Promoting%20Healthy%20Behaviors:%20Linking%20Student%20Health%20to%20Prevention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Promoting Healthy Behaviors: Linking Student Health to Prevention Funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2002-2003. Research conducted by American Medical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Promoting%20Healthy%20Behaviors:%20Linking%20Student%20Health%20to%20Prevention

Promoting Healthy Behaviors Linking Student
Health to Prevention

Funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
2002-2003. Research conducted by American Medical
Student Association/Foundation in collaboration
with Emory University Healthy Doc-Healthy
Patient Project.
Prepared by Lauren Oshman, MD, MPH American
Medical Student Association/Foundation, 2003.
  • Examine how the practice of future primary care
    physicians is affected by prevention curricula
    taught in medical schools and your schools
    emphasis on medical student well-being.
  • Learn how to foster collaboration of medical
    schools and student leadership on local and
    national level to facilitate adoption of
    exemplary programs to strengthen health promotion
    and prevention curricula.

Student Well Being Programs
  • What the research shows

Are We Well in Medical School?
  • Students health falters in medical school.1
  • Alcohol consumption increases.
  • Socialization and exercise decrease.
  • Depression is related to poorer health habits.1
  • Maladaptive behaviors eventually form.2
  • Going to school when sick, self-prescribing and
    underuse of medical care.
  • Residency can further erode wellness.3,4
  • Ball S, Bax A. Self-care in Medical Education
    Effectiveness of Health-habits Interventions for
    First-year Medical Students. Acad Med 2002
    77(9) 911-917.
  • Baldwin PJ. Young doctors healthII. Health and
    health behavior. Social Science Medicine 1997
    45(1) 41-44.
  • Collier V, McCue J, Markus A, Smith L. Stress in
    medical residency status quo after a decade of
    reform. Annals of Internal Medicine 2002 136(5)
  • Levey R. Sources of stress for residents and
    recommendation for programs to assist them. Acad
    Med 2001 76(2) 142-150.

What Do We Know About Wellness?
  • Being a primary care physician and having related
    healthy habits oneself predict ones clinical
    practice of prevention. If medicine values
    disease prevention, and if physicians personal
    health practices are consistent predictors of
    prevention, we ought to cultivate healthy
    physicians in medical school.1
  • In order to give to others, physicians must have
    their basic wellness needs met. It is impossible
    to give what you dont have.2
  1. Frank, E, Rothenberg R, Lewis C Belodoff B.
    Correlates of physicians prevention-related
    practices. Arch Fam Med 2000 9 359-367.
  2. http//

The state of health promotion programs for
  • Only 20 of allopathic and osteopathic medical
    schools provide wellness programs for their
  • 24 of schools offered health promotion programs
    in 1988.

Hooper J, Cox C, Cambre K, Wilburn D, Webster M,
Wolf T. Comparison of the support allopathic and
osteopathic medical school health promotion
programs for students. The Science of Health
Promotion. 1999 13(3) 171-179.
Student Wellness Programs Declining
Cox CC, Cambre KM, Wolf TM, Webster MG, Hooper J.
Trends in number and administrative
characteristics of medical school health
promotion programmes. Med Educ 2001 35(2)
What do preclinical students think?
  • Wellness is linked to prevention ...if we
    sacrifice our own health from studying too long,
    staying up too late, stressing out too much about
    exams we cant take care of other people if we
    dont watch our own health first.
  • Prevention should be integrated, not separated
    Nobody goes to those classes because theyre
    busy with the other ones
  • Early clinical exposure is important In the
    clinics Ive noticed prevention being important
    but not in lectures.
  • Students want more prevention I can count the
    hours of prevention education on two hands
    Miniscule would be the word.

AMSA Focus Group, 2002.
What do clinical students think?
  • Wellness is difficult to achieve We're really
    stressed, basically.
  • Clinical students see mentoring as important to
    wellness. I would like having a designated
    person to whom students can turn at any time.
    That would be a hotline . . . A counselor.
  • Clinical experience is most useful in prevention
    observing physicians who have counseled for many
    years counsel a patient on a certain topic
  • Specialty physicians have different opinions.
    I'm going into surgical subspecialty there is
    little role for prevention.

AMSA Focus Group, 2002.
What do Deans think about Wellness and
AMSA Survey of Deans, 2003.
Who should promote healthy behaviors and
AMSA Survey of Deans, 2003.
Do physicians have a responsibility to promote
prevention with patients?
Emory University, Healthy Doc Survey and AMSA
Dean Survey data, 2002-2003.
Making the Link Between Student Wellness and
Prevention in Practice
  • What others have done

Emory University Sample Curricular Interventions
  • Pre-clinical
  • Medical Decision Making class used Healthy Doc
    survey data to learn about statistic (M1s)
  • Physician panel on substance use (M2s)
  • 1 hour talk in Behavioral Science on alcohol and
    tobacco use of physicians, U.S. medical students,
    and Emory 2003 medical students (M2s).

