Title: 9-22-14 - Sketchbook
19-22-14 - Sketchbook1 - Using a pencil, draw a
shaded sphere similar to the one below. Make sure
to label the light source, highlight and cast
shadow.2 - Photoshop Intro
continued! Value and shading using brushes 3D
tools - repousse from selection/text and render
from layer
light source
2In-Class Assignments for PhotoShop (you will be
saving these in your student home)1 - Veggie
Man Assignment save as yourname_veggie.psd2 -
Montage save as yourname_montage.psd3 -
Elements and Principles (5 each) save each as
yourname_line.psd yourname_shape.psd etc4
- 3D ball rendering (together in class) save as
yourname_ball.psd5 - 3D rendering - using 3D
tools (have fun!) save as yourname_3d.psd
We will convert ALL to jpg (web-ready files) next
class,but ALWAYS KEEP your psd files!
3In-Class Assignments for PhotoShop (you will be
saving these in your student home)Veggie Man
Assignment (Photoshop Assignment 1) -
(Advanced optionlandscape/cityscape)- create
a character using veggies (use at least 6
different ones)- selections must be clean! (not
chunky)- use layers- have fun! Be
4In-Class Assignments for PhotoShop Veggie Man
5In-Class Assignments for PhotoShop (you will be
saving these in your student home)Montage
Assignment (Photoshop Assignment 2) - - begin
with a background image (min 5 max 8 in each
direction - use image/canvas/crop to resize if
needed)(can use diary/notebook image, but not
required)- must use at least 5 images- must
use opacity, image adjustments (ex hue) and
transform (ex resize/rotate) your images- use
layers- have good, clean selections- have
images or a theme that relates to your interests
6Examples for Photoshop Assignment 2 - Montage -
7Example for Photoshop Assignment 2 - Montage
8Example for Photoshop Assignment 2 - Montage
9Example for Photoshop Assignment 2 - Montage
10Example for Photoshop Assignment 2 - Montage
11Elements and Principles (Photoshop Assignment 3)
- photoshop visual definitions create them
for 5 elements and 5 principles file size 3 x
3 (at 150ppi)
PrinciplesBalanceEmphasis Focal
12In Class Assignment 4Examples of Elements and
Principles (in Photoshop)