Rock Bridge Baseball - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rock Bridge Baseball


Rock Bridge Baseball – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rock Bridge Baseball

Rock Bridge Baseball
Rock Bridge Baseball
  • Philosophy
  • Program Expectations
  • Program Structure
  • Practice Organization
  • Spring Trip
  • Fundraisers
  • Work Day
  • Off Season
  • Youth Camp
  • Summer Baseball
  • Program Essentials

Rock Bridge Bruin BaseballPhilosophy
  • Bruin baseball players must possess the attitude
    and work ethic that championship teams have.
    Pride and determination to excel as a player and
    a student are key components to winning teams.
    Bruin baseball players are those that are willing
    to set aside personal goals in order for the team
    to be successful.

Rock Bridge BaseballProgram Expectations
  • Player-Team-Coach-Parent Relationships
  • Always remember that the most important factor in
    dealing with your teammates and coaching staff is
    respect. Respect is the nucleus for all
    constructive relationships and must be earned.
    In order to receive respect, one must display and
    understand the process of giving it. NEVER
    back-talk your coaches in any manner. If you
    have a problem or a misunderstanding, inform the
    coach that you would like to talk and it will be
    done privately.
  • The coaches goals are to coordinate the
    personnel toward one common goal. This cannot be
    done without the cooperation and commitment of
    every player.
  • Make sure you understand what is expected of you
    in all aspects of the baseball program and how it
    affects you. The primary role of the coach is to
    teach. The primary role of the player is to
    learn and perform.
  • Baseball, as mentioned before, is a team game and
    everyone must work together in order to be
    successful. Be willing to praise your teammates
    when praise is due and when one needs a lift.
    PRAISE the good throw, good hit, good catch, good
    defensive plays and good effort, etc.
  • The leaders of the team have an important view of
    the game and team. They are constantly in a
    position to interpret the action on and off the
    field within the teams perception. Team leaders
    are players capable of assuming leadership with
    the responsibility that comes with it. Share on
    and off field concerns with the coaching staff.
  • The parents job is that of support. It is
    important to understand that just because your
    player was the starting short stop on a team
    before he got to RB doesnt always mean that is
    where we will place him. As a parent you need to
    be supportive of these types of decisions as well
    as any other RB Baseball decisions.
  • Umpires 1) They are human and will make
    mistakes, and 2) They are part of the game and
    belong on the field. Mistakes are part of the
    game, both by the participants and the umpires.
    Accept their decisions and play.

Bruin ExpectationsFulfillment and Neglect
  • It is entirely up to the individual player as to
    whether he chooses to fulfillment or neglect for
    any of the expectations. Each must choose for
    himself in any decision relating to ones
    performance as a baseball player on and off the
  • Each member of the RB Baseball Program can expect
    to be rewarded in any one or all of the following
    ways based upon meeting the expectations given
    both orally or in the handbook
  • The opportunity to represent Rock Bridge High
    School in baseball. Never consider the aspect of
    dressing out for a game as trivial.
  • Playing Time. This depends on ones ability,
    attitude, and good standing, as well as strategy
    and philosophy for the upcoming opponent.
  • Varsity Athletic Award upon the fulfillment of
    season-long expectations. Each one must remain
    in good standing and meet the criteria set forth
    by the coaching staff.
  • Fun, Challenges, Achievements, and Experiences
    that come with playing High School Baseball and
  • Each member of the team can expect any one or all
    of the following as applicable in neglect of
    stated expectations
  • Extra work of assignment provided for the neglect
    of expectations.
  • Loss of playing time due to neglect of
  • Suspension from practice and/ or games due to the
    neglect of expectations.
  • Dismissal form the team due to neglect of

Rock Bridge BaseballTraining Expectations
  • Be aware of physical needs such as nutrition and
    sleep. Both affect your performance mentally and
    physically. Adhere to curfews when they are
  • No tobacco use in any way, shape, or form.
  • No consumption of alcoholic beverages in any way,
    shape, or form.
  • No drug use in any way, shape, or form unless
    under the care of a doctor and/ or parental
  • Use of profanity will not be tolerated. Be in
    control of your speech at all times, on and off
    the field. Be a positive example to the little
    ones who admire your role as an athlete.
  • Maintain good-standing in the classroom with both
    class work and behavior. You will need to
    maintain the grade requirements set forth by the
    head coach to receive playing time. If you are
    disciplined at school for not following school
    expectations, you will also be disciplined by the
    baseball program. This program demands you to
    carry yourself with class on and off the field.
  • Maintain good-standing in the community. As an
    athlete and a part of the ROCK BRIDGE BASEBALL
    PROGRAM, you are looked up to by many youngsters
    and the community.
  • NOTE District handbook regulations will apply
    in the areas of training rules, travel, academic
    requirements, and unexcused absences.

