Final Slide Show - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Final Slide Show


Final Slide Show CRTW 201 Dr. Fike – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Final Slide Show

Final Slide Show
  • CRTW 201
  • Dr. Fike

Next Time
  • Well do the course evaluation first.
  • Then youll turn in your portfolios. See
    01/CRTW2020120Portfolio.htm for details about
    your portfolio.
  • Do you have any questions about requirements?

What We Did This Semester
  • We used a process system to foster and reinforce
    the elements of critical thinking, the importance
    of focusing topics, the use of the classical
    argument, and lower-order correctness.
  • This system involved a great deal of work for me,
    but your reading, thinking, and writing benefited

After Midterm
  • We responded to your assessment by building in
    more in-class critique days (days like today).
  • http//

Process Grades
  • The syllabus explains the grading system that we
    have used so far this semester, but there has
    still been some confusion about it. Let me say
    the following
  • I care about your development, especially your
    development as writers.
  • Process grades are a way to reward you for effort
    and sometimes to signal a problem with a paper
    without 86ing your final course grade.
  • In short, process grading is a strategy on my
    part to get you to focus on improvement rather
    than worrying too much about your grades.
  • Almost everyone in my two sections is getting has
    an A or a B on process going into the portfolio
    (rubric-based) part of the course.

Did It Work?
  • Compare your first draft of your first paper with
    the second draft of your fourth paper.
  • I think that you will see incredible improvement
    in the quality of your writing and thinking.
  • For example, a bunch of people had trouble
    writing 4 full pages in September. That hasnt
    been a problem for anyone in a long time.
  • You also have the hang of the elements and the
    classical argument.

  • Regarding Paper Four, remember that you need to
    apply the elements to your passages, not to your
    own reaction to your passages.
  • In particular, remember that point of view is
    something about the authors way of thinkinghis
    or her vantage point. It might be something
    about a background story, impediment, political
    affiliation, etc.

More Reminders
  • Remember that the key principle in this classthe
    one I most want you to remember about good
    writingis that you should focus your topic and
    say more about less.
  • Also remember that a thesis must contain a
    controversial idea about a focused topic.
  • Controversial ought to translate into an
    although clause, a main clause, and a reason
    why. This structure nicely anticipates
    particular paragraphs of your paper.

Still More Reminders
  • Topic sentences echo the thesis.
  • Arguments support the thesis.
  • Objections object to arguments.
  • Replies reply to objections.
  • The focused topic appears in ALL paragraphs.
  • If something is in the thesis, it had better be
    in the body.

Reminders Yet Again
  • Dont try to write a paper from scratch in one
  • Process is the thing prewriting should include
    brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revision,
    conferencing, and more revision.
  • Good writers dont work in isolation from other

A Final Reminder
  • You should take away from this class the sense
    that you worked hard and made progress from
    whatever point you started from.
  • And you should remember that the elements of
    critical thinking are in Winthrops curriculum so
    that your use of them can continue after CRTW
    ends. Use the elements when you read, write, and
    think in your other courses.

Final Examination
  • 200 section  Monday, December 11th, 300 p.m.
  • 500 section  Tuesday, December 5th, 630 p.m.

What Will the Final Exam Look Like?
  • I will give you a passage.
  • You will apply the elements to it.
  • You will relate it to a focused topic (not all
    people in general, not all people or most
    people or some people or just plain people,
    and certainly not the individual in todays
    society dont fall back on your bad habits).
  • And you will write a classical argument.

Sample Outline for Exam Essay
  • Introduction, including focus and thesis.
  • Analysis of the quotation via the elements
  • Background on your focus
  • Arguments that connect your analysis and your
  • Objections
  • Reply concession and rebuttal
  • Conclusion

How long should it be?
  • About 1,000 words (roughly equivalent to 4
    double-spaced pages on a word processor)

What Else?
  • I want to see connections between sectionse.g.,
    between the analysis of the passage and your
    argument about your focused topic.

What Do You Have To Bring?
  • 1-2 large bluebooks (how many depends on how much
    you write and how big your handwriting is write
    only on one side of the page)
  • I will bring clean copies of the exam.
  • But the exam will be on our webpage by Thursday

Todays Activity
  • Group assignments
  • Group 1 Introduction, focused topic, thesis
  • Group 2 Passages and elements
  • Group 3 Arguments/objections/replies
  • Questions
  • Can you suggest any revisions to the thesis?
  • Can the paper do more with the elements?
  • Does the paper support its thesis?
  • How might the paper connect arguments for the
    thesis and analysis of passages?
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