Chapter 6 Date Warehousing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 Date Warehousing


6.1 6.2 6.3 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6 Date Warehousing

??? ?????????
  • 6.1 ?????????
  • 6.2 ????????????
  • 6.3 ??????????????

Chapter 6 Date Warehousing Data Mining
  • 6.1 Definitions of data warehousing data mining
  • 6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining
  • 6.3 Application of data mining in CRM

6.1 ?????????

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6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Background of Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Information features in the e-century
  • In E era, the amount of electrical data grows 1
    to 3 times per year.
  • only 7 of existing data are properly analyzed
    and applied.
  • Demand for information application data -gt
    information -gt knowledge -gt wisdom.
  • Goals
  • To assist organization in obtaining /
    generalizing / explaining /analyzing data.
  • Profit analysis / Relationship marketing /
    Customer management
  • Application domain customer contribution
    analysis / market segmentation / risk management
    / cross-sells analysis / product profile analysis
    / investment portfolio analysis

6.1 ?????????

  • ???????????????????,?????????????????
  • ??
  • ????????????????
  • ?????????????
  • ?????????????????
  • Provide the Right Information to the Right
    Persons at the Right Time.

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Definition of Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Definition The ability to rapidly analyze and
    synthesize enterprise data in order to improve
    its decision quality and business performance.
  • Features
  • Analyze business development trend.
  • Decision supports.
  • Provide the Right Information to the Right
    Persons at the Right Time.

BI techniques can provide statistical analysis,
data mining and analysis, and transform great
quantity of data into meaningful knowledge to
support the decision making.
6.1 ?????????

  • ???????,??Bottom-Up??????,???????,??????(Row
  • ??????,???????????????,????????????(Organized
  • ??????????(domain know-how),????????(Knowledge)?
  • ???????????,???????,????(Wisdom)?

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Evolution of BI (1)
  • In the organization, using the Bottom-Up process
    to collect and save the record that forms the Raw
  • On the basis of making a decision, selecting,
    reading, handling, analyzing the raw data the
    that obtain the Organized Information.
  • Merging with organized information and domain
    know-how of the company that transforms the
  • Added the experience of the decision-makers,
    fully utilized the knowledge that produce Wisdom.

The approach to constitute BI is Bottom-Up
6.1 ?????????

  • Data?????(?????)
  • Information ?????Data(?????)
  • Knowledge Information????(?????)
  • Wisdom ???????(???????)

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Evolution of BI (2)
  • Dataraw data (ex experiment data)
  • Information collection and arrangement of data
  • (ex experiment result)
  • Knowledge Integration of information and
  • (ex experiment conclusion)
  • Wisdom Heuristic knowledge
  • (ex application of experiment conclusion)

6.1 ?????????

  • ?????????????????????
  • ???????????/???????????,???????????
  • ????????????????,?????????????
  • ???????????????(Bottom-Up)???????
  • E?????????(1)????/???(2)????/??/??????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Application of BI (1)
  • The high-level executives often need deeper
    knowledge to make crucial decisions.
  • The application of e-technology can be used to
    improve (1) information extraction/understanding
    and (2)decision making /transaction.

The applications of BI are Top-Down processes
6.1 ?????????

  • ????????????????(DW?DM)
  • ??????IT?????????????????(KM)
  • ???????????????/????(GIS)
  • ??????????????,??????????(KM?VR)
  • ??????????????????
  • ?????????????????????????????(ERP?PM)
  • ??????????????????????(KM?PM)
  • ??/???????????????(CRM)
  • ?????????????????(CRM)

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Application of BI (2)
  • Data analysis Discover the trend and model of
    the great quantity data(DW?DM)
  • Intelligence disposition Apply IT solution for
    commerce analysis and knowledge extraction.(KM)
  • Geographical (spatial) analysis Integrate with
    business data and geographic or population
    information. (GIS)
  • Data Visualization Use of the GUI to view data
    and to support the optimal business decisions.

