Title: Functional evolution of bacterial genome
1Functional evolution of bacterial genome
- The Escherichia coli case
- Presentation of E. coli
- Genomes sequenced
- Genomic island
- Definition
- Roles
- Examples
- Tools for functional analysis
- Conclusion
3Escherichia coli
- Theodor Escherich (1857-1911), a German
pediatrician and bacteriologist discovered
Escherichia coli, which was named after him in
1919 - Gram-negative bacilli, facultatively anaerobic,
non motile or motile by peritrichous flagella
4E. coli the gram-negative model organism
- Catapulted to prominence by the discovery of
strain K-12s ability to carry out genetic
recombination by conjugation (Tatum, 1946) and by
generalized transduction (Lennox, 1955) - Easy to rear, small, cheap, rapid growth cycle,
short lived, genetically manipulable
5E. coli habitat
- Resident of animal intestinal tracts
- Well adapt to life in rivers, oceans and soils
- Can be found living at -2C in McMurdo Bay
(Antarctica) - Indicator of fecal pollution and water
Number of E. coli/ml water
6E. coli a versatile bacteria
- Commensal
- Use a probiotic
- Could be virulent
7E. coli as a commensal
- Intestinal tract of humans and many animal
species - Source of vitamin K and B-complex vitamins
- One of the first bacterial species to colonize
the infants intestine
8E. coli as a pathogen
- Intra intestinal infections iPEC
- Extra intestinal infections ExPEC
9E. coli as a probiotic
- E. coli strain Nissle 1917 (O6K5H1) forms the
basis of the probiotic preparation Mutaflor - used for treatment of various intestinal
disorders (Crohns disease) - successful colonizer of the human gut
- ETEC - enterotoxigenic E. coli (Cholera-like)
- EIEC - enteroinvasive E. coli (Shigella-like)
- EHEC - enterohemorrhagic E. coli (Hamburger
disease) - EPEC - enteropathogenic E. coli (Neonatal
diarrhea) - EAEC - Enteroaggregative E. coli
- DAEC - Diffuse adhering E. coli
- UPEC uropathogenic E. coli
- MENEC new born meningitis causing E. coli
- SEPEC septicemia-causing E. coli
- APEC avian pathogenic E. coli
- Serotyping scheme based on three types of antigen
- the somatic (O) antigen
- the capsular (K) antigen
- the flagellar (H) antigen
- Over 700 antigenic types
13E. coli genomes sequences
14K-12 genome sequences
- Independent efforts by American and Japanese
groups using two different strains of K-12
MG1655 and W3110 - These strains were diverged from the same
ancestral strain about 50 years ago - Slight but significant differences including the
large inversion involving the ribosomal RNA genes
15Genome sequencing
- First genome of E. coli that has been sequenced
MG1655, a commensal strain in 1997(The complete
genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12, Science
277 (5331), 1453-1474 (1997) ) - Determination of the complete E. coli sequence
has required almost 6 years
16General features of MG1655 genome
- 4,639,221-base pair
- 4288 protein-coding genes annotated
- Protein-coding genes account for 87.8 of the
17Status of annotation of E. coli gene products
18Genome of E. coli sequenced
- UPEC strain
- Welch et al., 2002, PNAS
19Genome of E. coli sequenced
- EHEC strains
