Title: Stages of Development
1Stages of Development
- To know the stages of development, and their
associated characteristics. - To understand that countries are categorized by
their economic development.
- Africa (33)
- 1 Angola
- 18 Madagascar
- 2 Benin
- 19 Malawi
- Burkina Faso
- 20 Mali
- 4 Burundi
- 21 Mauritania
- 5 Central African Republic
- 22 Mozambique
- 6 Chad
- 23 Niger
- 7 Comoros
- 24 Rwanda
- 8 Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 25 São Tomé and PrÃncipe
Asia (15) Â 1 Afghanistan 9 Nepal 2
Bangladesh 10 Samoa 3 Bhutan 11 Solomon
Islands 4 Cambodia 12 Timor-Leste 5
Kiribati 13 Tuvalu 6 Lao Peoples
Democratic Republic 14 Vanuatu 7 Maldives
15 Yemen 8 Myanmar
9 Djibouti 26 Senegal 10 Equatorial
Guinea 27 Sierra Leone 11 Eritrea 28
Somalia 12 Ethiopia 29 Sudan 13 Gambia 30
Togo 14 Guinea 31 Uganda 15 Guinea-Bissau 32
United Republic of Tanzania 16 Lesotho 33
Zambia 17 Liberia
What on earth are LDCs?
- LDC's are characterized by a marginal physical
environment. - The countries that fall into this category are,
most of African - countries, and many of thee Asian countries.
- The LDC countries have the following
characteristics - Little to no build-up of agriculture
- Low energy production and consumption
- Subsistance farming (farm only for themselves)
- Large percentage of the population is under 15
(causing a high birthrate because a large
percentage of the population is entering it's
"reproductive stage") - Infant mortality rate is high
- Poorly developed trade and transportation
- Poor medical facilities
- High illiteracy and unemployment rates
- GNP is under 3,000 per year.
- NICs are countries whose economies have not yet
reached - MEDC status but are out developing similar
countries. NICs are - usually undergoing rapid economic growth (usually
export - oriented).
- NICs usually share some other common features,
including - Increased civil rights
- Strong political leaders.
- A switch from agricultural to industrial
economies - Increasingly free trade with countries in the
world. - Large international corporations setting up in
the country. - Lowered poverty rates.
- NICs often receive support from outside
organisations or other countries.
5Stages of Economic Development
- Stage 1 The traditional society
- Stage 2 The preconditions for takeoff
- Stage 3 The takeoff
- Stage 4 The drive to maturity
- Stage 5 The age of high mass consumption
- The United Nations groups countries into three
categories - MDCs (more-developed countries)
- LDCs (less-developed countries)
- LLDCs (least-developed countries)
- Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) - Countries
that are experiencing rapid economic expansion
and industrialization and do not exactly fit as
LDCs or MDCs
6Stages of Development
- The United Nations groups countries into three
categories - MEDCs (more economically developed countries)
- LEDCs (less economically developed countries)
- LDCs (leastdeveloped countries)
- NICs (newly industrialized countries) - are
experiencing rapid economic expansion and
industrialization and do not exactly fit as LDCs
or MDCs
7Rostow Model
8Rostows Model
- What is Rostows model based on?
- What is its most important purpose?
- Discuss in pairs the 5 stages through which all
developing societies must pass, based on his
model for feedback
9 Click the link ROSTOWS MODEL