Bird Vocalizations 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bird Vocalizations 1

Description: boreal owl Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) hooting ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bird Vocalizations 1

Bird Vocalizations 1
725tipus1 boreal owl
Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) hooting
n.html top of page or about 20 down
  • JodyLee Estrada Duek, Ph.D.
  • With assistance from Dr. Gary Ritchison
  • http//

Birds produce a variety of sounds
  • to communicate with flock members, mates (or
    potential mates), neighbors, family members.
    These sounds vary from short, simple call notes
    (and short, simple songs like those of Henslow's
    Sparrows) . . . http//
    irdcommunication.html top(with an occasional
    'buzzy' song of a Grasshopper Sparrow in the
  • . . . to surprisingly long, complex songs (e.g.,
    the Superb Lyrebird with David Attenborough).
  • Sometimes birds generate sounds by using
    substrates (like woodpeckers) or special feathers
    (like American Woodcock) or special wings (like
  • Red-capped Manakin (Pipra mentalis) using its
    wings to generate sound. http//
  • Male Anna's Hummingbirds use their tail feathers
    to generate sound.  http//
  • Most sounds, however, are produced by the avian
    vocal organ, the syrinx.
  • Common loon http//

  • The syrinx is located at the point where the
    trachea branches into the two primary bronchi.
    According to one model of syrinx function, sound
    is generated when
  • contraction of muscles (thoracic abdominal)
    force air from air sacs through the bronchi
  • the air molecules vibrate as they pass through
    the narrow passageways between the external labia
    the internal tympaniform membranes (or, as in
    the diagram above, tympanic membrane.
  • With two separate passageways (and membranes),
    some birds are able to generate two different
    sounds at the same time
  • hear a 'self-duet' by a Clay-colored Robin
    es/naturesongs/ccro12.wav/view.html(Source Doug
    Von Gausig's webpage at http//

The sound of the song
  • Characteristics of the sound (e.g., frequency)
    are influenced by vibrations of the internal
    tympaniform membrane (ITM).
  • Superfast syringeal muscles -- Elemans et al.
    (2004) have found that Ring Doves (Streptopelia
    risoria) use "superfast" muscles to make their
    distinctive call. The dove's familiar cooing
    sound includes a trill, which is caused by an
    airflow that makes membranes in the syrinx
  • The quality of sound can be further influenced by
    tracheal length, by constricting the larynx, by
    muscles in the throat, or by the structure and/or
    movements of the bill (e.g., here are some
    complex 'Bird Songs in Slow Motion').
  • Although the above model has been generally
    accepted, Goller and Larsen (1997a, 1997b, 1999)
    provide evidence that other structures (not the
    ITM) are the source of sound in both songbirds
    (oscines) and non-songbirds because birds can
    still vocalize when the medium (or internal)
    tympaniform membrane is experimentally kept from
  • Birdsong sounds sweeter because throats filter
    out messy overtones songbirds adjust the size and
    shape of their vocal tract to 'fit' the changing

Control of the song
  • Central motor control Different circuits (or
    impulse pathways) in the brain control song
    production (posterior descending pathway) and
    song learning (anterior forebrain pathway).
  • Song production is controlled via a pathway
    beginning in the brain travelling to the syrinx
  • Testosterone (and melatonin) appear to play a
    role in song production
  • Autoradiographic studies have shown that the
    neurons of the song-controlling nuclei
    incorporate radioactive testosterone, whereas
    other regions of the brain do not (Arnold et al.
  • Male Zebra Finches - correlation between the
    amount of song the concentration of serum
    testosterone (Pröve 1978)
  • Seasonal changes in testosterone levels
    correlated with seasonal singing patterns
  • When testosterone levels are low, decrease in
    song a decrease in size of male-specific brain
    nuclei (Nottebohm 1981).
  • In adult Chaffinches, castration eliminates song,
    but injection of testosterone induces such birds
    to sing even in November, when they are normally
    silent (Thorpe 1958).
  • Females in some species can be induced to sing by
    injecting them with testosterone (Nottebohm