- EDL933 (Perna et al., 2001, Nature)
- SaKai (Hayashi et al., 2001, DNA Research)
20Current E. coli genomes sequenced or in progress
Strains type Number of genes Length (bp) Numbers of contigs
B03 commensal 4387 4,629,810 1
MG1655 commensal 4,254 4,639,675 1
W3110 commensal 4,390 4,641,433 1
HS commensal 3,689 4,643,538 1
101NA1 EAEC 4,238 4,880,380 70
536 UPEC 4800 4,900,000 1
21Current E. coli genomes sequenced or in progress
Strains type Number of genes Length (bp) Numbers of contigs
E24377A ETEC 4,254 4,980,187 1
E2348 EPEC 4,594 5,072,200 4
RS218 NMEC 4,900 5,089,235 1
B7A ETEC 4,637 5,202,558 198
F11 UPEC 4,467 5,206,906 88
H10407 ETEC 5,000 5,208,000 225
22Current E. coli genomes sequenced or in progress
Strains type Number of genes Length (bp) Numbers of contigs
CFT073 UPEC 5,379 5,231,428 1
042 EAEC 4,899 5,241,977 2
53638 EIEC 4,783 5,289,471 119
B171 EPEC 4,467 5,299,753 159
E110019 Atypical EPEC 4,746 5,384,084 119
23Current E. coli genomes sequenced or in progress
Strains type Number of genes Length (bp) Numbers of contigs
SAKAI EHEC 5,361 5,498,450 1
E22 EPEC 4,788 5,516,160 109
EDL933 EHEC 5,349 5,289,471 1
24Undergoing project Coliscope
- Commensal IAI1 (serogroup O8)
- EAEC 55989
- UPEC IAI39 (serogroup 07)
- UPEC UMN026 (serogroup 017)
- Commensal ED1a (serogroup O81)
- MNEC S88 (serogroup O45)
25Average genome size
- From 4.62 Mb (Commensal isolates)
- To 5.28 Mb (Virulent isolates)
- Much of this diversity comes from bacteriophages
BUT - Presence of foreign DNA concept of genomic
island (GEIs)
26Genomic islands
27Definition of genomic island
- Concept of PAI (pathogenicity island) was founded
in the late 1980s by Jörg Hacker and colleagues
in Werner Goebel's group at the University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
28Common features of genomic island
- presence of virulence genes
- Specific presence in pathogens, absence in benign
relatives - Large distinct chromosomal regions (10 to 200 kb)
- Characteristic base composition different from
core genome - Insertion of PAI adjacent to tRNA genes
29Common features of genomic island
- Frequent association with mobile genetic
elements, i.e., presence of - DR
- Cryptic or functional integrase or
transposase - IS elements
- Chromosomally integrated conjugative transposons,
plasmids, and phages - Genetic instability (if functional mobility
elements are present) - Mosaic structures of several acquisitions
30GEIs can be involved in
- Pathogenicity
- Symbiosis
- Fitness
- Metabolism
- Resistance to xenobiotics
31Comparison between EHEC and K-12
- Common linear backbone of 4.1 Mb
- 1.34 Mb specific to EHEC (O-islands)
- 0.53 Mb specific to K-12 (K-islands)
32O-islands larger than 15 kb encoding factors
- LEE (locus of enterocyte effacement)
- Macrophage toxin and ClpB-like chaperone (IAHP
island) - RTX-like exoprotein and a transport system
33Contribution of mobile genetic elements to the
evolution of pathogenic E. coli
34One of the best studied PAI The LEE
- LEE locus of enterocyte effacement
- Present in enteropathogenic and
enterohaemmoragic strains - Encode a type III secretory system that injects
proteins into host cells to modulate function.
