Marija Dalbello - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Marija Dalbello


... and contested by social groups validating their experience Hegemony explains how ... carnivalesque nature of culture This playful and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Marija Dalbello

Image credit Victor GAD
Marija Dalbello Reading Interests of Adults
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
Rutgers School of Communication and
  • Overview
  • _______________________________________
  • Reading in a broader context
  • of cultural production
  • society and its institutions
  • and consumption of texts
  • Transmedia storytelling - convergence culture
  • What is Popular Culture?
  • Culture concepts
  • grassroots, popular, common, mass, élite,
    high-middle-low brow
  • Definitions and approaches to the study of
  • What is Cultural Studies?
  • Imagination revisited

  • Transmedia storytelling
  • _______________________________________
  • Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture
  • Telling stories across multiple forms of media
  • Mass audiences involved in their circulation and
  • Storylines, themes, messages - of mass media
  • Popular fiction - node in a larger framework of
  • Transmedia culture phenomena - examples
  • The idea of literacy and reading - NEA Report
  • Asking new questions about reading and popular

  • What is Popular Culture?
  • _______________________________________
  • Popular culture can be defined (cf. Storey)
  • quantitatively culture of the many - forms
    widely favored
  • residually denoting all that is not high
  • as being same as mass culture (commercialized)
  • as culture originating from the people
  • as culture of resistance
  • common culture today is overcome by commercial
    interest - leaves no space for authentic
  • Related culture concepts
  • grassroots, popular, common, mass, élite,
    high-middle-low brow

  • What is culture? _________________________________
  • Social behavior norms of politeness
  • Material culture
  • Hopi pottery
  • Cultural texts and practices
  • carnival
  • Shared fantasies
  • storytelling forms myths, fables, romances
  • 300 definitions of culture recorded (Kroeber)

  • Culture approaches and definitions
  • E.B. Tylor (1871) Culture is that complex whole
    which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
    law, customs, and other capabilities and habits
    acquired by man as a member of society
  • M. Mead (1960s) Culture is a learned behavior
    of a society or a subgroup
  • R. Williams (1970s) Culture includes the
    organization of production, the structure of the
    family, the structure of institutions which
    express or govern social relationships, the
    characteristic forms through which members of the
    society communicate
  • C. Geertz (1980s) Culture is simply the
    ensemble of stories we tell ourselves about

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  • Culture as an object of study
  • Subject area not clearly defined all-inclusive
    notion of culture and study of a range of
  • Principles and theories from social sciences
    disciplines, the humanities, and the arts are
    adapted to the purposes of cultural analysis
  • Methodologies diverse textual analysis,
    ethnography, psychoanalysis, survey research,

  • What is Cultural Studies? ________________________
  • Study of culture rather than society
  • Progressive, radical, political
  • Prevalent in arts, humanities, social sciences,
    science technology

  • Cultural Studies - non disciplinary
  • Cultural studies impossible to define
    collective term for diverse and contentious
    intellectual endeavors
  • Many theoretical and political positions
  • Includes established and radical disciplines,
    political activism and modes of inquiry (critical
  • Anti-discipline not institutionalized in
  • But with a distinct history

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  • Historical background __________________________
  • Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS)
    established in 1964
  • Working Papers in Cultural Studies in 1972
  • Forefathers Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams,
    E.P. Thompson, Stuart Hall
  • Working-class background role of popular
    culture in class-based society in England

  • R. Hoggart R. Williams _______________________
  • Working class intellectuals
  • ?The culture of common people (working class
    culture) seen as more authentic than middle- and
    upper-class culture derives from experience
  • ?Against canonical élitism (high culture)
  • ?Interest in active appropriation of cultural
    forms class struggle in the cultural arena
  • ?Mass culture seen as colonizingworking class
    culture -packaged for passive absorption by the
    cultural industry producers

But what to do?
  • R. Hoggart ___________________________________
  • Founder of CCCS
  • ?The Uses of Literacy (1957) programmatic work
    parts of it written as a manifesto
  • ?Problem working classes excluded from
    participation and dissemination of their cultural
    forms and practices
  • ?Cultural struggle over legitimacy and cultural
    status of forms and practices
  • ?Critical reading of art needs to reveal the
    felt quality of life of a society art captures
    the experience of the everyday as the unique

  • R. Williams __________________________________
  • Marxist tradition (the New Left)
  • ? Culture is an expression of the coherence of
    organic communities resisting determinism in its
    various forms
  • ? Culture material, intellectual and spiritual
    (base and superstructure)
  • ? Centrality of the culture of everyday life
    (texts that capture the structure of feeling of
    everyday life, the sense of an époque) - not only
    validates such culture and its study but
    validates its production and gives it a status of
    insight into the dynamics of societys struggle

  • Goals of Cultural Studies
  • _______________________________________
  • ? Examine cultural practices in their
    relationship to power how power shapes these
  • ? Culture is studied in the social and political
    context in which its forms manifest themselves
  • ? Culture is both object of study and vehicle for
    changing political consciousness through this
    understanding (scholarly applied)
  • ? Reconcile division between tacit / universal
    knowledge validation of experience (local
    knowledge) in addition to generally shared forms
    of knowledge.
  • ? Moral evaluation of modern society and means
    for radical action

  • Cultural Studies - concerns
  • _______________________________________
  • Cultural studies focus on analysis of cultural
    forms and their meaning in the context of power
    relations in society
  • Study of social relations and meanings (how
    social divisions are made meaningful)
  • Culture is terrain on which ideological
    representations of class, gender, race are
    enforced, and contested by social groups
    validating their experience
  • Hegemony explains how society is bound together
    (without the use of force) under the moral and
    intellectual leadership of the ruling classes
  • Operates in the realm of representations and
  • Naturalizes a class ideology and renders it in
    the form of common sense
  • Intellectuals forge consent in the interest of
    the ruling class

  • Culture is site of class struggle
  • _______________________________________
  • Gramsci (1891-1937) - Prison Notebooks

  • Hegemony
  • _______________________________________
  • Hegemony relies on negotiation consent
  • Exercised through authority, not physical
  • Operates through institutions (educational
    system, media and the family)
  • Competing classes achieve a compromise
  • Culture as key site of struggle of competing
  • Popular culture is an arena of resistance but
    also of enforcing hegemony
  • Paradoxically, the sphere of culture perceived
    as non-political although it is a conduit for
    hegemonic representations
  • Implies power inequality in different segments
    of society

  • Theories and theorists of culture
  • _______________________________________
  • Culture and civilisation (Matthew Arnold
    Leavisism) canon
  • Culturalism (Raymond Williams, E.P. Thompson,
    Richard Hoggart, Stuart Hall) authenticity
  • Structuralism (Ferdinand de Saussure,Claude
    Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes) signs unconscious
    foundations signification
  • Post-Structuralism Jacques Derrida, Jacques
    Lacan, Michel Foucault, Edward Said) meaning is
  • Marxism (Classical the Frankfurt School,
    Althusserian neo-Gramscian Bakhtin) cultural
    texts reflect how society is organized
  • Feminism (Janice Radway) constructing identity
    through consumption
  • Post-modernism (Jameson, Baudrillard) revolt
    against modernism

  • Popular culture as play
  • _______________________________________
  • Texts do not have a single meaning
  • Readers are poachers
  • Lart pour lart
  • Mikhail Bakhtin carnivalesque nature of
  • This playful and irreverent nature of culture is
    noted in medieval practices of carnival, but
    popular literary genres, music and other cultural
    forms reveal the sam process
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