Rock Bridge BaseballPractice Expectations
  • BE ON TIME! If you cannot be on time BE
  • Notify your coach if you are going to be absent.
    An unexcused absence is a one game suspension.
    Notifying the coach the next day or having a
    teammate give the message is unacceptable. On
    the third unexcused absence, a player may be
    dismissed from the team.
  • All drills are to be performed at game speed
    unless otherwise specified by the coaching staff.
  • ALWAYS HUSTLE!! RUN from drill to drill, station
    to station, dugout to field and back and anywhere
    else the coach instructs the players to RUN.
  • Perform skills and drill as they are instructed.
  • Stop what ever is happening when instructed to
  • Push yourself everyday in practice.
  • Dont argue with teammates. CONTROL YOUR
  • No horseplay. Take your job seriously.
  • Accept constructive criticism and apply the
    skills that are being emphasized and rehearsed.
  • Pick up around the field after every game and
    practice. DO YOUR PART!!!
  • The coachs door is open to anyone who has a
    problem concerning the team or himself.
  • Take nothing for granted in baseball. It is your
    PRIVILEGE to represent RB and the community. The
    coaches are constantly evaluating players and

Rock Bridge BaseballGame Expectations
  • Motivation and performance go hand in hand and
    both must be present for an athlete to be
    consistent and dependable on game day. Your
    mental, as well as our physical preparation, is
    highly dependent upon you and your approach to
  • Game and Game-Day Expectations
  • Your appearance on the field should reflect a
    team image. Look sharp, think sharp, play sharp!
  • Play the game the way it is practiced. Utilize
    the game plan as it is designed.
  • Do not talk back, make faces or gestures, or
    perform any other type of immature actions
    towards fans, opponents, coaches, umpires, or
  • Your best effort is a minimum and a premium.
  • Run on and off the field at all times.
  • When not in the game, give undivided attention to
    the action on the field, the play of your
    teammates, and the play of the opponents. Stand
    and acknowledge all good plays and hustle. Also
    acknowledge the player being substituted for.
  • Pre-Game and Post-Game Expectations
  • Relax and eat a good meal before the games.
  • Do not allow any distractions before a contest.
    Be ready to play both physically and mentally!
  • Display proper self-control after the game.
    Greet the opponent in humility and celebrate away
    from the opponent.
  • Never approach the umpires for any reason after
    the game.
  • Uniforms need to be washed after each game.

Rock Bridge BaseballTravel Expectations
  • While we are traveling, we are providing others
    with first impressions as we pass through the
    communities and ours. Dont shout, throw or
    stick anything out the windows of the bus. Stay
    in your seat and keep your shoes off the
  • If you bring food or drink on the bus, be
    respectful of the property and put trash in the
    trash can.
  • When occasions arise in which we must stay over
    night, adhere to curfews and travel guidelines
    set forth by the coaching staff.
  • We came as a team and we will leave as a team.
    Our school district has a policy concerning your
    travel to and from a contest. Leaving with
    anyone besides the team bus must be approved by
    the administration and cleared with the coach
    prior to the contest. It will be discouraged and
    only allowed with administrative approval and
    verification of need.

Program Structure
  • Varsity
  • This team is comprised of the top players in the
    program. Coaches will evaluate players and try
    to put the BEST 9 not the 9 BEST players on
    the field that can work together as a team.
    Players on this team will range from grades 9-12
    depending on the teams needs and players
    ability, attitude, and work ethic.
  • Junior Varsity
  • This team is a player development team for the
    varsity. Players will range from grades 9-11
    depending on ability. JV games are typically 5
    inning games with an hour and a half time limit.
    They are also usually played immediately
    following the Varsity game.
  • A-Team
  • This team is a player development team for the
    Junior Varsity program. Players on this team
    will be mostly made up of 10th graders. Their
    games are typically 7 inning games.
  • B-Team
  • This team is the beginning player development
    level for the program. The purpose for this team
    is to learn the basic fundamentals and structure
    of the program. Players on this team will be
    made up of 9th graders unless there arent enough
    to completely field a team.