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
  • BSC (Balance Score Card) Inspect the performance
    of the managing of enterprise correctly.
  • Project management Fully grasp information in
    order to make decision of resource allocation and
    project choosing (ERP?PM).
  • Collaborative intelligence accumulation Use the
    staffs experience (KM?PM).
  • Business / marketing analysisFully control the
    sales data and trends (CRM).
  • Customer information analysisUnderstand
    customers behavior and preferences (CRM).

Application of BI (3)

6.1 ?????????

  • ??1????????,??????????,????????????
  • ?????
  • ????????
  • ???????
  • ??????
  • ??2??????????????????????,??????,?????????,??????
  • ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Definition of CRM
  • Definition 1 Through effective communication and
    understanding customer's behavior, enterprises
    can reach the connection and expand the customer
    source goal.
  • Increase new customer.
  • Take precautions against the existing customer
  • Improve customer's loyalty and the profit of the
  • Definition 2It is a kind of repeated course that
    changes customers information into customers
    positive relation. Using of information
    technology, strengthen the practicability and
    speed of administrative decision.
  • ConclusionCRM can offer more relevant
    information to CSR, MIS, sales, and executive
    about relation BI.

6.1 ?????????

  • CRM???????????????????????
  • CRM? ??????????????(????????),????????????????????
  • ???????????,???????????????????????
  • ??????????????????????????,??????????????
  • Note?????????
  • ????????????????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Topics of CRM
  • CRM should integrate all of the operations,
    members , transactions of the company.
  • Customer relationship of CRM is not only trade
    (products or the service), but expect customers
    purchase continually or other valued behaviors.
  • Communication must be two-way, integration, have
    records, management that make customer
    relationship is really exist.
  • Contact Center is the first step of CRM.

Integrate the concepts and technologies of BI
collection, extraction, analyze services
information effectively, support decision making
of the organization.
6.1 ?????????

BI?CRM?? (1)
  • ???????????????????,??/????,??????????????????
  • ????????????????,??????
  • ??E?????????(Transaction)??????,??????????????????
  • ??BI???????,???????????,???????
  • ?CRM????????????????????????(BI)???????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Relationship between BI and CRM (1)
  • Digital information includes various kinds of
    data that enterprises have accumulated for many
    years. Internal and external information and
    various types of accumulated experiences with
    customers or other enterprises
  • Most of enterprise information systems only deal
    with transactional data.
  • BI data mining helps better understand enterprise
    operational models and customers characteristics.
  • CRM integrates marketing and customer information
    systems and BI decision analysis systems.

6.1 ?????????

Source http//
Source http//
6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Relationship between BI and CRM (2)
Source http//
Source http//

Relationship between BI and CRM (3)

Button-Up collect related marketing, services
and customers data Top-Down strategies and
6.1 ?????????

Database Design
6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Steps of building and analyzing data of contact
Database Design
6.1 ?????????

  • ??????????????????????,??????????,????????????
  • ??????????????????,??????????????
  • ?????????????????????????????,?????????????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Database system application
  • Database is an IT application that collects and
    marshals various data, and then saving them by
    effective and organizational approach.
  • Database is widely used in various areas, i.e.,
    library management.

6.1 ?????????

  • File(??)???????????????????????????????????,?????
  • Record(??)
  • Field(??)
  • Character(??)
  • Entity(??)
  • Attribute(????????)
  • ????????,?Database???Record???Record?Field???,??Fi
    eld?????????,??Data Dictionary???????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Database system (DBMS) related vocabularies
  • File
  • Record
  • Field
  • Character
  • Entity
  • Attribute
  • A database system includes various Records that
    are form by Field. Field can be any data type,
    and using Data Dictionary to class the context.

6.1 ?????????