The Healthy Doc-Healthy Patient Project is a 17
medical school study of and intervention in
medical student health. Two-prong study being
conducted at 16 US medical schools (2,000
students, 88 response rate) tracking the natural
history of students attitudes and health and
counseling behaviors and at Emory where an
intervention to promote healthy student behavior
was developed, implemented, and evaluated.
Emory University Sample Curricular Interventions
  • Clinical
  • Ethics/Psychiatry Complete a Beck Depression
    Inventory and an alcohol CAGE screening
    questionnaire on themselves
  • Ethics/medicine Completed an advanced directive
    and living will for themselves
  • Dermatology Received information about skin
    cancer prevention and prevention strategies for
    themselves and their patients and a container of
    sunscreen for their own use.

Emory University Sample Curricular Interventions
  • Healthy, quick-cooking class
  • Saturday visit to the mountains for hiking and
    healthy eating
  • Two wine-tasting seminars (student idea, attended
    by about 30 students each time) to teach about
    using alcohol for purposes other than
  • Weekly yoga classes.

Kirksville COM Still Well Wellness Program
  • Program Philosophy You are your own first
  • Wellness is considered the cornerstone for each
    student to model for future patients.
  • Still Well Wellness Program is a voluntary,
    comprehensive wellness program that encourages
    students to balance medical school with personal
  • Participation currently 73.

Still Well Wellness ProgramSeven Components of
Still Well Wellness ProgramBenefits
  • Physical benefits
  • Preparticipation physical examination.
  • Six month fitness assessment.
  • 2 hours free racquetball/week.
  • Free aerobic classes.
  • Other benefits
  • Year end recognition banquet.
  • Quarterly wellness newsletter.
  • Seminar series diversity in medicine,
    interpersonal relationship building, stress
    management, high performance nutrition.
  • Career benefits
  • Pathways program in career planning that includes
  • Academic benefits
  • Extra points for participation in wellness
    seminar series in osteopathic manipulation.
  • M2s do health exams for M1s.
  • M2s create fitness and wellness Rx for M1s.
  • Student committee plans exam schedule to allow
    student attendance at professional conferences.

Still Well Wellness ProgramEvaluation Results
  • Compared to a similar medical school cohort, both
    students in the Still Well Program and the
    control cohort had a drop-off in exercise and
    leisure breaks taken up to Xmas break.
  • After the break, Still Well participants restored
    their health habits to the original level, except
    for sleep deprivation and the intensity of
    exercise, while the control cohort had further
    declines in health habits.
  • Still Well participants have lower levels of

Kirksville COM Prevention Curriculum
  • Complete DOctor course
  • Preclinical longitudinal course addressing
    prevention, wellness, clinical skills.
  • Commitment to student leadership
  • Leadership script documenting student
    volunteerism and leadership during and outside
    school for reference in residency application.
  • Grading environment
  • Percentage grades in first two years.
  • Pass/Fail grades in clinical rotations.

Loma Linda University Wellness Program
  • Alcohol, tobacco drug use
  • Boundary items for Adventists.
  • Students pledge not to drink or smoke.
  • Alcohol treatment and addiction support
  • Counseling
  • Student Assistance Program available for
  • Mentorship
  • Personal mentor for weekly meetings, friendship,
    and support.
  • Reaches 40-70 students.
  • Diet and exercise
  • State of the art fitness complex.
  • Many extracurricular sports and activities.
  • Vegetarian only cafeteria.

Loma Linda University Curriculum Ethics and
  • 1st year (20 hours)
  • Wholeness for Physicians
  • Stress management, relationships, controlling
    anger, and conflict resolution.
  • Required Action Option Plan.
  • Orientation to religion and medicine -
    discussions on God and human suffering.
  • Biomedical ethics.
  • 2nd year
  • Integration of religion and medicine
  • Integration of prayer and other treatment
    modalities into clinical context.

Orientation Wellness Workshops
  • University of Louisville
  • Week-long workshop during M1 orientation,
  • 1981-2001.
  • Goal Medical students who practice constructive
    self-care will become role models for patients.
  • Components Environment, Communication,
    Mind/Body, Community, Ethics, Nutrition,
    Exercise, Recreation, Stress Reduction, Time
    Management, Relaxation, The Arts, Gender Issues,
    Relationships, Study Skills, Faith, Coping.

