Title: VLBI Observation for Spacecraft Navigation (NOZOMI)
1VLBI Observation for Spacecraft Navigation
(NOZOMI) Data Processing and Analysis Status
- M.Sekido, R.Ichikawa,H.Osaki,
- T.Kondo,Y.Koyama(CRL)
- M.Yoshikawa,T.Ohnishi(ISAS),
- W.Cannon, A.Novikov (SGL),
2Spacecraft Navigation with VLBI Motivation
- Required for increased accuracy for future space
missions - For landing, orbiting, saving energy
3NOZOMIs Earth Swing-by
- NOZOMI was launched in July 1998.
- Due to some troubles, new orbit plan with Earth
swing-by was proposed. - RRR observations were difficult in some period
4Japanese and Canadian VLBI Stations participated
in NOZOMI VLBI observations. ISAS,CRL,NAOJ,
GSI,Gifu Univ, Yamaguchi Univ. Hokkaido
Univ. SGL, NRCan supported.
Algonquin SGL NRCan
Tomakomai (Hokkaido Univ.)
Mizusawa (NAO)
Usuda (ISAS)
Gifu (Gifu Univ.)
Tsukuba (GSI)
Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi Univ.)
Koganei (CRL)
Kashima (CRL)
Kagoshima(ISAS) (uplink)
5For astrometry of S.C.Tasks to be done are
- VLBI for Finite distance radio source
- A New VLBI delay Model corresponding to the
CONSENSUS model. - Narrow band width signal
- Group delay or Phase delay
- Delay Resolution (nano/pico seconds)
- Ambiguity problem
- Data Processing and Analysis software
- IP-sampler boards recording to HD
- Software correlation Analysis software
6VLBI delay model for finite distance radio source
VLBI for finite distance radio source
Normal VLBI
(Fukuhisma 1993 AA)
7VLBI delay model for finite distance radio source
CONSENSUS MODEL (M.Eubanks 1991)
Finite Distance VLBI MODEL (Sekido Fukushima
8Analysis Procedure
- Compute a priori (delay, rate) (C) and partials
- We modified CALC9 for our use(finite VLBI).
- (Thanks to NASA/GSFC group for permission to
use) - Extracting Observable (tg, dtg/dt, tp)(O) with
software correlator. - Computing O-C and least square parameter
9Group Delay(Post-fit Residual)
Rate residual
Delay Residual
10Group Delay(Domestic Baselines)
June 4
Orbit motion
May 27
Origin is Orbit on May 27, which was Determined
by ISAS with RRR
Origin is Orbit on June 4.
11Phase delay
12Phase Delay Analysis
4 June 2003
Post Fit Delay Residual (sec)
13The OD(ISAS) is correct?
True delay rate is obtainable from Doppler data.
Then, is XYZ(OD) really correct? Or remaining
bugs in our analysis ?.
- NOZOMI VLBI observations were performed with
domestic and intercontinental baselines. - Finite VLBI delay model was derived.
- An analysis software is developed with that
delay model based on CALC9. - Preliminary astrometric SC coordinates were
obtained with Group/Phase delay observables. - Problem of inconsistency in the coordinates need
to be solved. - Solution with full baselines have to be obtained.
- Next stepSC Astrometry-gt Orbit estimation
Orbit of NOZOMI
16Group Delay(Range signal)
Observation mode 2MHz, 2bit
17Spacecraft Navigation with VLBI Motivation
- Required for increased accuracy for future space
missions - For landing, orbiting, saving energy
- JPL/NASA has been employed
- Japanese Space Agency (ISASNASDAJAXA)
- NOZOMI(Japanese Mars Explorer)
- Needs to support orbit determination with VLBI.
- Mission as our own Project
18Spacecraft Navigation
19ObservationIP-VLBI Sampler board
K5 VLBI System
- Sampling rate40k-16MHz
- Quantization bit 1-8bit
- 4ch/board
- 10MHz,1PPS inputs