PPL/PAI Gr. 9 Culminating Activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PPL/PAI Gr. 9 Culminating Activity


Title: PPL/PAI Gr. 9 Culminating Activity Author: Zinn Last modified by: Joel Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PPL/PAI Gr. 9 Culminating Activity

(No Transcript)
Who Are You?
  • In pairs, tell your partner who are the 3 most
    influential people in your lifechoose people who
    you have regular face-face interactions with.

Who Are You?
  • Write down the names and relationship (to you) of
    these 3 people and write 1-2 sentences of how
    these people have and continue to influence your

WATCH THE FOLLOWING... https//www.youtube.com/w
atch?vSR8j_P1O0osfeaturerelated http//www.yo
utube.com/watch?vqR3rK0kZFkg Consider what
values are evident each video. Which assets do
these characters seem to possess? Imagine where
these people will end up if they maintain a
positive attitude!
I AM...
Jessica's Affirmation
Daniel Beaty's Poetry
Miley Cyrus- father a country music one-hit wonder
Paris Hilton of the Hilton Hotel fortune
Shortage of food
Parents violently fought
Mom took kids to homeless shelter only to return
to stepfather 2 years later
Sang in bars at age 8 for 20
Singing in bars instead of school plays
Worked for dads restoration business in N.
Ontario, physical labour, bathed washed
clothes in lake
Parents split at age 9
Drank, experimented with drugs, skipped school,
ran away, and took off for weekends.
No sense of right and wrong
Friends from then are addicted, one friend was
killed by boyfriend before he killed himself.
At 16, watch speed-skating on Olympics "And so
there I was, this undisciplined, pseudo-amoral
girl, young adolescent, and this thing happened
inside of me. I was like I'm going to do that.'
I just knew. I KNEW."
Told mom, and was immediately signed up for
spring training camp.
Watch the following video. Stop it at the 205
What does Neos response to Mr. Smith mean for
you Which words or assets would you use to
describe Neo and his response
  • Research tells us that the success stories of
    Shania Twain and Clara Hughes are not easy and
    not likely.

  • The Power of AssetsStudies of more than 2.2
    million young people in the United States
    consistently show that the more assets young
    people have, the less likely they are to engage
    in a wide range of high-risk behaviours and the
    more likely they are to thrive.
  • Furthermore, levels of assets are better
    predictors of high-risk involvement and thriving
    than poverty or being from a single-parent
  • The GapThe average young person experiences
    fewer than half of the 40 assets. Boys experience
    three fewer assets than girls (17.2 assets for
    boys vs. 19.9 for girls).

  • 010 Assets 1120 Assets 2130 Assets
    3140 Assets
  • Problem alcohol useHas used alcohol three or
    more times in the past month or got drunk once in
    the past two weeks.
  • 45
  • 26
  • 11
  • 3
  • ViolenceHas engaged in three or more acts of
    fighting, hitting, injuring a person, carrying or
    using a weapon, or threatening physical harm in
    the past year.
  • 62
  • 38
  • 18
  • 6
  • School ProblemsHas skipped school two or more
    days in the past month and/or has below a C
  • 44
  • 23
  • 10
  • 4
  • Data based on aggregate Search Institute sample
    of 148,189 students across the United States
    surveyed in 2003.

  • SUPPORT need to be surrounded by people who
    love, care for, appreciate, and accept.
  • ( 1-6)?
  • EMPOWERMENT need to feel valued valuable,
    safe respected
  • (7-10)?
  • BOUNDARIES EXPECTATIONS need clear rules,
    consistent consequences, and encouragement to do
  • (11-16)?
  • CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF TIME need opportunities
    outside of school to learn and develop new
    skills interests with other youth and adults
  • (17-20)?

  • COMMITMENT TO LEARNING need a sense of the
    lasting importance of learning a belief in
    their own abilities
  • (21-25)?
  • POSITIVE VALUES need to develop strong guiding
    principals to help them make healthy life choices
  • (26-31)?
  • SOCIAL COMPETENCIES need the skills to interact
    effectively with others, to make difficult
    decisions, to cope with new situations
  • (32-36)?
  • POSITIVE IDENTITY need to believe in their own
    self-worth to feel that they have control over
    the things that happen to them (37-40)

  • In small groups, connect 10 assets to our health
  • Fitness Goal Setting
  • Healthy Sexuality Personal Safety
  • Substance Use/Abuse Personal Safety
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