World Ecotourism Conference 8 11 July
2010 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
By Norhazliza Abd Halim Phd candidate,
University of Tasmania, Australia Lecturer,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Tourism can be used way of addressing
poverty, not as a panacea but as a useful tool of
development and poverty alleviation especially in
developing countries - (Christie, 2002 Jamieson, Goodwin, Edmunds,
2004) - Tourisms potential for being pro-poor lies in
four main areas - Tourism is a diverse industry - increases the
scope for wide participation - The customer comes to the product - provides
considerable opportunities for linkages - Tourism is highly dependent upon natural capital
- assets of the poor - Tourism can be more labour intensive - higher
proportion of tourism benefits. - (Ashley, Roe and Goodwin, 2001)
- Who is most affected by Rural Poverty?
- Those who live in remote areas, have higher
child/adult ratios, work in insecure and
low-income jobs and belong to ethnic minorities. - Most rural poor are smallholder farmers who live
in low-fertility regions and are dependent on
uncertain rainfall. Their survival depends on
subsistence crops, and sometimes on livestock. - (IFAD, 2001)
- Approach to link tourism with poverty alleviation
- Pro Poor Tourism lead by Overseas Development
Institute in late 1990s - tourism that results in increased net
benefits for the poor - (Ashley, Roe, Goodwin, 2001)
- Sustainable Tourism for Eliminating Poverty
(STEP) lead by UNWTO, supported by UNCTAD in
2002 - will help to promote socially, economically
and ecologically sustainable tourism, aimed at
alleviating poverty and bringing jobs to the
people - (UNWTO, 2002)
1999, Pro-poor tourism was put on the agenda
It is not a new kind of tourism product but an
approach to tourism which focuses on tilting
the cake at the micro, meso and macro levels
towards the poor rather than expanding the cake.
(Sofield, De Lacy, Lipman Daugherty, 2004) A
different way of doing business, not just
philanthropy. (Ashley, Nyathi,
Haysom, 2005)
(Source Ashley Harrison, 2006)
How tourism can alleviate the rural poverty?
(Especially in Malaysia context)
5The Fact
- As many as 75 of the worlds poor live in rural
areas (IFAD, 200115) - Poverty rates remain the highest in the
predominantly rural areas of Malaysia - 70.6 -
based on Poverty Line Income (PLI) of RM657 per
month (Government of Malaysia, 2006) - Top tourism destinations, particularly in
developing countries, include national parks,
wilderness areas, mountains, lakes, and cultural
sites, most of which are generally rural. - As the 2nd largest economic contributor to the
Malaysian economy, tourism has become the
priority tool to energize the rural economy. - Pro-poor tourism is still a relatively new
phenomenon in Malaysia, although certain elements
of pro-poor tourism may be observed in the
tourism developments.
6The Challenge
- Pro-poor tourism remains predominantly at the
micro level current interventions cannot
deliver impacts at a significant scale tourism
for poverty alleviation should be expanded and
applicable in mainstream (mass) tourism. - The biggest challenge is to mainstream PPT so
that it is a business approach across the
industry, rather than a niche market.
How to mainstreaming poverty alleviation through
Tourism? (In the context of Rural Poverty)
7Why Mainstreaming ?
- PPT will contribute little to poverty alleviation
unless it is mainstreamed (Roe, 2006) - Mainstreaming ensure that sustainable tourism
development is included in wider poverty
alleviation programmes. - Include poverty alleviation measures within
overall strategies for the sustainable
development of tourism. - PPT should be on a big scale rather than a
piecemeal micro enterprise approach like the
traditional CBT, where all forms of potential
work should be considered in assessing value
chain benefits to the poor.
8Why VCA ?
- To identify
- Where the poor participate in the tourism
economy and - What opportunities exist for increasing the
participation and - earnings of the poor, in different parts of
the tourism chain
- Value Chain Approach to Pro Poor Tourism
- - VCA focuses on the inter-linkages between
elements of the value chain, - and usually addresses both economic flows
and governance issues - between levels.
- Tourism and the local economy building
linkages. - Building linkages with the local economy is also
known as PPT (www.propoortourism.org.uk), which
is about doing business differently as well as
communities can benefiting through tourism
(Sofield, 2008). - Industries related to tourism can grow, become
more competitive and contribute to a more dynamic
93 Pathways by which Tourism affects different
poor people
Direct income from employment, Small and informal
sector, non-labour income and non-economic
livelihood effects Indirect income from supply
chains, from tourism staff spending their wages
and other induced effects Dynamic effects on
the local and national economy (i.e. human
resource development, improved infrastructure
spill over, and tax)
(Source Mann and Mitchell, 2006)
10A change in the operation of the value chain can
benefit poor people in 3 different ways
- Increased access to the tourism value chain to
more poor people, thus creating new entrants - Increased income of existing poor participants in
tourism - Increased non-financial benefits to poor
(Source After Ashley, Goodwin, McNab, Chaves,
Scott, 2006)
Aimed to clarify how fostering linkages between
private sector in tourism and other community
activities as pro-poor tourism strategy through
tourism value chain analysis and recommend
directions to effectively apply tourism as a tool
for rural poverty alleviation with the focus on a
high-end resort and its linkages with the local
community in several traditional fishing villages
in Penarik, Terengganu, Malaysia.