35A/E lesions caused by EPEC
36A/E lesions caused by EPEC
37A/E lesions caused by EPEC
38The TTSS
- Secretion and translocation of bacterial effector
proteins into and through the host cell membrane
39Identification and characterization of a genomic
island from an avian ExPEC strain
40Avian ExPEC
- Localized infection
- Respiratory diseases
- Some virulence factors identified
- Pathogenicity not fully understood
41tRNA target screening
- Design of primers after comparison of 4
completely sequenced strains (MG1655, CFT073,
EDL933 and Sakai) - PCR analysis
- Focus on some loci to identify the EcDNA inserted
(arbitrary PCR followed by a screening of a
genomic library)
42selC an integration hot spot
Strain PAI Length (kb) function
E.coli 536 (UPEC) PAI-I536 70 hemolysin
E.coli CFT073 (UPEC) GEI 68
E.coli E2348/69 (EPEC) LEE 35 Type III secretion, invasion
E.coli O157H7 (EHEC) LEE 43 Type III secretion, invasion
E.coli (ETEC) Tia PAI 46 invasion
S.flexneri SHI-2 ND Aerobactin synthesis, transport
S.enterica SPI-3 17 Invasion, survival in monocytes
- 49600pb inserted at selC. Mosaic structure 5
modules of genes - Presence of mobile genetic elements such as IS
elements, integrase gene and direct repeats
44Features of aec35 to 37
- aec35 360 aa putative transcriptional regulator
of the LacI regulator family (99 CFT073 C4494,
74 Yersinia pestis C092, Yersinia pestis Kim,
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) - aec36 452 aa putative MFS superfamily
hexuronate transporter (100 CFT073 C4495, 85
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) - aec37 795 aa putative a-glucosidase family 31
(100 CFT073 C4496 and C4497, 83 Yersinia
45Prevalence in other bacteria
46Role in virulence for chicken
- Deletion of 3 orfs aec35, aec36 and aec37 (5kb)
(Datsenko and Wanner, 2000) - Experimental reproduction of colibacillosis
- 2 inocula preparations
- cullture at 37C with shaking since OD600nm 0.6,
frozen at -70C - culture at 37C without neither shaking nor
47Experimental procedure
- Inoculation of 5.106 CFU (shaken inoculum) or 107
CFU (non shaken inoculum) to 3 weeks old SPF
chickens (12/set randomly constituted) into the
right thoracic air sac - Blood sampling at 24h and 48h p.i. and bacterial
numeration - 48h p.i., euthanasia, necropsy
- Lesion score determination
- Liver sampling and bacterial numeration
- Statistical analysis Wilcoxon-Mann-Withney (non
parametric test)
The mutant derivative is less bacteraemic than
the wt strain
49Liver colonization
The mutant derivative less colonized the liver in
comparison to the wt strain
50Lesions scores
No lesion score difference
51Conclusion (1)
- The ?aec35 to aec37 mutant induces same lesions
as the wt but is less bacteriaemic and is less
able to colonize liver - Involvement of these three orfs in the
pathogenicity of BEN2908 for chickens - Functional analysis of these three orfs
(determination of the sugar involved....)
52Phenotypic analysis of aec35, aec36 and aec37
- Reminder
- Protein identity
- aec35 putative transcriptional regulator LacI
family - aec36 putative MFS superfamily hexuronate
transporter - aec37 putative glucosidase family 31 of
glycosyl hydrolases - Phenotype Microarrays (Biolog Inc.)
- minimal media
- 190 carbon sources
- aerobic conditions 37C
- OD590 mesures (ELISA reader)
53Phenotypic micro arrays results
54Growth in minimal media
- M9 Supplemented by trehalose or galacturonate
- Growth followed during 24h in a Bioscreen
apparatus - The mutant has a two-fold lower growth rate
compared to the wt strain
55Conclusion (2)
- AGI-3 has all the features of a pathogenicity
island - Is involved in virulence
- Played a role in carbohydrate metabolism
56Tools for E. coli functional analysis
57- E. coli K-12 one of the best-characterized
organisms in molecular biology - Many key ressources for functional genomics and
systems biology of E. coli are still lacking
58Tools available for K-12 strains
- DNA microarrays transcriptome (available for
K-12, UPEC and development of patho-arrays) - The Keio collection mutants 3985 deletions (in
duplicate) of the K-12 strain strain BW25113 - The ASKA library (A complete Set of E. coli K-12
ORF Archive) - Metabolome
- Transcriptome of K-12 in various growth
conditions - Transcriptome of uropathogenic Escherichia coli
during urinary tract infection - Transcriptome of carbon utilisation in the mouse
- Many in vitro studies for K-12 strains
- Proteomic analysis of extracellular proteins from
E. coli W3110 - carbon source variation
- Response to stress
- Definition the full complement of metabolites
of an organism - The E. coli metabolome has been characterized
using the two-dimensional structures of 745
metabolites, obtained from the EcoCyc and KEGG
- E. coli is a versatile bacteria
- Many genomes of several E. coli strains are
available - Tools for functional analysis are developed
- A lot of data are available
- Three worlds exist in the field of E. coli
research (non pathogenic, intestinal pathogenic
and extra intestinal pathogenic strains)