Liberal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Turkey --- Saudi Arabia LIBERAL & CONSERVATIVE ISLAM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Liberal

Liberal Conservative Islam
  • Turkey --- Saudi Arabia

But first, some definitions---
  • Secular
  • The state of being separate from religion
  • Orthodox
  • Accepting and closely following the traditional
    beliefs and customs of a religion
  • Fundamentalism
  • A form of a religion that upholds belief in the
    strict, literal interpretation of scripture.
  • Extremist
  • a person who holds extreme or fanatical political
    or religious views, one who resorts to or
    advocates extreme action.
  • Islamist
  • views emphasize the implementation of Sharia
    (Islamic law) of pan-Islamic political unity
    and of the selective removal of non-Muslim,
    particularly Western military, economic,
    political, social, or cultural influences in the
    Muslim world that they believe to be incompatible
    with Islam.
  • Sharia Law

Shari'a Law
the path
  • Islamic Code of Laws based on No separation
    between Church and State!
  • 4 Main sources of Sharia
  • The Quran
  • Sunna refers to the actions, statements and way
    of life of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Hadith everything that was said by the prophet
    during his teachings during 23 years
  • Ijma- Perceptions of religious Scholars
  • Qiyas- methods that arose when jurists agreed on
    new legal principles

Directly from Muhammad
Not from Muhammads teaching
Where in the world is sharia practiced???
Where Is Sharia Practiced?
  • Government under God. In those Muslim countries
    where Islam is the official religion listed in
    the constitution, Sharia Law is declared to be a
    source, or the source, of the laws. Examples
  • Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, and the
    United Arab Emirates, where the governments
    derive their legitimacy from Islam.
  • In Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq, among others, it is
    also forbidden to enact legislation that is
    antithetical to Islam.
  • Saudi Arabia employs one of the strictest
    interpretations of sharia. Women are not allowed
    to drive, are under the guardianship of male
    relatives at all times, and must be completely
    covered in public. Elsewhere, governments are
    much more lenient, as in the United Arab
    Emirates, where alcohol is tolerated. Non-Muslims
    are not expected to obey sharia and in most
    countries, they are the jurisdiction of special
    committees and adjunct courts under the control
    of the government.
  • Completely Secular. Muslim countries where the
    government is declared to be secular in the
    constitution include
  • Azerbaijan, Egypt, Tajikistan, Chad, Somalia,
    and Senegal. Islamist parties run for office
    occasionally in these countries and sharia often
    influences local customs. Popular Islamist groups
    are often viewed as a threat by existing
  • Turkey Under the suspicion that the majority
    party, the Islamist Justice and Development
    Party, was trying to establish sharia, Turkey's
    chief prosecutor petitioned the constitutional
    court (Economist) in March 2008 to bar the party
    from politics altogether. One of the politicians
    indicted, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    told Newsweek, "Turkey has achieved what people
    said could never be achieved--a balance between
    Islam, democracy, secularism and modernity."

Liberal Conservative Islam
  • Turkey --- Saudi Arabia

  • Conservative- Saudi Arabia
  • Liberal- Turkey
  • Liberal
  • Favorable to progress or re-form, as in political 
    or re-ligious affairs. Open to new behavior or
    opinions and willing to discard traditional
  • Conservative
  • Holding to traditional attitudes and values and
    cautious about change or innovation, typically in
    relation to politics or religion.

CIA factbook Saudi Arabia BBC Country Profile SA
  • Wahhabi
  • a member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect
    from Saudi Arabia strives to purify Islamic
    beliefs and rejects any innovation occurring
    after the 3rd century of Islam "Osama bin Laden
    was said to be a Wahhabi Muslim"
  • The Wahhabi Ulama reject reinterpretation of
    Quran and Sunna in regard to issues clearly
    settled by the early jurists. Wahhabi jurists
    also reinterpret areas not decided by the early
  • By rejecting the validity of reinterpretation,
    Wahhabi doctrine is at odds with the Muslim
    reformation movement of the late 1800s and early
  • The Muslim reformation movement sought to
    reinterpret parts of the Quran and Sunna to
    conform with standards set by the West, most
    notably standards relating to
  • gender relations
  • family law
  • participatory democracy
  • Ulama a body of Muslim scholars recognized as
    having specialist knowledge of Islamic sacred law
    and theology

