Title: Blank Jeopardy
1Elizabethan Theatre
Shakespearean English
Literary Devices
Elizabethan Beliefs
5 pt
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25 pt
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25 pt
2This type of comedy is used in all Shakespearean
plays and often involves the delivery of dirty
3Bawdy Humor
4This device is often used so that an actor can
portray the characters inner most thoughts
without leaving the stage (other characters are
6This device is used so that we are privy to a
characters inner most thoughts it is often
delivered by the actor alone on stage.
8These rowdy people who attended the plays were
called _____________ because they stood around
the stage.
10Elizabethan Theatre is unique in that the only
means for setting the scene was this
11Dialogue/ Costume
12Romeo and Juliet and Midsummer Nights Dream were
both written in _________________ verse.
13Blank- Blank verse in non rhyming but metered in
14This is the meter Shakespeare used in all of his
15Iambic Pentameter
16Shakespeare does this to words to maintain the
17Takes out or adds syllablesExample oer for over
18The meter closely matches this in beat.
19The heart
20How many syllables are in each line of the play?
22All Shakespearean plays have this many Acts.
24This character often reveals what will happen
before it happens.
25The Chorus
26Romeo dumps Rosaline because of this.
27She hath sworn to remain chaste.
28Name a Shakespearean element that appears in both
Romeo and Juliet and Midsummer Nights Dream.
29Confusing messages, spurned love, forbidden love,
poison/ potion, funny servants, banishment..
30Each family loses a brace of kinsmen.
Shakespeare does this for what purpose?
31To achieve balance, an important element to the
32Well, in that hit you miss. Shell not be hit.
With Cupids arrow. She hath Dians wit.
34o heavy lightness, serious vanity, Misshapen
chaos of well-seeming forms.
36Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon.
38I am no pilot yet, wert thou as far as that
vast shore washed with the farthest sea, I should
adventure for such merchandise.
40As if that name, shot from the deadly level of a
42Juliet sends Romeo her ring to symbolize this.
43Her everlasting love and forgiveness.
44Rosaline is described as having this to emphasize
her attractiveness.
45A high forehead/ fair skin
46Tybalt could be said to have too much choler as
it represents this.
47fire and anger
48When Bottom is turned into a donkey the play
descends into chaos. This represents what
Elizabethan belief.
49Chain of Being- That when the natural order of
even one person is disrupted, the entire universe
is disrupted.
50Only men and boys acted in these plays and thus
plays did not include this.
51Wedding Scenes.