Spectrograms of hoots from three different male
Scops owls showing the variation in frequency.
Male quality and owl hoots 1
  • The evolution of communication through
    intrasexual selection is expected to lead
    signalers to transmit honest information on their
    fighting ability.
  • Hardouin et al. (2007) studied information
    encoded in acoustic structure of territorial
    calls of a nocturnal raptor.
  • During territorial contests, male Scops Owls
    (Otus scops) give hoots composed of a downward
    frequency shift followed by a stable plateau.
  • Hardouin et al. (2007) found that the frequency
    of the hoot was negatively correlated with the
    body weight of the vocalizer.
  • They shifted the frequency of natural hoots to
    create resynthesized calls corresponding to
    individuals of varying body weight and used these
    stimuli in playback experiments simulating an
    intrusion into the territory of established
  • Territory owners responded less intensely when
    they heard hoots simulating heavier intruders,
    and males with heavier apparent weight tended to
    give hoots with a lower frequency in response to
    playbacks simulating heavier intruders.

Male quality and owl hoots 2
  • Although the current lack of understanding of the
    mechanisms of voice production in owls limits our
    ability to discuss the bases of this
    relationship, one possibility is that it may
    result from physiological constraints that
    operate during sound production.
  • For example, lower-pitch hoots may be more costly
    to produce and/or reflect superior muscular or
    respiratory abilities.
  • The relationship between pitch and body weight
    may reflect the fact that heavier,
    better-condition males are also characterized by
    higher testosterone levels, which in turn affect
    the frequency of their vocalizations.
  • Indeed, male condition and testosterone levels
    have been shown to positively correlate, and
    higher testosterone levels are typically
    associated with more intense sexual displays.
  • Moreover, experimental studies have demonstrated
    that injections of testosterone lower the
    frequency of male calls in birds, e.g., Gray
    Partridges (Perdrix perdrix) and Zebra Finches
    (Taeniopygia guttata).

Melatonin Shapes Brain Structure In Songbirds
  • Springtime's lengthening days spark the growth of
    gonads and a rush of sex hormones that drive
    songbirds to melodic song.
  • Bentley et al. (1999) also identified melatonin
    as a critical ingredient that regulates singing
    and fine-tunes the effects of testosterone on the

Sexual differentiation of the avian brain
  • In songbirds, males and females may have
    distinctly different brain structures,
    specifically in those areas involved in the
    production of song.
  • In many songbirds, males sing while females do
    not (or sing very little).
  • The ability to sing is controlled by six
    different clusters of neurons (nuclei) in the
    avian brain (see diagrams below). Neurons connect
    each of these regions to one another.
  • In male songbirds, these nuclei can be several
    times larger than the corresponding cluster of
    neurons in females, and in some species (e.g.,
    Zebra Finches), females may lack one of these
    regions (area X) entirely (Arnold 1980, Konishi
    and Akutagawa 1985).

Classification of Bird Sounds 1
  • Songs
  • primarily under the influence of sex hormones
  • generally important in reproduction (e.g.,
    defending territories attracting mates)
  • Calls
  • generally concerned with coordination of the
    behavior of a pair, family group, or flock (e.g.,
    several vocalizations of Carolina Chickadees)
  • not primarily sexual, but important in
    'maintenance' activities, such as foraging,
    flocking, responding to threats of predation
  • usually are acoustically simple (e.g., contact
    notes of Northern Cardinals)
  • may serve a variety of functions
  • location/contact/individual recognition
    Montezuma Oropendola contact calls
  • Slaty-tailed Trogon calling http//
    /watch?vsgBfb9eDx-g (Mayflower Bocawina
    National Park - Belize.. (more))

Classification of Bird Sounds 2
  1. nocturnal flight calls. These calls help birds
    form and maintain in-flight associations, and
    also provide locational information that helps
    flying birds avoid collisions.

