Title: Primary 1 Curriculum Workshop:Language
1Primary 1 Curriculum WorkshopLanguage
2Primary 1 Language
- Reading
- Writing
- Talking
- Listening
TERM 1 Road Safety TERM 2 The Seasons
TERM 3 Ourselves TERM 4 People Who Help Us In School
4Early Language Skills
5What helps Reading?
- Being able to first identify then recognise
- Others at home modelling reading
6Concepts of Print
- Back, front, picture, page, cover
- Recognition of letters upper and lower case
- Letter, space, word, sentence, punctuation
- Left -gt right, top -gt bottom
- Knowing what they read, the difference
- between text and pictures
7Our Approach to Reading
- Not just one method but a range of strategies
- Look and Say
- Phonics
- Reading for Meaning
All children are different and have different
learning styles
8Phonics Blending
Onset and rime
Synthetic phonics
9- Reading Homework Now
- Match words and letters
- Build words using letters
- Build a sentence using words
- Copy letters, words and sentences
- