Title: PowerPoint bemutat
1Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Simulation programs for Nuclear Education
Computer exercises of the Leo Szilárd Physics
Competitions for secondary school students
Dr. Csaba Sükösd Department of Nuclear
Techniques Budapest University of Technology and
Economics (Hungary)
2Budapest University of Technology and Economics
About the Leo Szilárd Physics Competitions
- started in 1998, in the year of the Szilárd
Centenary (initiative of George Marx)
- every year, two-steps competition
- preselection in schools
- final in Paks for the best 20 (senior) and 10
(junior) students
- preselection 10 theoretical problems are to be
solved. The students work is evaluated by
physics teachers, and the best papers (gt60,
gt40) are sent to the Eötvös Society. They will
be re-evaluated by univ. professors and the
best 2010 are selected. (February)
- final 10 theoretical problems, 1 experimental
exercise and 1 computer simulation
exercise (since 1999). A whole-day
competition. (April)
3Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Why computer simulations for secondary school
- todays scientific methodology is threefold
- experimental
- theoretical
- computerised (even math!)
- (computer simulations are part of the
scientific work)
- computer simulations enable the teacher to
bring nearly anything into the
classroom (NPP, cyclotron, etc. )
- they have strong demonstration power (they
enable to show very fast or very slow processes
- they are interactive and creative
- students are usually motivated to use computers
4Budapest University of Technology and Economics
About simulations in general Aims of the
simulations (not a complete list!)
- to demonstrate a process or physical phenomenon
- to aid designing a device or a complicated
technical instrument
- to analyse the operation of a real, existing
object - etc.
- For demonstration purposes simplicity is
required, the main features must be well
- For design or analysis the most possible,
detailed reproduction of the - behaviour of the (designed or existing) real
object is required
5Budapest University of Technology and Economics
About the simulations in the Szilárd competitions
- All are for demonstration and for education.
- They have a more or less detailed Help
- They should test the nuclear knowledge and
skills of the students (and NOT
- They should test also the creativity in
experimenting (not a unique solution to
the problems)
- They should enable the jury to evaluate the work
of the students individually and relatively fast
- The versions on this CD are NOT the ones used in
the competition, - because
- they are in English,
- they are upgraded and rewritten in a form that
can easily be translated to other languages
6Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Simulations in the Szilárd competitions
- 1999 Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant
unit Evaluation (plotting) .
- 2000 Construction of a critical assembly
(reactor core).
- 2001 Operation of a cyclotron
- 2002 Testing a nuclear fuel container
7Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- The best students can cope with these types of
problems. There are several good, creative
solutions every year
- The students become aware that these type of
games can be very useful also for the research
and for the understanding
- The students enjoy the simulation games
- They want to have the programs because they want
to play with even after the competition
- The simulation exercises in physics competitions
motivate also the teachers to use simulations in
8Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Thank you for your attention !
Further information available Dr. Csaba Sükösd
Mail. addr Dept. of Nuclear Techniques H-1521
Budapest Fax 361-463-1954 Tel
361-463-2523 Email sukosd_at_reak.bme.hu