Nocturnal flight call of a Black-and-White
Warbler RealAudio AIFF WAV (at 1/6 speed
RealAudio AIFF WAV) Video of Black-and-white
Warbler at Mayflower Bocawina National Park,
Belize ... http//
Classification of Bird Sounds 3
  • Sonograms of distress calls from six species.
  • Sooty- capped Bush-Tanager,
  • (b) Black-capped Flycatcher, 
  • (c) Green Violet-ear (pictured below),
  • (d) Gray-breasted Wood- Wren,
  • (e) Streak-breasted Treehunter, and 
  • (f) Yellowish Flycatcher.
  • Each sonogram represents  1 sec of distress
  1. distress (Listen to a Downy Woodpecker distress

Distress Calls of Birds in a Neotropical Cloud
Forest 1
  • Neudorf and Sealy 2002 -- Distress calls are
    loud, harsh calls given by some species of birds
    when they are captured by a predator or handled
    by humans.
  • recorded the frequency of distress calls in 40
    species of birds captured in mist nets during the
    dry season in a Costa Rica cloud forest.
  • They tested the following hypotheses proposed to
    explain the function of distress calls
  • calling for help from kin or reciprocal
  • (2) warning kin
  • (3) eliciting mobbing behavior
  • (4) startling the predator
  • (5) distracting the predator through attraction
    of additional predators.

Distress Calls of Birds in a Neotropical Cloud
Forest 2
  • results did not support calling-for-help, warning
    kin, or mobbing hypotheses.
  • genera that regularly occurred with kin or in
    flocks were not more likely to call than
    non-flocking genera.
  • no relationship between calling frequency and
    struggling behavior as predicted by the predator
    startle hypothesis.
  • Larger birds tended to call more than smaller
    birds, providing some support for both the
    predator distraction and predator startle
  • Calls of higher amplitude may be more effective
    in startling the predator.
  • Distress calls of larger birds may also travel
    greater distances than those of smaller birds,
    supporting the predator manipulation /
    distraction hypothesis.
  • The adaptive significance of distress calls
    remains unclear as past studies have generated
    conflicting results.
  • While more playback experiments are necessary to
    determine if calls indeed attract other
    individuals or predators, these results suggest
    that distress calls do not function to attract
    helpers or mobbers but are more likely directed
    toward predators.

Classification of Bird Sounds 4
  • feeding
  • aggression
  • courtship
  • copulation or post-copulatory (e.g., see 'Calls'
    section of this account of Broad-winged Hawks and
    this description of copulation in Burrowing Owls)
  • begging (e.g., young Downy Woodpeckers while
    being fed)
  • Kookaburra nest http//
  • alarm (aerial predator vs. ground predator)  for
    an example of crow alarm calls check
    http// also listen
    to the alarm call of a Masked Antpitta, Hylopezus

Alarm calls
  • Domestic Chicken - aerial predator alarm call
  • Domestic Chicken - ground predator alarm call

Alarm calls
  • White-breasted wood wren http//

Chickadee language 1
  • Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapilla)
    have a complex language for warning flock-mates
    about predators.
  • It was already known that chickadees utter a
    high-pitched "seet" when a predator was overhead,
    and used their "chick-a-dee" call to, among other
    things, alert flock-mates to mob a threatening
    bird that was perched.
  • However, Templeton et al. (2005) put flocks of
    six chickadees in an enclosure and recorded their
  • In the presence of a harmless quail, chickadees
    gave no alarm.
  • But when a tethered raptor (hawk or owl) entered
    the cage, the alarms began.
  • Alarms were more frequent when Saw-whet and Pygmy
    owls were present.
  • But the alarms also had a different sound.
  • In the presence of small predators, the
    chickadees tacked an average of four "dees" to
    their call "chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee."
  • When the larger, but less dangerous, Great Horned
    Owl was present, they used two dees
  • Smaller predators are more dangerous because of
    their greater agility

