Environmental Health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Environmental Health


Environmental Health CHAPTER 9 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Environmental Health

Environmental Health
The Rise and Falland Rise?of DDT
  • DDT is the least expensive way of killing the
    mosquitoes that cause malaria.
  • DDT harms fish and birds, and can cause liver
    damage, cancer, and convulsions in humans.
  • In the 1970s many countries banned the use of
    DDT, but some African countries have resumed its
    use to control malaria.

Lesson 9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
  • One third of death and disease in the least
    developed nations is a direct result of
    environmental causes.

Types of Environmental Health Hazards
Lesson 9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
  • Biological Viruses, bacteria, and other
    organisms that cause disease
  • Social Lifestyle choices that endanger health
  • Chemical Harmful artificial and natural
    chemicals in the environment
  • Physical Natural disasters and ongoing natural
    phenomena, such as UV radiation, that can cause
    health problems

Lesson 9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
  • The study of disease in human populationshow and
    where they occur and how they can be controlled
  • Often involves studying large groups over long
  • Can determine statistical associations between
    health hazards and effects, but cant prove the
    hazards actually caused the effects

Lesson 9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
  • The study of how poisonous substances affect an
    organisms health
  • Toxicity is a measure of how harmful a substance
  • Toxicologists look at toxicity by determining
    dose-response relationships.

Individual Responses

Lesson 9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
  • Sensitivity to hazards varies with age, sex,
    weight, and immune system health.
  • Many diseases have genetic as well as
    environmental factors.

Did You Know? Thalidomide, a drug that currently
shows promise for treatment of Alzheimer's, AIDS,
and some cancers, caused thousands of severe
birth defects when it was used as an anti-nauseal
in the 1950s and 60s.
Risk Assessment
Lesson 9.1 An Overview of Environmental Health
  • Risk The probability that a hazard will cause
  • Risk assessment The process of measuring risk
  • Takes into account
  • The type of hazard
  • How frequently humans will be exposed to it
  • How sensitive people are to it

Lesson 9.2 Biological and Social Hazards
  • Three quarters of infectious disease deaths are
    caused by five types of diseases respiratory
    infections, AIDS, diarrheal diseases,
    tuberculosis, and malaria.

Tuberculosis-causing bacteria
Infectious Diseases
Lesson 9.2 Biological and Social Hazards
  • Caused by pathogens
  • Spread by human and animal contact and through
    contaminated food and water
  • Cause of almost half of all deaths in developing
  • Covering your mouth when you cough, washing your
    hands often, and staying home from school if
    youre sick help prevent the spread of
    infectious disease.

Did You Know? In 2002, AIDS killed about 2
million people worldwide almost equal to the
entire population of Arkansas.
Emerging Diseases
Lesson 9.2 Biological and Social Hazards
  • Diseases appearing in the human population for
    the first time or suddenly beginning to spread
  • Humans have little or no resistance, and no
    vaccines have been developed.
  • Facilitated by increasing human mobility,
    growing antibiotic resistance, and
    environmental changes

Responding to Emerging Diseases
Lesson 9.2 Biological and Social Hazards
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Monitors health
    events worldwide and coordinates international
    responses to emerging diseases
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    (CDC) Responds to emerging diseases in the
    United States the CDC developed pandemic plans
    to deal with the spread of the H1N1 flu virus.

H1N1 Virus
Social Hazards
Lesson 9.2 Biological and Social Hazards
  • Some social hazards are easier to avoid than
  • Examples of social hazards include smoking, being
    exposed to secondhand smoke, living near an old
    toxic waste site, working with harmful chemicals,
    and eating fatty foods.

Lesson 9.3 Toxic Substances in the Environment
  • Chemicals are all around us, and all of them can
    be harmful to our health in large enough amounts.
    In other words, The dose makes the poison.

Chemical Hazards
Lesson 9.3 Toxic Substances in the Environment
  • Any chemical can be harmful in large enough
  • A pollutant is something released into the
    environment that has some harmful impact on
    people and other organisms.
  • Chemical hazards are not necessarily pollutants,
    and pollutants are not necessarily chemical

Oil Pollution
Types of Chemical Hazards
Lesson 9.3 Toxic Substances in the Environment
  • Carcinogens Cancer-causing chemicals
  • Chemical mutagens Chemicals that cause genetic
  • Teratogens Chemicals that harm embryos and
  • Neurotoxins Chemicals that affect the nervous
  • Endocrine disruptors Chemicals that interfere
    with the endocrine system
  • Allergens Chemicals that over-activate the
    immune system

Dust mite protein is a common allergen.
Indoor Chemical Hazards
Lesson 9.3 Toxic Substances in the Environment
Sources of Outdoor Chemical Hazards
Lesson 9.3 Toxic Substances in the Environment
  • In the air Natural sources, such as volcanic
    eruptions, or human sources, such as pesticides
  • In the ground Pesticide use, improper disposal
    of electronics, etc.
  • In the water Chemical runoff from land or direct
    drainage of toxic substances into water

A leaking oil line
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
Lesson 9.3 Toxic Substances in the Environment
  • Bioaccumulation The buildup of toxic substances
    in the bodies of organisms
  • Biomagnification The increased concentration of
    toxic substances with each step in a food chain
  • Persistent organic pollutants are biomagnified
    and stay in the environment for long periods of
    time and over long distances.

Lesson 9.4 Natural Disasters
  • Although we cannot prevent most natural
    disasters, there are steps that scientists,
    engineers, governments, and citizens can take to
    resist damage and deal with the aftermath.

A landslide caused by the Great Sichuan
Earthquake in Sichuan Province, China
Lesson 9.4 Natural Disasters
  • Earths crust is broken into large pieces called
    tectonic plates, which float on a layer of molten
  • Earthquakes tend to occur along active plate
  • Earthquakes can damage structures and trigger
    landslides and tsunamis.

Lesson 9.4 Natural Disasters
  • Openings in Earths crust that eject molten lava
    and other materials
  • Ash and gases from volcanic eruptions can block
    sunlight, causing temperatures to drop.
  • Eruptions can trigger landslides and mudflows.
  • Molten lava can cover and destroy surrounding

Did You Know? In 1991, Mount Pinatubo erupted in
the Philippines, covering the area around the
volcano with a layer of volcanic materials up to
180 m (600 ft) thick.
Lesson 9.4 Natural Disasters
  • Tornadoes Rotating funnels of air that can
    travel over 400 km (250 mi) per hr
  • Hurricanes Storms that form over tropical
    oceans, with winds over 119 km(74 mi) per hour
  • Thunderstorms Produce lightning and thunder,
    usually with heavy rain

Did You Know? Hurricane Katrina, which struck New
Orleans in 2005, caused more than 80 billion in
damage and killed 1800 people.
Lesson 9.4 Natural Disasters
  • Masses of snow that slide down a slope
  • Conditions favoring avalanches
  • Slope greater than 30 degrees
  • Unstable snowpack
  • Heavy snowfall
  • Warm temperatures

Did You Know? A big North American avalanche can
contain 230,000 m3 of snowabout the equivalent
of 20 football fields filled with snow 3 m (10
ft) deep.
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