Title: ??NSC????
Date2014?3?6?(?) 14301600
Speaker?? ??(????????)
Place??????? ????????????2??
5F??? ?(?12??7??)
TitleCollective dynamics of self-propelled soft
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Dynamics of interacting self-propelled objects
has attracted much attention recently from the
view point of nonlinear science and
nonequilibrium statistical physics 1. One of
the characteristic features of collective
dynamics is that homogeneous ordered state where
all the particles are traveling coherently to a
certain direction at a constant velocity becomes
unstable near the order-disorder transition point
and traveling bands appear in the matrix of the
disordered state 2. In my talk, I will
describe our recent study of interacting
self-propelled soft particles whose migration
velocity increases with increasing local density
3. By the word 都oft