Announcements *next two lab. sessions are Dictyostelium... The week after, there is no lab session and you. should be working on the lab report (50 points) ...
report on Dictyostelium differentiation is due. two weeks from today. *grading ... report will be the same. as for the photosynthesis one with the extra points ...
Dictyostelium Aggregation. How can pattern-formation inform cell ... Shaken up and down - tilt gives. rise to a horizontal velocity. Close-up view of chemotaxis ...
... Clark University (in collaboration with Richard Sucgang, Ph.D., Baylor College ... Entamoeba histolytica, a pathogenic human parasite, affects the gastrointestinal ...
Step 1. Sequence alignment between the genome sequence and cDNA ... 2 Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austria. 1. Introduction ...
... aggregation slug-like form migrates to form fruiting body spores by mitosis e.g. Dictyostelium discoideum Phylum Oomycota water molds/downy mildew ...
... o un pacemaker ma l intelligenza sociale diffusa in semplici regole dei singoli Le formiche Slime mold o Dictyostelium discoideum Le termiti Un ...
seldom see members of the group in nature. fructifications are inconspicuous, ... For an excellent website on Dictyostelium with mpegs. go to the following url: ...
group members names -decide who did not contribute enough ... subject of the presentation *there will be a quiz next week on Embryology. and Dictyostelium lab. ...
Challenges. Going from unicellular to multicellular 'Communication' between cells ... Photos of slime moulds. ...
FUNGUS-LIKE PROTISTS CHARACTERISTICS similar to fungi Appearance mode of nutrition non-photosynthetic life cycle mold-like and Ameba-like SLIME Molds Dominant stage ...
Using a Polarographic System to Study Mitochondria. Mitochondria in ... Clark Electrode. How the Electrode Works. Filling and Calibration. Adding Mitochondria ...
Lab 6 Various Protista Dictyosteliomycota Common name: Cellular slime molds Synonyms: Acrasiomycota (in part) Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive ...
Dictyostelid cellular slime molds use of cyclic AMP ... (slug) sorocarps. 4. 4. Dr. Kenneth Raper. First described in late 19th century. Mycologist for USDA ...
The chemical concentration is updated. Temporal Evolution of the Model. R Foty 1996 ... Thicker Slug with 2 different cell types, specific cell adhesion ...
Genes make up. only 3% of the genome. 30,000. Genome Sizes. Human 3.0 x 109 base pairs ... Expected number of contigs first increases, then decreases with coverage. ...
Drosophila melanogaster. Homo sapiens. Rhyzophidium sp. 136. Spizellomyces punctatus ... Loss of tRNA-Ile(CAU) but AUA remains Ile. Loss of tRNA-Arg(UCU) and ...
F-actin capping protein subunit (CAPZ ) F-actin capping protein a-2 ... Capping proteins that binds as a dimer to the barbed end of actin filaments and ...
Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint Author: defilippi Last modified by: defilippi Created Date: 4/9/2002 9:57:06 AM Document presentation format: Presentazione su schermo
Migration is a complex cycle requiring careful coordination of many cytoskeleton ... Isoforms exhibit unique phosphorylation events (Murakami et al., Biochemistry. ...
Protists are generally unicellular, but sometimes multicellular species. Most live in water, or places that have a watery film. Protists are all eukaryotic, their DNA ...
Eukaryotes Protista What do Eukaryotes have that Prokaryotes do not? Membrane-bound nucleus Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and endomembrane system Cytoskeleton Flagella ...
Shown is the concentration gradient of Ran-GTP produced by a mitotic cell. It demonstrates that the greatest concentrations appear in intra-chromosomal areas. ...
How to root the tree of life? 2: Make a tree of paralogs that ... Catabolism of fatty acids, glycerol and amino acids. - Some pathways are not mitochondrial. ...
Applicazioni del Caos e complessita LA SCIENZA DELLA COMPLESSITA' La scienza tradizionale si basa su un ragionamento riduzionistico per cui se sono noti tutti i ...
Lab 6 Various Protista Dictyosteliomycota Common name: Cellular slime molds Synonyms: Acrasiomycota (in part) Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive ...
Multicellular slug body migrates. towards a chemical gradient to the right. Eventually the slug culminates into. a fruiting body, with a spore, stalk and tip. ...
... cue-dependent cell polarization, we ... 3) Polarization angle direction of ... the average and dynamics of localization (not polarization) fairly well. ...