  • ????????
  • ????????
  • ????????
  • ??????
  • ???????????,????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

Bottleneck of file systems for data storage
  • Lack security of the data
  • Lack commonality of the data
  • Lack flexibility of the data
  • Repeat records
  • Hard to maintain the system because of tight
    linkages between data and programs.

6.1 ?????????

  • ????????????????????,????????????????????????????
  • ?????????????????,??????????
  • ???????????????????,????????????????????
  • ????????,????????????????????????????????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Advantages of database system for data storage
  • Storage, search, indexing capabilities
  • Extraction of information for different commerce
    applications. Generate the necessary reports.
  • Internet access.
  • Flexible search functions. Efficiently manage
    large amount of data.

6.1 ?????????

  • Selection????????????????(Row)?
  • Projection????????????(Column)?
  • Product????Table??,?Table 1?N Rows?I
    ColumnsTable 2?M Rows?J Columns,????????????NM
    Rows?IJ Columns??Table?
  • ??Table???N Rows?M Rows,?Union????NM

6.1 ?????????

  • Set Difference?????Relation???,?????Relation???,?R
  • Join???????????Field???Tuple??,??Tuple????????Tupl

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
Operations of database
  • Selection is choosing the pass muster Row from
  • Projection is moving out specific Column from
  • Product is the multiplication of two tables. If
    Table 1 has N rows, I columns, and Table 2 has M
    rows, J columns, then the product is a new table
    that has NM rows, IJ columns.
  • If two table is N rows, M rows respectively, then
    Union result is N M Rows .
  • Set Difference is to find that data exists in
    one Relation and not exists in another. The
    interaction of two Relations is A-(A-B).
  • Join is to combine with two mutual Fields.

6.1 ?????????

SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • SQL????????Relational Algebra?????????
  • ?????????????????????
  • ?IBM?1970???,????ANSI???
  • ???RDBMS???,SQL?????Table Schema??????????????
  • ?Create Table???????????Delete???Row?Insert

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining
SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • SQL standards for Structured Query Language and
    is developed according to Relational Algebra.
  • SQL is developed for allowing high level language
    to access the database.
  • SQL is developed by IBM in 1970 and is an ANSI
    standard language.
  • In addition to query the data of RDBMS, SQL can
    define the meaning of Table Schema, data built up
    and translation.
  • Ex Creating Table can set up data scheme and
    attribute, Delete can delete a row, Insert
    Into is added a row to a table.

6.1 ?????????

  • ?RDBMS?,??????????????????(Object-Oriented
    Database Management SystemOODBMS)?
  • ?OODBMS???,????????????,?????Object ID????
  • ??????????Object ID?Object Link??(??Join??)?
  • OODBMS??????Schema Querying(Run-Time Schema
  • ????Hybrid OO-Relational???????,????RDBMS?????????

6.1 Definitions of Data Warehousing Data Mining

  • Except RDBMS, DBM gradually develops
    OODBMS(Object-Oriented Database Management
    System) way.
  • In the OODBMS environment, all objects save in
    one space and tracking by Object ID and Object
  • OODBMS provides really time Schema
    Querying(Run-Time Schema Querying) to query
    Meta-Data of application object.
  • Using Hybrid OO-Relational database systems now
    is more, it offers the expression method with
    objects of RDBMS, pure OODBMS is comparatively
    used few.

6.2 ????????????

  • ???????????????????????
  • ??????????????-?????,?Entity-Relation
    Model(??ER Model)
  • ????????????????????????????,???????????????????
  • ???????????????????????DBMS?????,???????????????
  • ??????(Normalization)?????????????????,?????????
  • ??(Primary Key)????????(Key),??????(Primary

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Database design of the contact center
  • First Step The demand specification of DB
    should be clear out.
  • Second Step concept designbuild up
    Entity-Relation Model (ER-Model)
  • Third Step logic desgntransform into decided
    DBMS. (Ex the logic data model of RDBMS)
  • Fourth Step reality design transform the logic
    data model into hardware type of DBMS to decide
    data storage structure and search route.
  • Normalizationseek relation, and set up
    structural format.
  • Decide Primary KeyPrimary Key represents the
    characteristic of this table uniquly.