Chickadee language 2
  •  To prove that the "language" was conveying
    information, Templeton et al. (2005) played back
    the recordings to chickadees.
  • Recordings made in response to more dangerous
    raptors elicited more mobbing behavior,
    confirming that the chickadees understood the
    meaning of the calls.
  • While this may be the most sophisticated bird
    "vocabulary" found to date, Templeton suspects
    others are out there.
  • This is the most detailed communication we have
    found, but it is also the finest scale that
    anyone has looked.
  • All these signaling systems are a lot more
    complicated than we really expect, until we spend
    a lot of time and energy looking at them

Predator wingspan compared to the number of "dee"
tones  on the end of the chickadees calls. The
smaller (and more  agile) the predator, the more
"dees" get added, suggesting  that chickadees
recognize the danger of smaller predators.
Hear a chickadee response to a Pygmy Owl - click
here.  Hear a chickadee response to a Great
Horned Owl - click here. Black-capped chickadee
Nuthatches eavesdrop on chickadees
  • Many animals recognize the alarm calls produced
    by other species, but the amount of information
    they glean from these eavesdropped signals is
  • Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)
    have a sophisticated alarm call system in which
    they encode complex information about the size
    and risk of potential predators in variations of
    a single type of mobbing alarm call.
  • Templeton and Greene (2007) showed experimentally
    that Red-breasted Nuthatches (Sitta canadensis)
    respond appropriately to variation in
    heterospecific "chick-a-dee" alarm calls (i.e.,
    stronger mobbing behavior to playback of
    small-predator alarm calls), indicating that they
    gain important information about potential
    predators in their environment.
  • These results demonstrate a previously
    unsuspected level of discrimination in intertaxon

  • Siberian Jay (Photo by John van der Woude)

Calls 'describe' predator's behavior
  • Predation may cause natural selection, driving
    evolution of antipredator calls.
  • calls can communicate predator category and/or
    predator distance
  • risk posed by predators depends also on predator
    behavior, and ability of prey to communicate
    predator behavior to conspecifics would be a
    selective advantage reducing predation risk.
  • Griesser (2008) tested with Siberian Jays
    (Perisoreus infaustus), a group-living bird
  • Predation by hawks, and owls, is substantial and
    sole cause of mortality in adults
  • Field data and predator-exposure experiments
    revealed jays use antipredator calls depending on
    predator behavior.
  • playback experiment demonstrated that
    prey-to-prey calls are specific to hawk behavior
    (perch, search, or attack) and elicit distinct,
    situation-specific responses.
  • first study to demonstrate that prey signals
    convey information about predator behavior to
  • Given that antipredator calls by jays serve to
    protect kin group members, lowering mortality,
    kin-selected benefits could be an important
    factor for the evolution of predator-behavior-spec
    ific antipredator calls in such systems.

Low frequency calls of cassowaries 1
Photo by D. DeMello, Wildlife Conservation
  • some birds can detect wavelengths in the
    infrasound range, there has been litle evidence
    that birds produce very low frequencies.
  • Mack and Jones (2003) made 9 recordings of a
    captive Dwarf Cassowary (Casuarius benneti) and
    one recording of a wild Southern Cassowary (C.
    casuarius) in Papua New Guinea.
  • Both species produced sounds near the floor of
    the human hearing range in their pulsed booming
    notes down to 32 Hz for C. casuarius and 23 Hz
    in C. benneti. 

Low frequency calls of cassowaries 2
  • Natural selection should favor evolution of
    vocalizations that reach targets with minimal
    degradation, and low frequencies propagate over
    long distances with minimal attenuation by
  • New Guinea forests often have a fairly thick
    understory of wet leafy vegetation that could
    quickly attenuate higher frequencies.
  • very low frequency calls of cassowaries probably
    ideal for communication among widely dispersed,
    solitary cassowaries in dense rainforest.
  • How cassowaries produce such low vocalizations is
    currently unknown.   
  • All three cassowary species have keratinous
    casques rising from the upper mandible over the
    top of the skull up to 17 cm in height.
  • Hypotheses concerning the function of the casque
  • a secondary sexual character,
  • (2) a weapon in dominance disputes,
  • (3) a tool for scraping the leaf-litter, or
  • (4) a crash helmet for birds as they bash through
    the undergrowth.
  • The later three seem unlikely based on field
  • Future research should include the possibility
    that casque might play some role in sound
    reception or acoustic communication.

