Title: 1. Intro to the relational data model
11. Intro to the relational data model simple
SQL queries
1. What is a database? 2. What is a database
management system? 3. Tables 4. The relational
data model All data can be represented in the
form of tables. (Edgar Codd, 1970)
22. Querying a database with SQL
5. Simple SELECT queries 6. How does a database
system evaluate a query? 7. Some technical info
on simple SELECT queries 8. exercise 9. working
3Lecture 2
Aggregate and nested queries 10. Sorting the
output 11. Random selection 12. Boolean
connectives in the WHERE clause 13. Anomalies in
tables repeated rows 14. Anomalies in tables
null values 15. Set operators 16. Aggregation
410. Sorting the output
lastname SELECT FROM staff ORDER BY title
DESC, lastname
511. Random selection
612. Boolean connectives in the WHERE clause
SELECT FROM staff WHERE salarygt50000 AND NOT
title 'Prof' Precedence OR lt AND lt
NOT (Java ! ) Take care
when translating natural language into boolean
connectives in a query!
7Take care when translating natural language into
boolean connectives in a query! Examples of
tricky ones Do you want icecream or cake for
desert? In both Java and SQL you can have both
icecream and cake!!! If you mean exclusive or
(between picecream and qcake), you must make
that explicit p XOR q ? ....WHERE (p AND
NOT q) OR (NOT p AND q)
8Bring me all the blue books if they are in the
bottom shelf. q
p Translation word-by-word
Bring me all the blue books if they are in the
bottom shelf. Translation word-by-word
p gt q. equivalently, NOT p OR
q But what was meant in fact in the sentence?
p AND q Beware that natural language can be
ambiguous. Always check with your customers what
they really mean by what they say!
913. Anomalies in tables repeated rows
When entering data into the database Imagine a
payroll database with some accidentally repeated
rows... This is a source of problems! When
appropriate, the db system can be instructed to
check for identical repeated records by declaring
a (subset of) attribute(s) as UNIQUE. For the
output of a query SELECT DISTINCT title FROM
1014. Anomalies in tables null values
Null vales are better than fantasy values,
whenever the value of an attribute of an entry is
unknown. But, we need to be aware of its
effects. SELECT FROM staff WHERE officegt100
AND office lt 200 SELECT FROM staff WHERE
NOT(officegt100 AND office lt 200) Neither lists
staff whose office number is unknown! To list
those too, SELECT FROM staff WHERE officegt100
AND office lt 200 OR office IS NULL
11Logic with ltunknowngt works like this NOT
ltunknowngt ltunknowngt ltunknowngt AND TRUE
ltunknowngt ltunknowngt AND FALSE FALSE ltunknowngt
OR TRUE TRUE ltunknowngt OR FALSE ltunknowngt
When appropriate, NULL values can be banned for
an attribute at the creation of the table.
1215. Set operators
Warning these are time-consuming
operations SELECT lastname, firstname FROM staff
INTERSECT SELECT lastname, firstname FROM
regular_drug_users INTERSECT ALL UNION UNION
1316. Aggregation
extracting summary info COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG,
() FROM staff NULL values are ignored
17. Grouped aggregation 18. Nested queries 19. A
conflict between selection and grouping Exercise.
1517. Grouped aggregation
We have a table allmarks which has the following
attributes student, mark, bc. We want to know
the average mark for each individual course, as
this Course Code Avg mark --------------------
------------- 06-02324 60.4 .....
16SELECT bc AS Course Code, AVG(mark) AS Average
mark FROM allmarks GROUP BY bc It is
important to understand what is going on behind
the scene i) the table gets sorted by the 'bc'
field ii) it gets split apart into a list of
tables (blocks), each having identical value for
the field 'bc'. iii) each block gets squashed to
one line
17gt Any attribute that is mentioned in the SELECT
part must be either in GROUP BY or in an
aggregation operator! Check SELECT bc AS
Course Code, AVG(mark) AS Average mark FROM
allmarks GROUP BY bc
18gt When using GROUP BY, any attribute that is
mentioned in the SELECT part must be either in
GROUP BY or in an aggregation operator!
Check SELECT bc AS Course Code, AVG(mark) AS
Average mark FROM allmarks GROUP BY bc Q
How about if we know of another attribute that
also keeps constant within the groups defined in
GROUP BY above (e.g. cid)? - can we not select it
too? A Nope! some DB systems permit this but
its a source of mess! Note We can have
several attributes after GROUP BY. That will
create groups that have the concatenated values
of those attributes all the same within a group.
19...selection before or after GROUP BY
to filter the lines that go into grouping use
the WHERE clause SELECT bc AS Course Code,
AVG(mark) AS Average mark FROM allmarks WHERE
mark gt 0 GROUP BY bc
20...selection before or after GROUP BY
to filter the lines that come out of grouping
SELECT bc AS Course Code, AVG(mark) AS
Average mark FROM allmarks WHERE mark gt 0
GROUP BY bc HAVING COUNT() gt5 - What will
this query return? - What kind of condition can
we use in the HAVING construction?
2118. Nested queries
- remember that queries return tables - but SQL
lets us use them as values inside the WHERE
clause of another query - the conversion is done
by SQL silently SELECT lastname, firstname FROM
staff WHERE salary (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM
staff) Q what is the result of the inner
query? table with one col 1 row! Q what is
the result of this entire query?
22When the inner query returns more than one
line SELECT lastname, firstname FROM staff
WHERE sid IN (SELECT sid FROM lecturing) SELECT
year, numbers FROM lecturing WHERE (cid,
numbers) IN (SELECT cid, MAX(numbers) FROM
lecturing GROUP BY cid) Q what do these
queries search for ?
