Title: Leaching from Maize in Denmark
1Leaching from Maize in Denmark
2High level of animal manure
3Nitrate conc. in cont. maizecoarse sand, 540 mm
drain, 2009
A3 Maize,220 N/ha
C1 Maize Ryegrass, 220 N/ha
A1 Maize, 100 N/ha
C1 Maize ryegrass, 100 N/ha
4Weak Perennial Ryegrass sown 20. June, photo late
5To strong Red Fescue, sown with maize, photo late
6Leaching kg N/ha in maize after G/C
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8When excess of nitrogen after grass/clover the
leaching is increaseed considerably when
applying extra nitrogen. Undersown grasses
reduces the leaching considerably
928 reduction
56 reduc- tion
Undersown grasses reduces the leaching
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11Typically maize silage remove more N then applied
12- - Maize grown after grass/clover is not
influensed by undersown grasses. - Up to 1/3 yield loss in silage maize grown after
maize or - grain (low mineralizatiion), when ½
N-fertilization and - undersown with a well developed red fescue
13Low yield reponse in maize grown after
- Grasses undersown in maize reduces leaching.
- It is difficult to get the optimal balance
between maize and grasses. - Grasses wanted
- -with high N-uptake capacity
- -no depression on maize yield
- Maize after grass/clover is not affected by N or
undersown grasses - Maize after maize(grain) can be strong reduced be
competion from undersown grasses
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18Herbiside affects Braccica, photo 23. June
Foto ISK Formyre d 1/11-2009
Foto ISK Formyre d. 1/11-2009
20Poa annua makes problems ISK, Foulumgaard d. 19/6
21ISK, Foulumgaard d. 28/7-09
Radrensning lykkedes fint, men kvik !
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