Title: US%20Midwest%20versus%20Africa,%20Asia%20
1US Midwest versus Africa, Asia Latin Americain
the 19th Century
- Global Environmental issues
2Smallpox epidemic
Death by disease during the Conquest of Mexico
3Classic Statement of the Triangle Trade Mexico,
and The Conquest, must be understood as part of
an early wave of globalization during the 16th
4Biodiversity severely reduced In Carribean
Biodiversity reduced in places
Biodiversity conserved In Africa
5Midwestern Railways 1861
6African Railways 1890
7Midwestern Grain Traders Chicago c. 19th Century
From William Cronon, Natures Metropolis
8Chicago 19th C. Lumber District
Michigan North Woods
9Scramble for Africa, 1880-1914
10Expansion into Asia, 1800-1939
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