6.2 ????????????
ER Model??

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining
ER Model example

6.2 ????????????

  • ???????????,??????????????????,???????????
  • ????????????????,??????????(Extraction?Transformat
    ion?Loading, ETL)?????,??????????
  • ???????????
  • ???(?????????)
  • ???(?????????)
  • ????
  • ?????(??????)??????????

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Data Warehousing of a contact center (1)
  • Data Warehousing is to bring together
    information from multiple operation systems as to
    provide a consistent database source for decision
  • Collection of data by CSR (Customer Service
    representative) that is deal with extraction,
    transformation, loading, ETL and saving in the
    data base.
  • Data is the database should be
  • correctness
  • completeness
  • Integration
  • Classification according to translation (Ex
    customers, products).

6.2 ????????????

  • ??????????????,???????????
  • ??(Multi-Dimension)???????
  • ????(Client/Server Architecture)
  • ????(Middleware)
  • ???????(GUI)
  • ????(Replication)
  • ????(Parallel Processing)

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Data Warehousing of a contact center (2)
  • Data Warehouse is the base of Decision Support
    System (DSS) and the technologies are
    multi-dimension and complicated
  • Multi-Dimension Database Management System (DBMS)
  • Client / Server Architecture
  • Middleware softwre
  • GUI (Graphical user interface)
  • Replication
  • Parallel Processing

6.2 ????????????

  • ????
  • ????????
  • ??????
  • ?????????????
  • ??????????
  • ?????????????????

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Data Warehousing of a contact center (3)
  • Fundamental attributes
  • Classification according to translation
  • Integration of multiple data
  • Users can not change data without authorization
  • Data changes with time constantly
  • To help enterprise makes faster and better

6.2 ????????????

  • ???????????????????,???????????
  • ????????,?????????
  • ???????????,?????????????
  • ??????????????,???????
  • ??????????,?????????????????
  • ??????????????
  • ??????????????

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Data Warehousing of a contact center (4)
  • Whether construction the data warehousing project
    is succeeded and obtained its benefit, there are
    some essential factors that should have high
    dependence as following
  • Set up the support department and support the
    projects to carry out.
  • Define the clear goal and demand range and let
    the data warehousing platform accord with the
  • It should have the high-level executive support,
    a good trans-departmental communicative channel,
    and setting up the corporate accountability.
  • The data warehousing platform must possesses
    opening, expanding, stable, attributes, keeping
    the same interface specification of the front
    system .

6.2 ????????????

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Data Warehousing Process
6.2 ????????????

  • ????????????????????????
  • ????????????????????????????????
  • ??????????????
  • ???????????????Data Mining?OLAP????????
  • ???????????????

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining

Benefits of data warehousing
  • Promote the operation ability and analysis
    efficiency of the system for users.
  • Train enterprises the ability of obtaining
    information rapidly, shorten the reflect time of
    executive .
  • Strengthen enterprise's information
    centralization and integration ability.
  • Offer a new approach of analysis to enterprises,
    support analysis tasks , such as Data Mining ,
    OLAP ,etc..
  • Improve enterprises to analyze the business trend.

6.2 ????????????
  • ?????????,???????????????????????????,????????????
  • ????????(???????),???????????(?????????
  • ???????????????????????????,
  • ?????????????????????????????,????????????????????
  • ????,??????????,??????????????????,???????????????

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining
Future trend of data warehousing
  • The data warehousing technology overcomes the
    bottleneck of the information technology
    gradually, i.e., portability of cross-platform,
    analysis efficiency, and the huge amount data
  • The subject applied to CRM at present will be
    developed towards the depth value of information
    analysis gradually.
  • Using the data warehousing technology, that can
    transform a great quantity, unorderly data into
    BI, and then help enterprises to analysis the
    customers and assistance in the product
    planning, increasing the competitiveness of
    enterprises and profit-making chance.

