Title: The Subtropical Sea Breeze
1The Subtropical Sea Breeze
John W. Nielsen-Gammon Texas AM University
- Preconceptions
- Observations
- Rotunno (1983) Theory
- Niino (1987) Theory
- Reconciling with Observations
- Modeling Implications
- At what time of day (local standard time) does
the sea breeze attain maximum strength? - 00 LST (midnight) 12 LST (noon) Need more
- 03 LST 15 LST info
- 06 LST (sunrise) 18 LST (sunset) Dont know
- 09 LST 21 LST
4Land/Sea Breeze, Israel Coast
Peak sea breeze 5 PM
Source Newman, 1977, JAS
Peak land breeze 5 AM
Latitude 31.6 N
5Standard Conceptual Model
from Hsu 1970 MWR
- Coordinate definitions
- u along-coast, land to left
- v toward land
7Surface Stations
8SRST2 C-MAN platform,Sabine, Texas
9SRST2 ubar,vbar (yellow, cyan)u, v (blue,
violet) August 2000
1042002, August 2000
11Sea Breeze
Land Breeze
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17Rotunno (1983)
- Linear theory
- Horizontal scale of sea breeze
- Dependence on f
18The Coriolis Force
- Caused by Earths rotation
- Accelerates air parcels to the right (in NH) of
their current motion - Force proportional to velocity
- If no other forces, parcel will trace a complete
circle - Force stronger ( circle faster) at high lats
19Equations of MotionLinear, hydrostatic,
- ut f v - px Fx
- vt f u Fy
- wt b -pz Fz
- bt N2 w Q
- ux wz 0
20Reduce to one equation for the two-dimensional
- N2 yxx yzztt f2 yzz - Qx
- Assume e-iwt time dependence
- N2 yxx (f2 w2) yzz - Qx
21N2 yxx (f2 w2) yzz - Qx
- Elliptic if (f2 w2) gt 0
- Latitudes greater than 30o
- Solution decays with distance from forcing
- Aspect ratio L NH/ (f2 w2)1/2
22Rotunno model imposed heating
23Streamfunction at middayhigh latitudes (f2
w2) gt 0
24N2 yxx (f2 w2) yzz - Qx
- Hyperbolic (wavelike solutions) if (f2 w2) lt
0 within 30o of equator
25Streamfunction at dawn low latitudes (f2 w2)
lt 0
26Streamfunction at midday low latitudes (f2
w2) lt 0
27Streamfunction at sunset low latitudes (f2
w2) lt 0
28Why the difference?
- Role of f as damping at high latitudes
- Undamped oscillations at low latitudes
29Magic Latitudes
- (f2 w2)1/2 is normally of order 7x10-5
- For typical H and N, L 150 km
- At 30/- 1 degrees, (f2 w2)1/2 is of order
2x10-5 - For typical H and N, L 500 km
30Phase relationships
- Inviscid case north of 30 In phase with heating
- Inviscid case south of 30 Out of phase with
heating - Add viscosity In quadrature with heating
31Phase relationships
Time of strongest sea breeze
Low latitudes
High latitudes
Increasing friction ?
32Niino (1987)
- Heating produced by vertical diffusion
- Prandtl number unity
- All vertical diffusion terms remain at leading
order - Really ugly equation
33Niino (1987)
- (d/dt k d2/dz2) (d/dt n d2/dz2)2 f2
d2b/dz2 - N2(d/dt n d2/dz2) d2b/dx2 0
- nmomentum diff., k heat diff.
- (reduces to Rotunno if k n 0)
34Niino (1987)
- Vertical scale (k/w)1/2
- Horizontal scale N/w (k/w)1/2 F(f)
- F(f) ranges from 0.7 (high latitudes) to 2.2 (low
35Niino with frictionmaximum onshore wind
High latitude
30 North
36Niino without frictionmaximum onshore wind
0 North
29.7 North
50 North
15 North
37Compromise (2000) Theory
- Viscosity matters in neutral boundary layer
- Viscosity important over land, not water
- Internal inertia-gravity waves extending to sea
- Seaward scale much larger than landward scale
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- Observations show sea-breeze-like oscillations
extending well into Gulf of Mexico - Observations show wavelike wind oscillations
above the boundary layer over land
40Summary (continued)
- Inviscid theory predicts large horizontal extent
near 30o - Viscous theory predicts limited (100 km)
horizontal extent everywhere - Compromise theory
- Viscous wavemaker over land
- Nearly inviscid waves over water
41Implications for Atmosphere
- Enhanced heat/moisture fluxes over water
- Diurnally-dependent transport over Gulf
- Layered diurnal dispersion of plumes over land
- Away from sea breeze front, simple oscillatory
42Implications for Air Quality Modeling
- Model must resolve freely-propagating waves
within and above the boundary layer - Vertical grid spacing?
- Horizontal grid boundaries?
- Spinup time?
43Future Directions
- Horizontal structure with profiler data
- Time-dependent viscosity over land
- Full MM5 simulation of sea breeze
- PBL parameterization?
- Vertical resolution?
- Role of basin shape?
- Supported by the state of Texas through the Texas
Air Research Center (but what I said is not
necessarily what they would say) - Profiler data Dick McNider
- Buoy data National Oceanographic and Atmospheric