Practice Organization
  • All Players (9-12) Coaches
  • 300 340 Team Stretch
  • 330-440 Wheel (15 minutes per spoke)
  • Base Running, Throwing, Positional Defense, Cage
  • 440-530 Scrimmage/ Situational Hitting
  • C-Team breaks off for the rest of their practice
  • 530 Conditioning
  • All Players (9-12) Coaches
  • 330-340 Team Stretch
  • 340-410 Wheel (10 minutes per spoke)
  • Cage Work, Throwing, Positional Defense
  • 410-440 Team Defense/ Offense
  • C Team breaks off for the rest of their practice
  • 440-540 Hitting Groups
  • 540 Conditioning
  • SCRIMMAGE PRACTICE/ C Team at Bethel Memorial
  • 330-340 Team Stretch

Bruin Baseball Spring Trip
  • The Spring Trip is used as a team building
    activity for the players and coaches. This is
    also an opportunity for our program to measure
    itself against other out-of-state teams that we
    normally wouldnt get to play.
  • 2008 Disney World Orlando, Florida
  • COST
  • The cost will be 500 per player.
  • Includes 5 Night Stay, 3 Day Park Hopper
  • Who Goes?
  • All Seniors and Juniors. 9th and 10th graders
    are on an invite basis only. We plan to take up
    to 30 players.
  • Friday, March 21 Bus leaves at 400 pm
  • Saturday, March 22 Off Day
  • Sunday, March 23 Practice
  • Monday, March 24 - Games
  • Tuesday, March 25 Games
  • Wednesday, March 26 Team Building
  • Thursday, March 27 Leave at 800 am

Baseball Fundraisers
  • Saturday, March 8 _at_ 1200,
  • Earned goes directly towards your 500 for the
    Spring Trip
  • Rain Date Saturday, March 15 _at_1200
  • PROGRAM (Black/ White)
  • Place of Business
  • Full Page - 450
  • Half Page - 250
  • Quarter Page - 150
  • Eighth Page - 100
  • Saturday, March 8
  • Saturday, March 1

Bruin Work Day
  • Saturday, March 1
  • Saturday, March 8
  • Shovels, Rakes, Leaf Blowers, Edger, Trash Bags,

Bruin Off SeasonWeights/ Conditioning
  • Fall Workouts
  • Mon, Wed, Thurs
  • 400 530
  • Conditioning
  • Sprint Day, Agility Day, Distance Day
  • Power Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Weights
  • Core Workout
  • Winter Workouts
  • Mon, Thurs
  • Conditioning, Power Stretching, Weights
  • Wed. Night Workouts
  • Optional at Balls and Strikes

Bruin Summer Youth Camp
  • Camp Dates
  • K-4th Grade
  • June 25,26
  • 5th 7th
  • July 8,9
  • Cost
  • 35 T-Shirt
  • Volunteers

Southside Baseball
  • The philosophy of the Southside Summer Baseball
    Team is to prepare each of its players for the
    following spring. SPRING BASEBALL IS WHAT
    REALLY COUNTS. Every player will be given the
    opportunity to play different positions (as
    determined by team needs) and to work on the
    skill needed to improve in his respective
    position. The coaches will tell each player what
    they need to do in order to improve and
    contribute at the next level. The only promise
    the program can give is that each player will get
    a chance. The rest is up to the player. How he
    handles the opportunity is up to him. There will
    be no guarantee on number of innings a player
    will get. Many players will get more time
    because of their work ethic and their ability but
    many players will get more innings than they did
    in the spring to see where they stack up with the
    rest of the competition.
  • Summer is a time to experience many things.
    Baseball is not the only thing in our lives. Our
    only policy is to let the coach know at least 48
    hrs in advance of missing a game for any reason
    other than an emergency. No player will be
    penalized for missing a practice or game if they
    follow this rule. We do expect each player to
    show up at games unless they have made the proper
  • The summer program consists of two teams, a
    Varsity and a Junior Varsity. Each team will
    play 20 league games and 4 tournaments, which
    includes a state tournament. The Varsity player
    will have a chance to participate in a College
    and Pro Showcase prior to our state tournament.
    There will also be the opportunity to try out for
    a Mid-Mo Prospects team that travels to various
    Junior Colleges in the fall to play double

Program Essentials
  • In order to be CHAMPIONS, every coach, player,
    and parent must work together towards the same
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