6.2 ????????????

  • ????(Data Mining)?????????????????????????,???????
  • ????????????????????
  • ???????????????????????????????????
  • ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • ????????????????????????????????????(Baysian
    Network)?Nearest Neighbor?Attributed-Oriented
    Induction?Binary/Quantitative Association Rules??

6.2 Approach and technologies of data mining
Data Mining
  • Data Mining discusses how to explore hiding
    useful information and trend among a large amount
    of data, in order to offer decision supports.
  • Data Mining process can be viewed as a KDD
    process, including data selecting,
    pre-processing, data translation, data mining,
    explanation, and estimation.
  • Related research areas with the data mining
    include DB technology, AI, expert system, data
    visualization, statistics.
  • The popular models and technologies at present
    include decision tree, neural network, Baysian
    Network, Nearest Neighbor, Attributed-Oriented
    Induction, Binary/Quantitative Association Rules.

6.3 ??????????????

  • ????
  • ??????????????,???????,?????(Class)
  • ?????????????????????,??????????
  • ????,??????????????????????,??????????????????????
  • ???????????????????????????
  • ?????????????????????,???????????(Segmentation)

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM

Data Mining of the contact center (1)
  • Data Mining Functionalities
  • Classification Classification is subdivided by
    assigning each element or record to a predefined
    class on the basis of a model developed through
    training on pre-classified examples.
  • Estimation Estimation deals with continuously
    valued outcomes and given some related input data
    to come up with a value for unknown continuous

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Data Mining of the contact center(2)
  • Data Mining Functionalities
  • Prediction Prediction is similar classification
    and estimation except that the records are
    classified according to some predicted future
    behavior or estimated future value according to
    observation value of the past.
  • Affiliation Grouping Affinity grouping is to
    determine which things go together.
  • Clustering Clustering is to segment a
    heterogeneous population into a number of more
    homogeneous subgroups or clusters.

6.3 ??????????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM

Data Mining Approach
6.3 ??????????????

  • ???????????????????????
  • ????????????????????????
  • ???????????????????,???????????
  • ?????????OLAP????????????
  • ????????????????????,????????????,????????
  • ?????????????????????????????
  • ???????????????????,??????????????????,??????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM

Data Mining Plan
  • Confirm problemConfirm the potential problems
    that are wanted to deal with.
  • Decide data sourceDetermine where the basic data
    comes from .
  • Decide requirementDecide interview and seek the
    relevant problem data.
  • Establish ModelOLAP or neurual network.
  • Data arrangementTransform the data because of
    different data models and data demand.
  • Apply data warehousingData mining process must
    be supported with data warehousing.
  • Software applicationSet up model through the
    specialized statistical analysis software.

6.3 ??????????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM

Data Mining Model
6.3 ??????????????

  • ???????????,??????????????????,???????????
  • ????????????????,??????????(Extraction?Transformat
    ion?Loading, ETL)?????,??????????
  • ???????????
  • ???(?????????)
  • ???(?????????)
  • ????
  • ?????(??????)??????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Data Warehousing of the contact center(1)
  • Data mining A huge database using structural
    ways to store data that was been related from
    different operation systems.
  • Extracting, transforming, loading, the data
    received from customer service personnels
    on-line process system. Then store it in the
  • Must ensure the data in the warehouse is
  • Correctness(There are not wrong materials mixed
    among them )
  • Completeness(essential data are all stored )
  • Combine each other
  • Regard trade subject (such as customers,
    products) as its store categorized basis

6.3 ??????????????