23SELECT lastname, firstname FROM staff WHERE sid
IN (SELECT sid FROM lecturing) searches for
those members of staff which were actually
involved in teaching SELECT year, numbers FROM
lecturing WHERE (cid, numbers) IN (SELECT cid,
MAX(numbers) FROM lecturing GROUP BY
cid) selects for each course the year(s) in
which enrolment was highest
24Other than '' and 'IN', we can also use 'EXISTS'
allmarks.bc courses.bc) searches for those
courses for which there are no marks in the
'allmarks' table
2519. Worked exampleA conflict between selection
and grouping
For each course, find the number of students that
failed the exam? SELECT bc AS Course Code,
COUNT() as Nr Failures FROM allmarks WHERE
mark lt 40 GROUP BY BC ??? but how about courses
with no failing? - those don't get listed To fix
this, we need to separately construct those
courses where everyone passed, put 0 for Nr
Failures, and take union.
26SELECT bc AS Course Code, COUNT() as Nr
Failures FROM allmarks WHERE mark lt 40 GROUP BY
as Nr Failures FROM allmarks WHERE bc NOT IN
FROM allmarks
WHERE mark lt 40)
27Finishing off review of SQL
21. Beyond single tables 22. How to use SQL to
extract information from more than one table 23.
How are multi-table queries evaluated 24. The
role of record identifiers (keys) 25. Using a
table more than once 26. Sub-queries in the
FROM field 27. Design pattern Finding a
maximum 28. Other operators 29. Expressivity of
2821. Beyond single tables
Database several tables Each table encodes a
single entity Different tables can have different
2922. How to use SQL to extract information from
more than one table
List all courses taught by Prof. Yung, without
using his sid. SELECT lecturing.cid FROM staff,
lecturing WHERE staff.firstname Achim
AND staff.lastname Jung AND staff.sid
30Further modify this to display course names
instead of cid SELECT courses.name FROM staff,
lecturing, courses WHERE staff.firstname
Achim AND staff.lastname Jung AND staff.sid
lecturing.sid AND lecturing.cidcourses.cid
3123. How are multi-table queries evaluated
All combinations of records from the three tables
are considered. We require identifier fields
(like cid and sid) to match, which narrows down
the number of hits. Imagine what would be the
result if you left out the WHERE cause? don't
try it out while other students are working with
the database system...!
3224. The role of record identifiers (keys)
We create a unique identifier for each record. We
use them to make the link between tables. (E.g.
teachers and courses) Whenever we need to refer
to a record from another table, we use that
identifier. Terminology unique identifier
'key'. We can declare keys when we set up the
database. So the system will check uniqueness.
33Terminology unique identifier 'key' Inside
that table we call it 'primary key' We can have
several fields that are unique to a record. We
call those 'secondary key'. E.g. in courses,
cid is primary cay, bc is secondary key. Keys
allow us to refer to entities (which are more
fully described in their own table) compactly.
When we do so from another table, the key is
called 'foreign'. E.g. sid is primary key in
staff, but occurs as foreign key in lecturing.
3425. Using a table more than once
The system searches line by line. How can we then
compare one record with another one? Which
courses changed lecturer from 2002 to
2003? SELECT l2.cid FROM lecturing AS l1,
lecturing AS l2 WHERE l1.cid l2.cid AND l1.year
2002 AND l2.year 2003 AND l1.sid ltgt
l2.sid (Another way would be via a subquery in
the WHERE part as in last lecture.)
3526. Sub-queries in the FROM field
SELECT courses.name, AVG(temp.numbers) FROM
courses, (SELECT DISTINCT cid, numbers FROM
lecturing) AS temp WHERE courses.cid
temp.cid GROUP BY courses.cid, courses.name Cal
culates the average number of students on each
course, avoiding the problem of repeated entries
3627. A design pattern to remember Finding a
We want to know not just the maximum, but also
some details of the row where the maximum occurs.
E.g. who earns the maximum salary? Wrong
(why?) SELECT lastname, MAX(salary) FROM
staff Correct SELECT lastname, salary FROM
staff WHERE salary (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM
3728. Other operators
We walked through the main features of SQL. There
are many more. The main ones should allow you to
be able to consult a book when you need to use
more features. Examples type casting pretty
printing rounding
3829. Expressivity of SQL
Q Can every query be formulated in SQL? A
No. A Among those that can be, some are quite
cumbersome. A In majority of practical
applications, the queries expressing the query is
39Relational Algebra
30. What Why 31. Relation schemas 32. The
basic operators 33. Examples
4030. What Why
Codd data tables query table ? table We saw
a language to specify such computations SQL -
most widely used - but not the most convenient
41Want - language of a few basic operators -
combination sufficient to express all
4231. Relation schemas
Tables ('relations') domain of interest in
relational algebra the analogue of numbers for
high school algebra But unlike numbers, tables
come in various shapes... Solution schemas
4332. The basic relational algebra operators
Selection Projection Renaming Natural join Other
4433. Examples
Translate the following into relational algebraic
expressions 1. SELECT lastname FROM staff
WHERE titleProf
4533. Examples
Translate the following into relational algebraic
expressions 2. SELECT s.name, l.cid FROM
staff AS s, lecturing AS l WHERE s.sid
4633. Examples
Translate the following into relational algebraic
expressions 3. SELECT s.lastname, c.name
FROM staff AS s, lecturing AS l, courses AS c
WHERE s.sid l.sid AND l.cid c.cid
4733. Examples
Translate the following into relational algebraic
expressions 4. SELECT l2.cid FROM
lecturing AS l1, lecturing AS l2 WHERE
l1.cid l2.cid AND l1.year 2002 AND
l2.year 2003 AND l1.sid ltgt l2.sid