Student Wellness Leadership
  • UIC Wellness Consortium
  • Participants plan wellness and health promotion
    activities each month.
  • Activities include cholesterol glucose
    screening, back safety ergonomics, walking
    programs, etc.
  • Creighton University Wellness Council
  • Elected medical student representatives.
  • Participants plan wellness activities, meet with
    Dean, and plan lunch presentations.

Data from assessment performed by American
Network of Health Promoting Universities, a
special project of the Association of Academic
Health Centers, 2002.
Role Modeling and Peer Support Programs
  • Case Western Reserve University Wellness
  • Physician presenters role model coping strategies
    and stress reduction.
  • Students perceived the elective to legitimize and
    give permission to self care and wellbeing.
  • Talking with peers and venting was effective in
    stress reduction.
  • Mercer
  • Personal Professionalism and Leadership
    mentorship program.
  • Promotes student well being, health and wellness.
  1. Lee J, Graham A. Students perception of medical
    school stress and their evaluation of a wellness
    elective. Med Education 2001 35(7) 652-659

Competency Assessment in Self Care
  • Brown University
  • Self awareness, self care, and personal growth
    are graduation requirements.
  • Students may demonstrate self awareness by
    demonstrating competency in medical interviewing
    class, Psychiatry clerkship, volunteer work,
    electives, or one-on-one meetings with student

Sample Prevention Curricula
  • What others have done

Do recent graduates believe adequate time is
devoted to instruction of prevention?
  • Health promotion and disease prevention
  • 16.9 inadequate, 81.6 appropriate,
  • 1.6 excessive.
  • Screening for diseases
  • 8.5 inadequate, 90.3 appropriate,
  • 1.2 excessive.
  • Infectious disease prevention
  • 24.5 inadequate, 73.8 appropriate, 1.7

AAMC Graduation Questionnaire, 2002.
Exposure to Community and Public Health
  • Wayne State University
  • Course based on ATPM competencies.1
  • Clinical Learning Exercises address public
    health learning objectives.
  • University of Miami
  • 12 week Primary Care clerkship incorporates
    lectures, small group cases, and CDC Healthy
    People screening software.
  • Student placement in public health settings for
    one week.

1. Pomrehn, P., Davis, M., Chen, D., and Barker,
W. Prevention for the 21st Century Setting the
context through Undergrauate Medical Education.
Academic Medicine. 2000 75 (7 Supplement)
Use of Case-Based Learning and Technology
  • University of Massachusetts
  • The McQs, a simulated standardized family.1
  • Case-based modules address health promotion,
    lifestyle counseling, risk factor assessment, and
    preventive services.
  • University of Kentucky
  • Computer-based patient management simulation
    simulates adult and pediatric preventive care
    visits for self-directed student learning

1. Pugnaire MP, Leong SL, Quirk ME, Mazor K, Gray
JM. The standardized family an innovation in
primary care education at the University of
Massachusetts. Acad Med 1999 Jan74(1
What to do now
  • More medical schools should institute personal
    health promotion programs to improve student
  • Medical schools should better integrate health
    promotion programs with clinical prevention
  • Personal wellness may be a successful hook to
    interest medical students in prevention.

What Can Students Do?
  • Orientation Activities - Medical student survival
    week, tour of school wellness resources, panel
    discussion on surviving basic science classes.
  • Seminars and Panel Discussion - Massage circle,
    prayer group, finger painting, pasta sculptures,
    drumming circle, Tai Chi, exercise/outdoor
    activities club, weekly yoga class.
  • Student Wellness Activities Panel on
    relationships in med. school, effective study
    habits, time management strategies, effects of
    sleep deprivation, spirituality and wellness
  • Peer Support Networks - Big sib/little sib
  • Student-Dean Collaboration - Lunch with the Dean.

Students Can Get Further Experience through AMSA
  • http//
  • Humanistic Medicine Action Committee
  • Action Committee on Medical Education
  • Humanistic Medicine Retreats
  • LIGHT Rotation for Fourth Year Students
  • Opportunities curriculum through AMSAs
    Complementary and Alternative Medicine project
  • Director of Student Programming (

What Can Deans Do?
  • Let us emancipate the student, and give him time
    and opportunity for the cultivation of his mind,
    so that in his pupilage he shall not be a puppet
    in the hands of others, but rather a self-relying
    and reflecting being. Sir William Osler
  • Foster student initiated activities and support
    student leaders.
  • Identify faculty leaders in prevention and
    wellness and provide support through faculty
  • Provide institutional resources.2
  • Promote reporting and publishing of successful

1. Sachdeva AK. Faculty development and support
needed to integrate the learning of prevention in
the curricula of medical schools. Acad Med 2000
75(7) S35-S42. 2. AMSA Deans Survey, 2003.
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