Energetic cost of singing
  • Sexually selected displays, such as male
    passerine bird song, predicted to be costly.
  • measurements calculating rate of oxygen
    consumption during singing using respirometry
    have shown that bird song has a low energetic
  • Because birds are reluctant to sing when enclosed
    in a respirometry chamber, energetic cost of
    singing could differ under more normal
  • Ward and Slater (2005) used heat transfer
    modeling, based on thermal images, to estimate
    the energetic cost of singing by Canaries
    (Serinus canaria) not enclosed in respirometry
  • Metabolic rate calculated from heat transfer
    modeling was 14 greater than during standing,
    suggesting song production is metabolically cheap
    for passerines and the metabolic cost small
    enough that it is unlikely to represent important
    fitness cost
  • However, cost will increase as the temperature

The functions of bird song 1
  • may vary among species some known hypothesized
    functions include
  • Identification
  • Songs have characteristics that permit other
    birds to identify the species, sex (if both males
    and females sing), and individual identity of a
  • Characteristics important in permitting specific,
    sexual, individual recognition vary among
    species but may include (Becker 1982)
  • song duration
  • interval between song elements (also called notes
    or syllables, e.g., see sonagrams of Mangrove
    Warbler songs)
  • frequency
  • syntax - the order of elements within a song
    (e.g., Tropical Mockingbird)
  • structure of elements, e.g., duration and
  • Mate attraction
  • Territory establishment and defense

The functions of bird song 2
  • Motivation and Fitness - Birds may provide
    information to conspecifics by variation in
    (Becker 1982)
  • singing rates
  • may increase during aggressive encounters
  • may be higher in higher quality males
  • song duration - may increase or decrease
    (depending on the species) during conflicts
  • song amplitude (or volume) may decrease during
    aggressive encounters
  • song frequency - may increase during conflict
    situations (e.g., Indigo Buntings Thompson 1972)
  • song complexity - songs may consist of more or
    fewer elements during conflict situations (e.g.,
    male Blue Grosbeak utter songs with more
    syllables during aggressive encounters with other
  • Distraction of potential predators (e.g., Common
    Yellowthroat flight song)
  • Coordination of activities
  • Stimulate females
  • Attract females for extra-pair copulations
  • Mate guarding

Song complexity and the avian immune system 1
  • There are three hypotheses to explain how
    evolution of parasite virulence could be linked
    to evolution of secondary sexual traits, such as
    bird song.
  • female preference for healthy males in heavily
    parasitized species may result in extravagant
    trait expression.
  • a reverse causal mechanism may act, if sexual
    selection affects coevolutionary dynamics of
    host-parasite interactions by selecting for
    increased virulence.
  • immuno- suppressive effects of ornamentation by
    testosterone or limited resources may lead to
    increased susceptibility to parasites in species
    with elaborate songs.
  • Assuming a coevolutionary relationship between
    parasite virulence and host investment in immune
    defense, Garamszegi et al. (2003) used measures
    of immune function and song complexity to test
    passerine birds.

Song complexity and the avian immune system 2
  • Under the first two hypotheses, they predicted
    avian song complexity to be positively related to
    immune defense among species, whereas this
    relationship was expected to be negative if
    immuno-suppression was at work.
  • They found that adult T-cell mediated immune
    response and the relative size of the bursa of
    Fabricius were both positively correlated with
    song complexity, even when potentially
    confounding variables were held constant.
  • These results are consistent with the hypotheses
    that predict a positive relationship between song
    complexity and immune function, thus indicating a
    role for parasites in sexual selection. 

  • Regression of short-term song complexity (number
    of unique syllables within songs/song length) on
    T-cell mediated immune response, after removing
    allometric effects by using residuals after
    controlling for body mass. Datapoints are
    phylogenetically independent linear contrasts (N
    38). The line and equation are from linear
    regression forced through the origin.

