Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life


Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life

Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life
4 Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life
  • 4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
    Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • 4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • 4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life
  • 4.4 How Did the First Cells Originate?

4 Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life
About 7,000 cheetahs survive in the world today.
The genomes (DNA) of all cheetahs are extremely
similar, suggesting that they all derive from a
few individuals that survived an event that
almost wiped out their species.
Opening Question Can DNA analysis be used in the
conservation and expansion of the cheetah
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Nucleic acids are polymers specialized for the
    storage, transmission, and use of genetic
  • DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
  • RNA ribonucleic acid

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Nucleotides are the monomers that make up nucleic
  • Nucleotides consist of a pentose sugar, a
    phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base.
  • A nucleoside consists only of a pentose sugar and
    a nitrogenous base.

Figure 4.1 Nucleotides Have Three Components
Figure 3.16 Monosaccharides Are Simple Sugars
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • RNA contains the sugar ribose.
  • DNA contains deoxyribose.

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Nucleotides are linked together in condensation
    reactions to form phosphodiester linkages.
  • The phosphate groups link carbon 3' in one sugar
    to carbon 5' in another sugar.
  • Nucleic acids are said to grow in the 5'-to-3'

Figure 4.2 Linking Nucleotides Together
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Oligonucleotides (about 20 monomers) RNA
    primers to start DNA duplication, RNA that
    regulates gene expression, etc.
  • Polynucleotides, or nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
    can be very longup to millions of monomers.

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • DNA bases
  • Adenine (A)
  • Cytosine (C)
  • Guanine (G)
  • Thymine (T)
  • RNA has uracil (U) instead of thymine.

Table 4.1
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Complementary base pairing purines pair with
    pyrimidines by hydrogen bonds.

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • RNA is single-stranded, but base pairing occurs
    between different regions of the molecule.
  • Base pairing determines the three-dimensional
    shape of some RNA molecules.
  • Complementary base pairing can also take place
    between RNA and DNA.

Figure 4.3 RNA
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • The two strands of a DNA molecule form a double
  • All DNA molecules have the same structure
    diversity lies in the sequence of base pairs.
  • DNA is an informational molecule information is
    encoded in the sequences of bases.

Figure 4.4 DNA
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • DNA transmits information in two ways
  • DNA can reproduce itself (replication).
  • DNA sequences can be copied into RNA
    (transcription). The RNA can specify a sequence
    of amino acids in a polypeptide (translation).

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Transcription plus translation expression

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • DNA replication and transcription depend on base
  • DNA replication involves the entire molecule,
    but only relatively small sections of the DNA are
    transcribed into RNA.

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • The complete set of DNA in a living organism is
    called its genome.
  • Not all the information is needed at all times
    sequences of DNA that encode specific proteins
    are called genes.

Figure 4.5 DNA Replication and Transcription
4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • DNA carries hereditary information between
  • Determining the sequence of bases helps reveal
    evolutionary relationships.
  • The closest living relative of humans is the

4.1 What Are the Chemical Structures and
Functions of Nucleic Acids?
  • Other roles for nucleotides
  • ATPenergy transducer in biochemical reactions
  • GTPenergy source in protein synthesis
  • cAMPessential to the action of hormones and
    transmission of information in the nervous system

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • During the European Renaissance (14th to 17th
    centuries), most people thought that at least
    some forms of life arose repeatedly from
    inanimate or decaying matter by spontaneous

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • Francesco Redi first disproved spontaneous
    generation in 1668.

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • Experiments by Louis Pasteur showed that
    microorganisms can arise only from other

Figure 4.6 Disproving the Spontaneous Generation
of Life (Part 1)
Figure 4.6 Disproving the Spontaneous Generation
of Life (Part 2)
4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • But these experiments did not prove that
    spontaneous generation had never occurred.
  • Eons ago, conditions on Earth and in the
    atmosphere were vastly different.
  • About 4 billion years ago, chemical conditions,
    including the presence of water, became just
    right for life.

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • Two of the theories on the origin of life
  • Life came from outside Earth.
  • In 1969, fragments of a meteorite were found to
    contain molecules unique to life, including
    purines, pyrimidines, sugars, and ten amino
  • Evidence from other meteorites suggest that
    living organisms could possibly have reached
    Earth within a meteorite.

Figure 4.7 The Murchison Meteorite
4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • 2. Life arose on Earth through chemical
  • Chemical evolution conditions on primitive Earth
    led to formation of simple molecules (prebiotic
    synthesis) these molecules led to formation of
    life forms.
  • Scientists have experimented with reconstructing
    those primitive conditions.

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • Miller and Urey (1950s) set up an experiment with
    gases thought to have been present in Earths
    early atmosphere.
  • An electric spark simulated lightning as a source
    of energy to drive chemical reactions.
  • After several days, organic molecules had formed,
    including amino acids.

