Title: Instructor: Churee Techawut
1Relational Algebra
Chapter 6
- Instructor Churee Techawut
CS (204)321 Database System I
- 1) Unary relational operations SELECT and
PROJECT - 2) Relational algebra operations from set theory
- 3) Binary relational operations JOIN and
DIVISION - 4) Additional relational operations
- 5) Examples of queries in relational algebra
3Unary relational operations SELECT
- The SELECT operation is used to select a subset
of the tuples from a relation that satisfy a
selection condition.
- Sigma s is used to denote the SELECT operator,
and the selection condition is a Boolean
expression specified on the attributes of
relation R.
- The result of relational operation is a relation.
- The degree of the relation resulting from a
SELECT operation is the same as that of R.
- The number of tuples in the resulting relation
is always less than or equal to the number of
tuples in R.
4Unary relational operations SELECT
- Clauses of selection condition
ltattribute namegtltcomparison opgtltconstant valuegt
ltattribute namegtltcomparison opgtltattribute namegt
- Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT can also be used
to form a selection condition
5Unary relational operations SELECT
- EX1 select the EMPLOYEE tuples whose department
is 4.
- EX2 select the EMPLOYEE tuples whose salary is
greater than 30,000.
- EX3 select the tuples for all employees who
either work in department 4 and make over 25,000
per year, or work in department 5 and make over
30,000 .
6Unary relational operations PROJECT
- The PROJECT operation is used to project the
relation over certain attributes of a relation.
- Pi p is used to present the PROJECT operator.
- The result of the PROJECT operation has only the
attributes specified in ltattribute listgt and in
the same order as they appear in the list.
- The degree of the relation that is equal to the
number of attributes in ltattribute listgt.
- Duplicate elimination if the attribute list
includes only nonkey attributes of R.
7Unary relational operations PROJECT
- EX4 list each employees last and first name
and salary.
- EX5 list each employees sex and salary.
8Sequences of operations and RENAME operation
- Two ways to write the relational algebra
(1) Write single relational algebra expression by
nesting the operations, or
(2) Apply one operation at a time and create
intermediate result relations.
- EX6 to retrieve the first name, last name, and
salary of all employees who work in department
number 5.
9Sequences of operations and RENAME operation
- RENAME operation can be used to rename the
attributes in the intermediate and result
- EX7 from EX1 with RENAME operation
10Sequences of operations and RENAME operation
- Rho ? is used to present the RENAME operator.
-------- (1)
-------- (2)
-------- (3)
(1) Rename both resulting relation name and
attribute names
(2) Rename only resulting relation name
(3) Rename only attribute names
11Relational algebra operations from set theory
- Use standard mathematical on sets and on two
union-compatible relations R and S
Combine tuples in R and S and then eliminate
duplicate tuples.
Include all tuples that are in both R and S.
Include all tuples that are in R but not in S.
12Relational algebra operations from set theory
- Rules for using these operators
- Note DIFFERENCE operation is not commutative
13Relational algebra operations from set theory
- Another set theoretic operation is CARTESIAN
- Relations on which it is applied do not have to
be union compatible.
- If R has nR tuples and S has nS tuples, then RxS
will have nR nS tuples.
14Relational algebra operations from set theory
- The operation is useful when followed by a
selection that matches values of attributes
coming from the component relations.
- EX8 to retrieve for each female employee a list
of the names of her dependents
15Binary relational operations JOIN
- The JOIN operation, denoted by
,is used to combine
related tuples from two relations into single
- The general form of a JOIN operation on two
relations is
- A general join condition is in the form
16Binary relational operations JOIN
- The main difference between CARTESIAN PRODUCT
and JOIN
17Binary relational operations JOIN
- Three kinds of JOIN operations
18Binary relational operations DIVISION
- The DIVISION operation is denoted as following
19Binary relational operations DIVISION
A a1 a2 a3 a4 a1 a3 a2 a3 a4 a1 a2 a3
B b1 b1 b1 b1 b2 b2 b3 b3 b3 b4 b4 b4
A a1 a2 a3
20Additional relational operations AGGREGATE
- Cannot be perform with the basic relational
algebra operations previously described.
(2) Use GROUPING to group tuples in a relation by
the value of some of their attributes and then
applying an AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS independently to
each group.
21Additional relational operations AGGREGATE
- Script F, , is used to present
is a list of attributes of the relation specified
in R.
is a list of
is an attribute of the relation specified in R.
- The resulting relation has the grouping
attributes plus one attribute for each element in
the function list.
22Additional relational operations AGGREGATE
- EX10 group employee tuples by DNO, and list the
number of employees in the department, and their
average salary.
23Examples of queries in relational algebra
- Query1 Retrieve the name and address of all
employees who work for the Research department.
Note The operation order is SELECT JOIN -
- Query2 Find the names of employees who work on
all the projects controlled by department number
- Query3 List the names of employees who have at
least one dependent.