Design Patterns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design Patterns


Design Patterns Part two Structural Patterns Concerned with how classes and objects are composed to form larger structures Structural class patterns use ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Design Patterns

Design Patterns
  • Part two

Structural Patterns
  • Concerned with how classes and objects are
    composed to form larger structures
  • Structural class patterns use inheritance to
    compose interfaces or implementations.
  • Structural object patterns describe ways to
    compose objects creating new functionality.

The Façade Pattern
  • Provides a single interface into a subsystem.
  • Used to separate or simplify the subsystem in the
  • Used in UIs to separate a GUI from the underlying
    business logic

Façade Use When
  • A simple interface into a complex subsystem is
  • A subsystems details are not or should not be
    required knowledge for other components.
  • Subsystems should be compartmentalized,
    decoupling the system from the black box. This
    allows for easier changes within the isolated
    subsystem, as long as the API for the system
    isnt altered
  • Layering of subsystems is required

Façade - Benefits
  • Shields clients from subsystem components.
  • Promotes a weak coupling between subsystems,
    allows subsystem change without affecting
  • This pattern helps simplify complex or circular
    subsystems for outside users.
  • Possible compile time reduction, as not all
    components may need to be recompiled.

Façade Example
  • You want to make a platform-independent front end
    to a database
  • Database runs on any target system
  • Front end is (almost always) platform dependent
  • Create a façade API to program the GUI to
  • Moving to a new platform means reimplementing the
    GUI, but not the API or the back end code

Implementation Points
  • Subsystem coupling can be reduced if the façade
    is an abstract class, and concrete classes
    implement the subsystem itself. This prevents
    clients from knowing details about which
    subsystem is used.
  • Also, consider the use of interfaces in Java
  • Judicious use of public and private classes and
    methods can help provide subsystem independence
    and encapsulation. (Consider the use of package
    security in Java)

The Proxy Pattern
  • The Proxy provides a surrogate or placeholder,
    often to control access to it.
  • There are four general categories of proxy.
  • Used when there needs to be a more versatile
    reference to an object, or when it is not
    practical or desired to reference the original.
  • Example large image that eats a lot of memory

Proxy Categories
  • Remote Proxy Local representative for objects in
    different spaces.
  • Virtual Proxy Creates expensive objects on
  • Protection Proxy Controls access, can be similar
    to a Façade.
  • Smart Reference Various value adds, such as
    object loading, tracking instances, object or
    database locking.

Proxy Benefits
  • Remote proxy can hide resident details.
  • Virtual proxy creates expensive objects on
    demand, rather than all at startup.
  • Example dialog boxes
  • Protection and Smart Proxies can allow
    housekeeping an other tasks to be encapsulated.

Proxy Example
  • Your program must be ready to display a large
    number of graphical images, but not all of them
    can be seen by the user at one time. A virtual
    proxy could be used to load the image only when
    needed by the user, so that the time to open the
    application is not slowed by image loading.

Behavioral Patterns
  • Concerned with algorithms and the assignment of
    object responsibilities.
  • Describe not just the patterns of objects but how
    they communicate.
  • Behavioral class patterns use inheritance to
    distribute behavior to classes.
  • Behavioral object patterns use object composition
    rather than inheritance. Often, this describe
    how a group of objects cooperate to perform a
    task and what objects need to know about which

The Command Pattern
  • Encapsulates a request as an object.

Command Use When
  • Useful to issue requests without knowing details
    about the operation or recipient.
  • Objects can be parameterized by an action to
  • A framework executes a generic command, and the
    command object is extended to do the application
    specific method.

Command Benefits
  • Command allows the calling object to be separate
    from the one that can perform it.
  • Commands can be assembled together to form more
    complex commands. An example of this is the
    MacroCommand, which will not be discussed here.
  • Adding new commands is easy, and existing classes
    wont have to change.

Command - Benefits
  • Support can be added for operations undo and
  • Security can be enhanced by logging user actions
    through centralized Command objects.

Command Example
  • The application you are working on must support a
    log of all user activity for security purposes.
    To do this, you use a central command object
    which will be able to determine what actions a
    user has taken and can then log them or do
    whatever actions are required.

Implementation Points
  • Consider command object intelligence. It can be
    a simple object between a requestor and a
  • For undo/redo, consider what parameters and
    information must be stored.
  • If using C, templates may be used if commands
    arent undoable and dont require arguments.
  • Try to limit the number of undoable commands it
    bug the user.

The Observer Pattern
  • Defines a one-to-many dependency or communication
    flow between objects. When one object is
    updated, all dependents are notified
  • This is one of the most important patterns in GUI
    development, as it abstracts the notion of the
  • Some event occurs (user clicks a button) and
    something else is notified (function is called)

Observer Use When
  • An abstraction has two aspects, one dependent on
    the other. Encapsulating these pieces in
    separate objects lets you vary and reuse them
  • A change to one object requires changing others
    the number to be changed may be dynamic or
  • An object should be able to notify others without
    making assumptions about what the objects are.

Observer - Benefits
  • Abstracts the coupling between the notifying
    object and observers. All the notifying object
    knows is it has a group of observing objects to
    send a message to.
  • Good object oriented programming, where a message
    is sent, but each objects action is independent.
  • Support for broadcast communication. Objects can
    register or deregister as needed, and the
    notifying object only has to know which objects
    currently need notification.

Observer - Drawbacks
  • Care must be taken to ensure that messages sent
    to observers dont themselves trigger more
    messages to be sent, causing an operation to
    become an infinite loop.

Observer Example 1
  • A user presses the File-gtLoad menu item. An
    application object called FileLoader is notified
    (or observes the press) and goes about loading a

Observer Example 2
  • A company that makes medical monitors needs a way
    to display data to nurses and physicians so they
    can ascertain a patients condition quickly and
    completely. By using an observer, when new data
    is added to the database, notifications can be
    sent to multiple observers, say the monitor at
    the patients bedside, the nurses station and
    the physician who happens to be monitoring the
    patient live in their office at the same time.

Implementation Points
  • How to map notifying objects to observers. Often
    down with a simple connection function call
  • Observers may have to know what object is sending
    the notification, especially if it registers as a
    listener to more than one notifying object.
  • Similarly, it may also be more efficient to send
    data each observer rather than sending an update
    message and having each observer retrieve it.

  • A consideration of who triggers the update is
    very important. Objects can be responsible for
    sending the notification, but if the code is
    forgotten at the client, or a bug prevents it
    from being sent, then the update is never
  • Deleting an observer should not result in a
    dangling pointer in the notifying object. A way
    to deal with this could be to make each item an
    observer of the other so references can be
    removed when it is deleted.

  • Push and Pull Models of Implementation.
  • One extreme is the push, which pushes data to
    each observer, without knowing if it needs it or
    not. This may broadcast more information to
    observers than they need to know, and make code
    reuse more difficult.
  • Most GUI toolkits do this
  • The pull model sends a relatively simple message,
    which may require each observer to then request
    potentially identical information. This may hide
    communication and implementation better, but may
    result in a more inefficient model.

  • Design Patterns, Gamma, Helm, Johnson and
    Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995
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