- Understand the nature of the existing level of
knowledge on tourism for poverty alleviation in
rural area of Malaysia. - Identify the existing linkages (potentials and
constraints) between tourism and local economic
in Penarik, Terengganu. - Analyse the involvement of key stakeholder (roles
and interactions) related factors enabling and
constraining (potentials and constraints) in
application of tourism as a tool for rural
poverty alleviation in Penarik, Terengganu.
14Case Study
TERENGGANU located at the East Coast of
Peninsular MALAYSIA
PENARIK located at the northern of TERENGGANU
15MALAYSIA at a glance
The number of international tourists to Malaysia
in 2008 is 22.0 million, compare to 20.9 million
in 2007 - generating a revenue of RM 49 billion
(Tourism Malaysia, 2009) Poverty in Malaysia
3.6 in 2007 and 7.1 in rural area poverty
alleviation strategies include macro economic
strategies, capacity building, social equity.
16TERENGGANUat a glimpse
- Rich and well-known with cultural, natural and
heritage tourism products. - Became tourism hub for east coast Malaysia -
ECER Master Plan identified tourism development
as one of economic drivers, which PPT is central
to the role of tourism in revitalising the rural
economy and poverty alleviation. - Poverty in Terengganu 10.5 in 2005 (2nd
highest in peninsular Malaysia) mostly in rural
17PENARIK villages by the sea
- Has an area of 8,499.4 hectare traditional
fishing villages. - Highly sensitive coastline and wetland area
encompasses Setiu lagoon preserves various
aquaculture wildlife (turtle, river terrapin,
fireflies) and mangrove.
18PENARIK is poor
Lack of employment and other economic
opportunities is a serious problem
19PENARIK is rich
It is blessed with tourist attractions
agricultural, natural, heritage, and cultural
resources that are largely untapped or neglected
20Profile of the Poor
- Total population is 3,423 97 Malay, 0.26
Chinese, and 0.02 India. - No. of poor 350 (under RM657/ month)
Major economic activities 85 are fishermen Others farmers, and hawkers
Type of earning More than 75 are based on daily earnings Others are based on salary
Income 42 earn just above poverty line (RM657 RM1,000) 10 below poverty line (under RM657) 48 earn much above the poverty line (above RM1,000)
Education level 65 have formal school level (mostly until secondary school)
21Pro Poor Tourism Product
22Terrapuri Heritage Village
23VCA of Terrapuri Heritage Village
The main chain will be assessed Terrapuri
Heritage Village (accomodation) Another 4
sub-chain will be look through, which link with
the resort food and beverage, agriculture,
excursions and handicrafts Poor defined as
unskilled and semi-skilled people
Terrapuri Heritage Village
Cultural Handicraft
Entertainment Performance
Craft Shop
Excursion Transport
Local Guide
Local Transport
Manufactured Goods
Fish Meat
24Findings from Pilot Study
- Most of the resorts consumers are dominate by
domestic tourist and high-end - mainstream holiday package tourists
- Up to half of earnings of the poor come from
food supply chain - Most of the local products from the farmers and
fishermen supply to the resort - local linkages exist
- The resort as an example of mainstreaming
provides x benefits versus - comparison with home-stay (non-mainstreaming)
provides y benefits how both - of this can work together.
- Researcher identified 5 productive chains as
holding competitive opportunities - for the community to link with the resort
- Fruit and vegetable agriculture,
- Fishing
- Cultural activities
- Artisan products
- Local food
25Pro Poor Tourism Issues
- Both tourism and development policy makers did
not fully understand the role of tourism in rural
poverty alleviation PPT not addressed in most
formal development plan. - Lack of infrastructure, of pro-poor value chains
and of leadership (at regional and local level),
ability to supply tourists with local products
are small. - Tourism only been introduced to this research
area in late 2003 with the opening of homestay
programme (Kg. Rhu10) a lot of tourism
resources yet being neglected or untapped. - Difficulty in getting funding at initial stage,
lack of capacity building, training, and credit.
- Contribution to tourism - Pro-poor tourism has
the potential of benefiting the poor, decreasing
inequality and mainstream the linkage from a
narrow focus on community to all kind of things
where communities could benefit through tourism
Need all possible poverty alleviation tools. - Relevant to the Malaysian case Very recently,
tourism started to adopt tourism as a tool for
reducing poverty still need a thorough research
as a model. - Very recently the Malaysian Government has moved
to adopt PPT in part for CBET in its eastern
provinces of Sabah and Sarawak, and has joined
with other BIMP countries to implement a five
year strategy for that purpose.