How popular? (Stephen Schwartz on Islam
  • Wahhabism is official in Saudi Arabia.
  • It is influential in Qatar, Kuwait, and the
    United Arab Emirates.
  • It has a substantial following in Yemen, which
    also has many Shia Muslims.
  • It is unpopular in Bahrain and irrelevant in
  • Outside the Peninsula
  • Wahhabism is generally unpopular. But where
    trouble is found, Wahhabism may thrive. Hamas in
    Israel represents pure Wahhabism. Forms of
    neo-Wahhabi or Wahhabized ideology have been
    powerful in Egypt (the Muslim Brotherhood) and in
    Pakistan in both countries neo-Wahhabis lead
    attacks on other Muslims and other faiths. But in
    both countries mainstream Muslim scholars
    continue to struggle against Wahhabism. Wahhabi
    aggression was defeated in Algeria and

Frontline Saudi Time Bomb?
  • For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been
    Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere
    form of Islam that insists on a literal
    interpretation of the Quran. Critics say that
    Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret
    and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as
    Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.
  • Wahhabism's explosive growth began in the 1970s
    when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi
    schools (madrassas) and mosques from Islamabad to
    Culver City, California.
  • Here are excerpts from FRONTLINE's interviews
    with Mai Yamani, an anthropologist who studies
    Saudi society Vali Nasr, an authority on Islamic
    fundamentalism Maher Hathout, spokesperson for
    the Islamic Center of Southern California and
    Ahmed Ali, a Shi'a Muslim from Saudi Arabia.
    (Also see the Links and Readings section of this
    site for more analyses of Wahhabism and Saudi
  • The House voted Friday to allow the families of
    9/11 victims to sue the state of Saudi Arabia for
    their alleged ties to terrorism. The vote comes
    four months after the Senate voted the bill
    through, but proponents worry that President
    Obama will veto the bill.
  • Think Progress 1 2
  • Washington Post
  • Saudi 9/11 Links???
  • Why relationship is under strain

US Saudi Relations
The Women (PP)
  • 11 Things Women Cannot Do
  • http//
  • Unshackling themselves
  • http//
  • Huffington Post Blog
  • http//
  • Wadjda
  • http//
  • Women will vote
  • http//
  • Women who dared to drive
  • http//

  • Liberal- Turkey
  • Conservative- Saudi Arabia
  • Liberal
  • Favorable to progress or re-form, as in political 
    or re-ligious affairs. Open to new behavior or
    opinions and willing to discard traditional
  • Conservative
  • holding to traditional attitudes and values and
    cautious about change or innovation, typically in
    relation to politics or religion.

CIA factbook Turkey BBC Country Profile Turkey
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  • Reforms
  • He launched a program of revolutionary social and
    political reform to modernize Turkey. These
    reforms included
  • the emancipation of women,
  • the abolition of all Islamic institutions
  • the introduction of Western legal codes, dress,
    calendar and alphabet, replacing the Arabic
    script with a Latin one.
  • Abroad he pursued a policy of neutrality,
    establishing friendly relations with Turkey's
  • Father of the Turks
  • Founder of modern Turkey in 1920s from Ottoman
    Empire after WWI
  • Turkish army officer, revolutionary, and the
    first President of Turkey.

Women in Turkey
  • Tansu CillerPrime Minister of Turkey 1993-1996
  • Professor (PhD), Economist and Politician
  • Educated at University of Connecticut and Yale.
  • Turkey banned women for wearing headscarves in
    public institutions 1984-2014
  • Merve Kavakci-1999 elected MP banned from taking
    her position in Parliament b/c her headscarf was
    equated with being narrow-minded and against

Turkey Today
  • Concerns over Islamisation
  • The State
  • President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • Justice and Development Party (AKP). Islamist
  • Appointed Prime Minister by parliament in 2002
  • Elected President 8/2014
  • President largely ceremonial (but)
  • But critics say Erdogan is polarizing the country
    - by having no dissent and harboring a secret
    agenda to turn Turkey into a fundamentally
    conservative Muslim society.
  • Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
  • AKP Party
  • Erdogan loyalist
  • Appointed 8/2014
  • White Turks VS.
  • a secular Western-facing elite
  • Black Turks
  • a more conservative, religious population largely
    excluded from the privileges of state power and
    viewed warily by generals long considered
    guardians of secularism. (voa)
  • The fight
  • 2013 Turkey lifts ban on headscarves
  • 2013 Protests in Gezi Park
  • Protests AGAINST Erdogan, ended with police
  • 2014 New restrictions on alcohol

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