Title: FRIENDS and WAR
- The mission of the Power Center for Utility
Explorations is to explore all energy issues
holistically and to develop innovative solutions
to complex electric power engineering and energy
problems involving multidisciplinary teams to
address issues in electricity infrastructure. - Alex Domijan
- Professor, Director, Editor-in-Chief
- International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
- Power Quality and Distributed Energy Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- University of South Florida
- Tampa, FL 33620
- (813) 974-5416
- alexd_at_eng.usf.edu
2Exploration of Damage and Outage Mitigation to
our Electrical Grid due to Weather
- Techniques must take into account present and
next generation grid systems - Must be economic, flexible and reliable for
several decades - Long term planning and implementation strategies
must harmonize with short term solutions.
3- Traditional Grid Structure
- Evolution to Central Station plus
Distributed/On-Site Generation with Integrated
Real-Time Network Management Demand Response
4Suggested Objectives
- Development of an Electrical Infrastructure that
- Is hardened for weather and reliable operation,
- Permits real time monitoring and control, and
- Enables reverse power flow which allows for
distributed generation systems to be reliably and
cost effectively inserted into present electrical
5Flexible, Reliable, Intelligent Electrical eNergy
Delivery Systems (FRIENDS) Example of Grid
6FRIENDS and Advanced Substation Designs (Quality
Control Centers)
7FRIENDS Example of an Advanced Substation
(Quality Control Center)
8Weather and Reliability (WAR)
- Unique Investigation into the effects of weather
conditions on reliability - Involving over 100 people over 4 years
- Ongoing monitoring, database development,
analysis, and assessment/prediction tools. - Analysis/monitoring involving most of Florida
- Normalization of reliability indices for weather
variations in temp, pressure, wind, lightning,
humidity, etc, by region - Robust solutions in terms of neural network
9System Under Study
10Interruptions vs Weather conditions
Case Number
11Interruptions vs Weather conditions
Multiple Variable Linear Regression Analysis
Wind and Rain vs N (Primary only)
- Regression Results for all FPL
12Hardening and Preparedness vs Weather Conditions
- Not all weather parameters have major
contributions towards interruptions. - Determination of Hot Spots is feasible (harden
hot spots first). - The contribution of the weather parameters
towards interruptions depends on the geographical
conditions of the area under consideration. - Tree trimming, grid equipment design, backup
equipment, and crew allocation strategies are
appropriate goals with the tools being developed. - The USF Power Quality and Distributed Energy
Laboratory can serve as a resource for the PSC
and Florida utilities in an ongoing basis by
providing information on preparedness vs
reliability on a real-time basis (important for
public safety and economic operation of our
utility grid).
13Power Quality and Distributed Energy Laboratory
- Key Suggestion Provide unique existing
capabilities already in Florida to monitor power
quality and reliability in real time state-wide. - Background - Can monitor power systems real-time
worldwide - - First facility in the world with the capability
to generate 3-phase arbitrary voltages and
currents to apply to devices under test. - Advanced Power Line Conditioners
- Various waveform generators
- Three-phase Power Amplifier
- Precision Power Measurement Standard
- Transconductance three-phase amplifiers
- Dynamometer
- Remote monitoring systems
- various motor generator systems
- Advanced Relay testing systems
14Premium Power Park
Examples of Improving Reliability via Advanced
Power Electronics
Preferred feeder voltage
Mvar injected by the ASVC
Alternate Feeder voltage
DVR injected voltage
Load Current
Load voltage
15Distributed EnergyA Barrier to Implementation
in the GridInterface/Grid Connection
17SOLUTION for Non-dispatchable energy resources
(Wind, Solar, Ocean, etc.)