Figure 4.8 Miller and Urey Synthesized Prebiotic
Molecules in an Experimental Atmosphere (Part 1)
Figure 4.8 Miller and Urey Synthesized Prebiotic
Molecules in an Experimental Atmosphere (Part 2)
Working with Data 4.1 Could Biological Molecules
Have Been Formed from Chemicals Present in
Earths Early Atmosphere?
  • In the 1950s Miller and Urey experiments, the
    sources of energy impinging on Earth were

Working with Data 4.1 Could Biological Molecules
Have Been Formed from Chemicals Present in
Earths Early Atmosphere?
  • Question 1
  • Of the total energy from the sun, only a small
    fraction is in the ultraviolet range, less than
    250 nm.
  • What proportion of total solar energy is the
    energy with wavelengths below 250 nm?

Working with Data 4.1 Could Biological Molecules
Have Been Formed from Chemicals Present in
Earths Early Atmosphere?
  • Question 2
  • The molecules CH4, H2O, NH3, and CO2 absorb
    light at wavelengths of less than 200 nm.
  • What fraction of total solar radiation is in
    this range?

Working with Data 4.1 Could Biological Molecules
Have Been Formed from Chemicals Present in
Earths Early Atmosphere?
  • Question 3
  • Miller and Urey used electric discharges as
    their energy source.
  • What other sources of energy could be used in
    similar experiments?

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • In another experiment, Miller filled tubes with
    NH3, HCN, and water and kept them sealed at 78C
    for 27 years.
  • When opened, they contained amino acids and
    nucleotide bases.
  • Cold water within ice on ancient Earth or other
    planets may have allowed prebiotic synthesis of
    organic molecules.

4.2 How and Where Did the Small Molecules of Life
  • The Miller and Urey experiments sparked decades
    of research.
  • Ideas about Earths original atmosphere have
    changed volcanoes may have added CO2, N2, H2S,
    and SO2 to the atmosphere.
  • Adding these gases to the experimental atmosphere
    results in formation of more small organic

4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life Originate?
  • Conditions in which polymers might have been
    first synthesized
  • Solid mineral surfacessilicates within clay may
    have been catalysts
  • Hydrothermal ventsmetals as catalysts
  • Hot pools at ocean edgesconcentrated monomers
    favored polymerization (the primordial soup)

4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life Originate?
  • In living organisms, the many biochemical
    reactions require catalystsmolecules that speed
    up the reactions.
  • A key to the origin of life is the appearance of
    catalystsproteins called enzymes.

4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life Originate?
  • Proteins are synthesized from information
    contained in nucleic acids.
  • So which came first, nucleic acids or protein

4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life Originate?
  • RNA may have been the first catalyst.
  • The 3-D shape and other properties of some RNA
    molecules (ribozymes) are similar to enzymes.
  • RNA could have acted as a catalyst for its own
    replication and for synthesis of proteins. DNA
    could eventually have evolved from RNA.

Figure 4.9 The RNA World Hypothesis
4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life Originate?
  • Several lines of evidence support this RNA
    world hypothesis
  • Peptide linkages are catalyzed by ribozymes
  • In retroviruses, an enzyme called reverse
    transcriptase catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from

Figure 4.10 An Early Catalyst for Life?
4.3 How Did the Large Molecules of Life Originate?
  • Short, naturally occurring RNA molecules catalyze
    polymerization of nucleotides in experimental
  • An artificial ribozyme has been developed that
    can catalyze assembly of short RNAs into a longer
    molecule that is an exact copy of itself.

4.4 How Did the First Cells Originate?
  • The chemical reactions of metabolism and
    replication could not occur in a dilute aqueous
  • The compounds involved must have been
    concentrated in a compartment.
  • Today, living cells are separated from their
    environment by a membrane.

4.4 How Did the First Cells Originate?
  • In water, fatty acids will form a lipid bilayer
    around a compartment.
  • These protocells allow small molecules such as
    sugars and nucleotides to pass through.
  • If short nucleic acid strands capable of
    self-replication are placed inside protocells,
    nucleotides can enter and be incorporated into
    polynucleotide chains.

Figure 4.11 Protocells
4.4 How Did the First Cells Originate?
  • Protocells may be a reasonable model for the
    evolution of cells
  • They are organized systems of parts with
    substances interacting, in some cases
  • They have an interior that is distinct from the
    exterior environment.
  • They can self-replicate.

4.4 How Did the First Cells Originate?
  • In the 1990s, evidence of cells in rocks 3.5
    billion years old was found in Australia.
  • The cells were probably cyanobacteria (blue-green
    bacteria) that could perform photosynthesis.
  • Photosynthesis uses CO2, and leaves a specific
    ratio of carbon isotopes (13C12C), which were
    found in the fossils.

Figure 4.12 The Earliest Cells?
4.4 How Did the First Cells Originate?
  • It is plausible that it took about 500 million to
    a billion years from the formation of the Earth
    until the appearance of the first cells.

Figure 4.13 The Origin of Life
4 Answer to Opening Question
  • DNA sequencing allows conservation biologists to
    mate pairs of cheetahs with the greatest
    differences in DNA.
  • The offspring will thus have the greatest
    possible diversity of DNA.
  • Genetic homogeneity causes male cheetahs to have
    low sperm counts. Artificial insemination is used
    to overcome this problem.
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