MobiQuery: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MobiQuery: A Spatiotemporal Query Service for Mobile Users in Sensor Networks Chenyang Lu, Guoliang Xing, Octav Chipara Chien-Liang Fok, and Sangeeta Bhattacharya – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MobiQuery:

MobiQuery A Spatiotemporal Query Service for
Mobile Users in Sensor Networks
Chenyang Lu, Guoliang Xing, Octav
Chipara Chien-Liang Fok, and Sangeeta
  • Motivation
  • Design
  • Analysis
  • Simulations
  • Demo

  • Supporting query from users is one of the most
    important function of sensor networks
  • Existing solutions
  • Fixed query areas, fixed user directed
    diffusion, TinyDB
  • Fixed areas, mobile user TTDD, SEAD
  • Query from mobile users in mission-critical
    applications has not been addressed
  • Mobile users and moving query areas
  • Stringent real-time requirement

Mission-Critical Applications
  • Coordinate fireman efforts to put out wildfires
  • Search and rescue missions
  • Robotic motion planning in hazardous environments

Query fresh data from surrounding sensors
Problem Formulation
  • Example Update a temperature map within 100m
    every 2s. Data can be at most 1s old.
  • Spatial constraint
  • Query area range of 100m
  • all and only the sensors within the query area
    should respond to the query
  • Query area moves with the user
  • Temporal constraints
  • Query period 2s
  • results must be delivered before end of current
  • Data freshness 1s

  • Low duty cycle
  • Mica2 lifetime of 450 days ? 1 duty cycle
  • High wakeup delay
  • Scarce resources
  • Require low storage cost, comm. overhead and
    network contention
  • Trivial solution does not work!
  • User issues a query at the beginning of each
    query period
  • 1 duty cycle active for 150ms in every 15s
  • Wakeup delay 0 14.85s
  • Many nodes cannot be woken up and respond

MobiQuery Approach
  • Motion prediction
  • Calculate future pickup points where the user
    expects a query result, based on a user motion
  • Prefetching
  • Send prefetch msgs to future pickup points at the
    right time
  • Query dissemination
  • Forwarn sleeping nodes and create a routing tree
  • Data collection
  • Sleeping nodes wake up at scheduled time and send
    data to user via the tree

Uninvolved nodes
Collector node
Active nodes
Forewarned nodes
Routing tree
  • Network runs a power management protocol
  • Maintain a backbone of active nodes
  • Bound the comm. delay between any two nodes
    within the order of a duty cycle
  • Examples CCP, SPAN, GAF
  • MobiQuery can work without backbones with slight
  • Every node knows its location
  • Nodes have synchronized clocks

Generation of Motion Profiles
  • Motion prediction
  • Predict future path based on movement history
  • Motion profile available after actual movement
  • Motion planning
  • Robots plan their paths in advance based on map
  • Motion profile available before actual movement
  • Advance time of a motion profile
  • How early a motion profile available before the
    actual movement positive for motion planning,
    negative for motion prediction
  • Affect the performance of prefetching

  • Greedy prefetching
  • Send a prefetch msg to future pickup points ASAP
  • Many routing trees set up simultaneously
  • Just-in-time prefetching
  • Send a prefetch msg to a future pickup point at
    the right time
  • Only a few trees being set up simultaneously
  • Advantages of JIT prefectching
  • Reduce the network contention
  • Reduce storage cost
  • Reduce the cost caused by user motion changes

Query Dissemination
  • The node receiving a prefetch msg distributes the
    query to all nodes in query area
  • A tree is set up during query dissemination
  • Sleeping nodes are restricted to be leaves
  • Wake up when user arrives
  • Resume sleeping after collecting sending data

Data Collection
  • Must finish within Tfresh due to data freshness
  • Parent nodes wait for results from children to
    enable data aggregation
  • May miss query deadline due to child failures
  • Solution based on timeouts
  • Each node sends results received so far when
  • Leaf nodes send results at Tfresh before query
  • Nodes closer to the root have later timeouts
  • Query results always meet deadline due to the
    timeouts, possibly with incomplete results

Prefetch Forwarding Time
  • When (K-1)th collector node to forward a prefetch
    msg to Kth pickup point
  • Must ensure the query deadline KTp to be met
  • Delay the forwarding to reduce storage time of
    query states in the Kth query area
  • Time costs between the prefetch msg is sent and
    Kth query deadline
  • Msg travels between two pickup points Ttravel
  • Sets up the tree in a query area Ttree
  • Collects data Tcollect