  • ??????????????,???????????
  • ?????????????????????????????,????????????????
  • ?????????????(??????????????)????????????????????
  • ??????????????????????????,???????,???????,??????
  • ??????????????????,?????????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Data Mining of the contact center (2)
  • All information collected is valuable assets, the
    importance of data mining is very high.
  • Data mining is use automation or semi-automatic
    way to carry on trend analysis to a large amount
    of data, and to seek the meaningful relation or
    rule to enterprises.
  • Customer segment Analyzing and clustering the
    customers according to various kinds of attribute
    of them(like gender, profession, income and
    Education degree). The same group of customers
    means that their entirety attribute is similar.
    According to this, we can proceed difference
  • Customer segment by goals Record and investigate
    the unity consumption habits of all customers to
    segment them. And according to customers
    characteristics, using decision tree structure
    to build segment model.
  • Characteristic (features) analysis Utilize the
    cluster analyze model to segment customers, and
    Step forward to analyze each groups

6.3 ??????????????

  • ???????????????????????????????????????,?????????
  • ?????????????,????????????
  • ??????????????,?????????????
  • ??????????????,????????????
  • ??????????????????????????,????????
  • ??????????????,?????????????????,???????????????
  • ?????????????????????????,???????????,???????????
  • ???????????????,????????????,????????????????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Data Mining of the contact center (3)
  • Contribution analysis It means to analyze
    customer's grade to enterprise's contribution
    degree. It is to analyze certain consumption
    attribute for all customers to segment and
    cluster customers.
  • Period analysis According to the purchase
    recently to analyze every the shopper's
    characteristic during each period.
  • Frequency analysis According to the customer
    buys frequency recently to analyze each shopping
    frequency of the customers characteristic.
  • Amount analysis According to the customers
    shopping amount to analyze each amount of
    customers characteristic

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Data Mining of the contact center (4)
  • Lifetime value analysis according to customers
    buying day, frequency and amount to generalize
    the value grades.
  • Cross-sell rule analysis Analyzing the detail
    ledger of customer to know which goods they tends
    to buying at the same time while doing shopping,
    to recommend goods conform to customer's
    interests .
  • Sequential-sell analysis Seek the priority
    relation that the customer does shopping in
    different shopping experience to make products
    marketing orientation more correct and to slash
    marketing and advertisement cost
  • Forecast (prediction) analysis According to
    various kinds of attribute of the potential
    customers, through built customer segment model
    to accurately predict the customer of marketing
    in future will belong to what kinds customer

6.3 ??????????????

  • ????
  • ???????????,???????
  • ??????????????
  • ????????????????????
  • ?????????????????
  • ??????????????
  • ????????,?????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Data Mining of the contact center (5)
  • Typical application
  • According to the tendency of customer surf the
    webpage to infer their preferences.
  • According to the sale data to Explore customer's
    consumption habits.
  • Early warning credit card debt from customers
    consume and the data of paying.
  • Product sales affiliation (co-relations) in a
    large amount of trade data.
  • Discover the hot topics in a large amount of
    customer service data
  • Look for the authorize rule of credit card
    according to the history verify data.

6.3 ??????????????

  • ????
  • ????????????????????,?????????????????????????????
  • ?????
  • ???????????,??????????,???????????????????,???????

6.3 ??????????????

  • ???
  • ??????(The Data Mining Group)???????????????(Predi
    ctive Model Markup Language, PMML)?PMML???XML??,??
  • ???
  • ?????????????????????????,????????????????????????

6.3 Application of data mining to CRM
Future trend of data mining
  • Elasticity improving Because data mining tools
    are high relation with sample, so the tool should
    have high expandable property, store more
    multiple higher-dimension data.
  • Economy improving The conclusion of analysis can
    be implemented in industry's demand, offer the
    rate of returns of investment.
  • StandardizationThe Data Mining Group start to
    develop PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language)
    that is a XML standard to describe the common
    prediction model for other data mining, BI
  • IntegrationIn order to promote the operation
    efficiency of data mining model, some data mining
    functions integrate RDBMS to promote query and
    selecting efficacy.
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