pattern that starts at 91 that someone
else can continue.
Open-ended Maths Activities by Peter Sullivan and
Pat Lilburn
- The number 8 is halfway between two numbers. What
might those two numbers be?
Open-ended Maths Activities by Peter Sullivan and
Pat Lilburn
- I have some marbles. I give some away to my
friends and I am left with 15. How many marbles
might I have started with and how many might I
have given away?
Open-ended Maths Activities by Peter Sullivan and
Pat Lilburn
- What might the missing numbers be?
- ___ x ___ 50
Teaching and Assessing Maths through Open-ended
Activities by Pat Lilburn Irene Sawczak
- Describe how you would subtract 19 from 83 in
your head. What other subtractions could you do
using a similar method?
Teaching and Assessing Maths through Open-ended
Activities by Pat Lilburn Irene Sawczak
10Place Value
- I am thinking of a number between 8000 and 9000.
Its hundreds digit is 5 and its ones digit is 2.
What might the number be?
Teaching and Assessing Maths through Open-ended
Activities by Pat Lilburn Irene Sawczak
- The number 17 cannot be divided equally by either
2 or 3. What other numbers are not divisible by
either 2 or 3?
Teaching and Assessing Maths through Open-ended
Activities by Pat Lilburn Irene Sawczak