Prefetch Forwarding Time Illustration
Prefetch Forwarding Time
  • Kth query deadline will be met if forward before
  • KTp (Ttravel Ttree Tcollect)
  • Timing analysis
  • Ttravel lt Tp since the msg must travel faster
    than the user
  • Tcollect lt Tfresh due to data freshness
  • Ttree wakeup delay broadcast delay from root
    to furthest node in a query area
  • Assume broadcast delay data collection delay
  • Justified by the similarity between tree setup
    and data collection
  • Ttree lt sleep period Tsleep Tfresh
  • Hence Kth query deadline will be met if forward
  • (K-1)Tp Tsleep 2Tfresh

Warmup Interval
  • When the user changes its path
  • it may be too late to wake up all the nodes in
    first several query areas on the new path
  • Prefetch forwarding time has passed
  • Temporally suffer from poor performance
  • Prefetch msg is forwarded asap to catch up
  • Resume just-in-time prefetching at some collector
    node when
  • Current time lt prefetching forwarding time

Warmup Interval
  • Suppose a new motion profile received Ta seconds
    before the motion change
  • Suppose warmup interval lasts K query periods
  • Time to take prefetch msg to reach kth pickup
    point is Tprf vusr(KTpTa)/vprf
    -- (a)
  • Query deadlines are not met during warmup
  • Time to take user to reach Kth pickup point lt
    Tprf tree setup time data collection time ?
  • KTpTaltTprfTtreeTfresh
  • Solving K from (a) and (b) K Tsleep 2Tfresh
  • How early a new motion profile is available
    before actual motion change is important to the

Storage Cost
  • Storage cost during T seconds proportional to
  • States of a query max num of routing trees
    being set up concurrently within T
  • Analyze num of routing trees only
  • Greedy prefetching
  • Intuitively depends on the speeds of msg and user
  • Proportional to T (1-vusr/vprf)
  • Proportional to duration of query
  • Just-in-time prefetching
  • Only depend on query parameters
  • Roughly proportional to (Tsleep2Tfresh)/Tp
  • Independent from duration of query

Network Contention
  • Greedy prefetching causes high network contention
  • Set up as many routing trees as possible at the
    same time
  • Worse when adjacent query areas overlap
  • Just-in-time prefetching causes much lower
    network contention
  • Just-in-time prefetching delays the setup
    processes of adjacent trees

Simulation Results
  • Metrics
  • Data fidelity ratio of the num of nodes that
    contribute to a query result to the total num of
    nodes in a query area
  • Success ratio ratio of the num of queries that
    meet deadlines and have data fidelity above a
    threshold, to the total num of queries
  • The threshold of data fidelity set to 95

Performance under Accurate Motion Profile
  • No-prefetching (NP) user issues a query at the
    beginning of each query period

Dynamic Behavior
  • Greedy prefetching has high jitter due to network
  • Impropriate for mission-critical applications

Warmup interval
Performance under Imperfect Motion Prediction
  • Effect of advance time of a motion profile
  • Warmup proportional to Tsleep Ta, consistent to
    the analysis

Effect of Motion Changes and Location Errors
Effect of Motion Changes and Location Errors
  • Motion changes have little effect when advance
    time is positive
  • Performance drops with num of motion changes when
    advance time is negative
  • Error in user position
  • Lead to inaccurate motion prediction
  • Over 85 of queries succeed even when the user
    changes his motion pattern every 70s and location
    error is 10m

  • A sptiotemporal query service
  • Meet stringent spatiotemporal constraints through
    just-in-time prefetching
  • Can handle extreme low duty cycles
  • Can handle imperfect motion prediction schemes
  • Analysis to practical issues
  • Network storage, network contention, warmup

  • Simple topology creation scheme
  • Create a routing tree in each query area
  • High comm. cost and network contention
  • Solution Incremental tree maintenance
  • Dependence on motion profile
  • Movement pattern may be highly unpredictable
    (e.g., invader pursuer game)
  • Solution Omni-directional prefetching
  • Only simulation results
  • Solution MQ demo and prototype is working now!

Results on 18 Mica2 motes
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