PHIL 104 (STOLZE) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PHIL 104 (STOLZE) Notes on Heather Widdows, Global Ethics: An Introduction, chapter 4 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PHIL 104 (STOLZE)

  • Notes on Heather Widdows, Global Ethics An
    Introduction, chapter 4

Political Theory for Global Ethics
  • Political Realism
  • Nationalism
  • The Society-of-States Approach
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • John Rawls Theory of Justice as Fairness

Political Realism
  • Morality is a set of rules that rational people
    agree to for their mutual benefit.
  • Others must also comply for it to be in an
    individuals self-interest to comply.
  • Some authority or government is necessary to
    ensure compliance.
  • In the international arena there is no such
  • Therefore, it is not rational for states to
    comply with moral rules because they have no
    guarantee that others do.
  • Therefore, there is no morality (moral rules) in
    the international arena.

  • There are certain special obligations to
    compatriots/co-nationals that do not necessarily
    extend to non-compatriots.
  • These special obligations do not preclude there
    also being some global obligations.
  • These special obligations, like other special
    obligations, are not strange but are morally

The Society-of-States Approach
  • The society-of-states approach argues that the
    international order is one made up of states and
    that states are the units of ethical
    consideration. Accordingly, states have moral
    duties to other states, not to individuals within
    those states. Moral duties that states are
    required to respect are those of
    non-interference, sovereignty and independence.
    Thus the society-of-states approach regards the
    international sphere as a moral sphere with its
    own rules of good conduct. What counts as
    morally good or right in the international sphere
    is different from what is good or right in the
    domestic sphere. Therefore, although both the
    international and the domestic realm are governed
    by moral rules, they are governed by different
    moral rules. In the domestic realm the unit of
    concern is the individual, and moral issues
    concern what is right or wrong for individuals
    in the global realm the unit of concern is the
    state and what is right or wrong for states,
    these are completely separate moral realms that
    respect quite different moral values (p. 89).
  • Objection Individuals already travel between
    states, take stands as consumers or workers
    across borders, and many existing communities
    (business, academic, scientific, religious,
    cultural) are transnational.

  • For a view to be cosmopolitan
  • the individual must be the key unit of ethical
  • all individuals/every individual must be
    equivalent units o ethical concern
  • it must apply globally
  • the primary focus is the political.

Versions of Cosmopolitanism
  • Weak Some moral obligations go beyond borders
    and apply to all persons.
  • Strong All moral obligations go beyond borders
    and apply to all persons.
  • Moral All individuals have equal moral status.
  • Institutional Global institutions, structures,
    and associations (not just individuals) are
    required to fulfill the obligations of global

Rawlss Theory of Justice
  • The original position
  • Two principles of justice
  • Features of these principles
  • Rawlss principles of international morality
  • Moellendorfs institutional cosmopolitanism
  • Brocks non-egalitarian cosmopolitanism
  • Pogges version of institutional cosmopolitanism

Rawls on the Original Position
  • Not an actual historical state of affairs but a
    thought experiment.
  • Participants are equal and make decisions about
    principles of justice behind a veil of
  • Such decisions are binding on all participants.

Rawlss Two Principles of Justice
  • The first principle of justice
  • Each person is to have an equal right to the
    most extensive scheme of equal basic liberties
    compatible with a similar scheme of liberties for
  • The second principle of justice
  • Social and economic inequalities are to be
    arranged so that they are both a) to be of the
    greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members
    of society (the difference principle) and b)
    offices and positions must be open to everyone
    under conditions of fair equality of

Features of Rawlss Principles of Justice
  • The first principle Equality of basic
    liberties of citizens
  • Political liberty (the right to vote and be
    eligible for public office)
  • Freedom of speech and assembly.
  • Liberty of conscience and freedom of thought.
  • Freedom of the person and the right to hold
  • Freedom from arbitrary arrest.
  • The second principle Fair distribution
  • Fair distribution of income and wealth
  • Fair organization of authority, responsibility,
    and chains of command and distribution of
    positions therein.

Rawlss Principles of International Morality
  • Peoples are free and independent, and their
    freedom and independence are to be respected by
    other peoples.
  • Peoples are to observe treaties and undertakings.
  • Peoples are equal and are parties to the
    agreements that bind them.
  • Peoples are to observe the duty of
    non-intervention (except to address grave
    violations of human rights).
  • Peoples have a right of self-defense, but no
    right to instigate war for reasons other than
  • Peoples are to honor human rights.
  • Peoples are to observe certain specified
    restrictions in the conduct of war.
  • Peoples have a duty to assist other peoples
    living under unfavourable conditions that prevent
    their having a just or decent political and
    social regime.

Moellendorfs Claims
  • About justice
  • Duties of justice are different from general
    moral duties.
  • Duties of justice are primarily institutional
    rather than between individuals.
  • Because duties of justice are institutional, they
    are often fulfilled indirectly.
  • Duties of justice occur within associations.
  • About global justice
  • For there to be global duties of justice, there
    must be an appropriate global association.
  • The global economic order is such an association.
  • Accordingly, there are global duties of justice.
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