Title: Presentation WG 2
1Republic of Albania Ministry of European
Integration (MEI)
- Presentation WG 2
- Managing EU Funds on the Regional Level
Regional Conference EU Perspectives and Current
Standing of the Countries in the Region in the
SAP Belgrade, 7-8th December 2005
2I. Neighbourhood Programmesin Albania (An
3- Cross-border programmes (strand A)
- Greece Albania
- Italy Adriatic (Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina,
Serbia Montenegro, Albania) - Italy - Albania
- Transnational programmes (strand B)
- CADSES (Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Czech
Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Slovak
Republic, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine,
Serbia Montenegro, former Yugoslav Republic of
Funding (2000-2006) EUR 90m ERDF EUR 6,6m
CARDS EC approval of NP 24 February 2005
5Greece-Albania Cross-border Programme
- Transport Infrastructure road and port
infrastructure, customs facilities border
control and security installations - Economic Development Promotion of Employment
measures to encourage cooperation between SMEs,
universities, protect and improve the natural
environment, the quality of public health
services and promotion of new employment
opportunities by introducing new technologies
Funding (2000-2006) EUR 50,5m ERDF EUR 6m
CARDS EC approval of NP 22 December 2004
7Italy-Adriatic Cross-border Programme
- Protection, promotion and exploitation of
environment, culture Infrastructure of the
cross border territory - Economic Integration of the cross-border
Productive systems interventions of
predominantly private interest, competitiveness
strengthening of the SME industry, handicraft,
tourism, agriculture and fishing - Actions to strengthen cooperation intervention
of systems to strengthen the institutions,
harmonisation of systems, promotion of democracy,
employment, security, social integration human
Funding (2000-2006) EUR 33,2m ERDF EUR 3m
CARDS NP not approved yet by EC
9Italy-Albania Cross-border Programme
- Transport, Communication Security improvement
of infrastructures, security systems and social
assistance services - Environment Health care protection, and
management of marine aquatic sensitive
ecosystems, sustainable development of natural
protected areas - Economic development Employment SMEs,
cooperation between universities research
centres and in the agriculture sector - Tourism, Cultural heritage Institutional
Funding (2000-2006) EUR 161m ERDF EUR 4,8m
CARDS EUR 5m TACIS 8m PHARE EC approval of NP
17 December 2004
11CADSES Transnational Programme
- Promotion of Spatial Development approaches
actions for Social Economic cohesion - Efficient sustainable Transport systems
Access to the Information Society - Promotion management of Landscape, Natural
Cultural heritage - Environment protection, Resource management
Risk prevention
12 II. Institutional aspects/ Management
structures/ Programme Implementation
13Neighbourhood ProgrammesINTERREG Cards
- NP Responsible Authorities
- EU Member States Managing Authority (Greece and
Italy) - CARDS Programme Co-ordination Unit (Ministry of
European Integration), Contracting Authority (EC
14Neighbourhood ProgrammesINTERREG - Cards
- NP Management Structures
- Joint programmes, joint management structures
- Joint Monitoring Committee
- Joint Selection Committee
- Joint Technical Secretariat
15Neighbourhood ProgrammesINTERREG - Cards
- Implementing Rules
- Neighbourhood Programme 2004-06 Implementing
Guidelines for INTERREG-CARDS/TACIS borders
issued by the Commission on 11 June 2004 - Single call for projects, single application,
single selection process, joint projects - Formal contracting process remains separate for
internal and external elements
16III. Managing EU Funds on the Regional Level in
Albania Problematic
17- Main Objective Ensure widespread involvement at
local level/ building of ownership - What has been done?
- Set up of national structures in central level
and TA requested for strengthening this structure
and supporting them in their role. - Dissemination of information through Info-Days,
web site in the Ministry of EI, materials in
written etc. - Establishment of a database on potential project
partners - Assistance upon request to the interested
18- Problems faced
- Lack of knowledge on project development in
general and specifically on these programmes
procedures (complexity etc) - Insufficient number of personnel working on
national (coordination) and local level. - Lack of necessary infrastructure for establishing
networking and communication - Lack of information during application phase
- Lack of continuous exchange of information among
the national structures in the respective
participant countries
19- Recommendations
- More intensive assistance with regard to select
credible, effective, genuine cross-border and
transnational co-operation projects - Strengthening of the structures with regard to
training, personnel, infrastructure etc. - Establishment of an effective collaboration
between the partner countries (management
structures) on organisational, functioning and
information on Programme implementation - Better coordination between sources of financing
(state budget and other donors)