Muscle Tissue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Muscle Tissue


Muscle Tissue Chapter 9 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Muscle Tissue

Muscle Tissue
  • Chapter 9

Types of Muscle Tissue
  • Derived from mesoderm
  • Skeletal
  • Striated, voluntary, multinucleated
  • Attached to bone
  • Adaptable (paperclip vs textbook)
  • Smooth
  • Nonstriated, involuntary, uninucleated
  • Lines visceral organs
  • Cardiac
  • Striated, involuntary, uninucleated
  • Cardiac
  • Stabilized by pacemaker cells
  • Intercalated discs

Functional Characteristics
  • Excitability
  • Receive and respond to a stimulus (pH or NT)
  • Electrical impulse along the sarcolemma
  • Contractibility
  • Shorten and thicken w/ appropriate stimulation
  • Extensibility
  • Stretch or extend without damage
  • Elasticity
  • Return to normal shape after a stretch

Muscle Function
  • Produce movement
  • Sk locomotion, manipulation, and response
  • Sm squeeze substances through (peristalsis)
  • Car keep blood moving
  • Maintain posture and position
  • Adjustments to stay erect or seated despite
  • Protection
  • Encloses viscera and forms valves (control)
  • Generate heat
  • Contractions keep body temp at 98.6
  • Stabilize joints

Gross Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Cells
  • Discrete organs of all 4 tissue types
  • Nerves and blood
  • 1 nerve, 1 artery, 1 veins per muscle
  • Enter centrally 1 nerve ending per muscle fiber
  • Constant need for O2 and nutrients
  • Connective tissue
  • Support and reinforce
  • 3 layers (internal to external)
  • Endomysium cover muscle fiber
  • Perimysium cover fasicles
  • Epimysium cover muscle
  • Attachments
  • Direct epimysium fused to periosteum
  • Indirect epimysium beyond muscle tendon

Microscopic Anatomyof Skeletal Muscle Cells
  • Sarcolemma
  • Sacroplasm
  • Glycogen, myoglobin, and mitochondria
  • Myofibrils
  • Actin (thin) and myosin (thick) proteins arranged
    into repeating sarcomeres
  • Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
  • Smooth ER surrounding myofibrils
  • Triads
  • Terminal cisternae (2)
  • SR is enlarged and joins with T tubules occur in
  • Transverse (T) tubules
  • Deep indentions of sarcolemma into sarcoplasm
    conduct Ca2 into cell

Sarcomere Organization
  • Smallest functional unit
  • of skeletal muscle fiber
  • A bands dark b/c contain
  • thick and thin myofilaments
  • H zone is lighter middle because it lacks thin
  • M line created by a protein that link thick
  • I bands light b/c contain thin myofilaments only
  • Z line connect thin filaments together in a zig
    zag pattern
  • Marks end of sarcomere
  • Zone of overlap
  • 6 thin surround 1 thick 3 thick surround 1 thin

Myofilament Structure
  • Thick filaments
  • Bundles of myosin proteins
  • Composed of a rod-like tail and globular head
  • Heads form cross bridges attach to site on
    actin contain ATPases
  • Thin filaments
  • Twisted strands of F actin, composed of G actin
  • G actin contains active sites where myosin can
  • Tropomyosin forms stiffening chains that cover
    active sites
  • Troponin holds the tropomyosin in place
  • Changes shape to expose active sites
  • G-actin pearl, F-actin strand, tropomysin
    strands together

Sliding Filament Theory
  • During contraction, sarcomeres (not filaments)
  • Myosin heads ratchet thin filaments into center
  • Z lines closer shortening sarcomere
  • H band and I band narrow
  • Zone of overlap increases
  • A band doesnt change length

Sliding Mechanism
  • Cross bridges detached
  • Tropomyosin blocks active sites
  • Ca2 binds troponin ? shape change
  • Active site exposed ? cross bridges attach
  • Myosin head pivots toward M line ? thin filaments
    to center
  • ATP binds ? ATPase in head resets
  • Cross bridges detach and myosin reactivated

Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
  • Innervation of muscle fiber by one axon terminal
  • 1 NMJ per muscle fiber (cell)
  • Motor unit motor neuron and all muscle fibers
  • Fewer fibers more precise
  • Number determines strength of muscle
  • Separated by a synaptic cleft
  • Axon terminal houses synaptic vesicles filled
    with acetylcholine (ACh)
  • Impulse opens Ca2 channels to release
  • Motor end plate is depression in the sarcolemma
    for the axon
  • Contains ACh receptors
  • Propagates an action potential (AP)

Introduction to Action Potentials
  • Resting membrane is polarized (charge separation)
  • NT binds opens gated Na and K channels
  • Cell depolarizes cell (less /more )
  • Spreads throughout plasma membrane in waves
  • Initiates AP
  • Adjacent Na open ? more depolarization until
  • Na close, K open repolarization
  • Refractory period because repeated stimuli cant
  • Resets electrical condition to resting state
  • Na /K pump restore ionic condition
  • All or none response, b/c unstoppable once

Excitation Contraction Coupling
  • Stimuli releases ACh depolarizing end plate
  • AP propagated down T tubules
  • Terminal cisternae of SR release Ca 2
  • Electrical signal raise Ca2 levels by opening
    Ca2 channels
  • Ca2 binds troponin, removing tropomyosin block
  • Contraction occurs (see earlier)
  • Ca2 levels decrease, tropomyosin replaced
  • ATP dependent Ca2 pump returns to SR
  • Repeat with stimulation

Skeletal Muscle Contractions
  • Muscle Tone
  • Alternating active motor units while muscle at
  • No active movements produced
  • Stabilize joints and maintain posture
  • Ensure response ready
  • Isometric
  • Tension increases to peak, but muscle length
  • Pressing against a door frame
  • Limits range of motion, strengthens specific
    joint angle
  • Maintaing posture/position despite movement
  • Isotonic
  • Tension constant once peaks and muscle length
  • Concentric force w/shortening
  • Eccentric force w/lengthening
  • More forceful
  • Delayed soreness onset

Muscle Twitch
  • Motor unit response to a single stimulation
  • Quick contract, relax cycle in 3 phases
  • Latent period
  • Excitation coupling is occurring
  • Muscle tension increases, but no contraction
  • Contraction period
  • Cross bridges active
  • Peak tension, muscle shortens
  • Relaxation period
  • Reentry Ca2 into SR
  • Muscle tension to zero, resting
  • Varies between muscle types
  • Strength depends on of motor units

Graded Muscle Responses
  • Contraction varies depending on circumstance
  • Wave summation (time)
  • 2 stimuli in rapid succession larger
    contraction 2nd time
  • Refractory period unaltered
  • Tetanus (speed)
  • Sustained contraction w/ or w/o partial
  • Unfused
  • Fused
  • Treppe
  • Increase tension with repeated contractions
  • Warming up ? stronger later to same stimulus

Muscle Metabolism
Muscle Disorders
  • Myasthenia gravis autoimmune disease, loss of
    ACh receptors
  • Rigor mortis ATP depletion prevents cross bridge
  • Atrophy degeneration of muscle from disuse
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy sex-linked disease
    that destroys muscle
  • Hernia organ protrudes through abdominal wall
  • Myalgia muscle pain
  • Fibromyositis inflammation of a muscle and CT
  • Strain excessive stretching and tearing of
    muscle or tendon
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