Cities change the songs of birds
  • rise of urban noise levels are a threat to living
    conditions in and around cities.
  • Urban environments typically homogenize animal
    communities, results in same few bird species
  • Insight into the behavioral strategies of urban
    survivors may explain sensitivity of other
    species to urban selection pressures.
  • Slabbekoorn and den Boer-Visser (2006) showed
    songs that are important to mate attraction and
    territory defense have significantly diverged in
    Great Tits (Parus major), a successful urban
  • Urban songs shorter and sung faster than in
    forests, and often atypical song types.
  • consistently higher minimum frequencies in ten
    out of ten city-forest comparisons from London to
    Prague and from Amsterdam to Paris.
  • Anthropogenic noise is likely a dominant factor
    driving these changes.
  • These data provide evidence supporting
    acoustic-adaptation hypothesis
  • reveal a behavioral plasticity that may be key to
    urban success and lack of which may explain
    detrimental effects on bird communities that live
    in noisy urbanized areas or along highways.

In some species, females also sing.
  • This is particularly true in the tropics (see
    'duetting'). Singing by females may be important
  • territory defense (particularly in keeping other
    females out of a territory)
  • mate guarding
  • pair-bonding / attraction
  • reproductive synchronization

When do female birds sing? Hypotheses from
experimental studies (Langmore 1998).
  • (a) The song of a female Superb Fairy-wren.
    Females use songs to defend territories against
    both males and females.
  • (b) The song of a female Alpine Accentor. Female
    Alpine Accentors sing to attract males, and
    complexity increases with age. This song was a
    two-year-old female (Langmore 1998).

Singing by female Northern Cardinals
  • Yamaguchi (2001) found female Northern Cardinals
    learn to sing three times faster than males - the
    most dramatic example of learning disparities
    between male female animals found to date.
  • She collected nestling cardinals raised them in
    sound chambers with microphones and speakers that
    play back the songs of adult cardinals.
  • It takes about a year for a cardinal to learn to
    sing, and young songbirds learn by imitating
  • During the early sensitive phase, young dont
    sing, but listen to singing adults to memorize
    their songs.
  • Then the practicing begins.
  • initial attempts are pretty miserable
  • they practice until it matches the memory that
    was formed earlier during the sensitive phase

Source http//
Singing by female Northern Cardinals 2
  • Yamaguchi (1998) also analyzed songs and found
    females sing with more overtones, a slightly
    nasal sound.
  • Young males also go through a nasal, warbly phase
    as their testosterone levels rise, but its as
    though females continue to sing with an
    adolescent males voice.
  • Yamaguchi (2001) discovered female cardinals
    memorize adult songs three times faster than
  • While both sexes ultimately learned same number
    of song types, females sensitive phase was only
    a third as long as the males.
  • The different learning rates may reflect an
    evolutionary adaptation.
  • Like other songbirds, juvenile cardinals disperse
    from their parents territory about 45 days after
    hatching to establish their own turf before their
    first breeding season.

Singing by female Northern Cardinals 3
  • Away from their nest, young cardinals are
    suddenly immersed in new song dialects of other
    adult cardinals.
  • It appears that females lose the ability to learn
    new dialects when they disperse, while males are
    able to learn them and fit in with their new
  •  Perhaps males retain the ability to learn songs
    longer than females so that they can have a
    better chance of establishing territory in a new
  • For males, song-matching and fitting into the
    crowd in a new place are really important, while
    theyre not for females
  • Its not clear why female cardinals have a
    shorter window of vocal learning, but we dont
    really know why females sing at all, or how they
    use their songs
  • One hypothesis is that females sing as a species
    identification tool, a greeting to male cardinals
    that says, Im an eligible mate come court me.
  • Others have proposed female cardinals sing to
    shoo away brightly colored mates from the nest,
    warning the males not to attract attention to the
    vulnerable chicks.
  • female cardinals also use songs in aggressive
  • Yamaguchi says Ive seen females battling each
    other in the field, and theyre singing the whole
    time as they bang into each other.

Male northern cardinal
  • http//

Tucson, Arizona
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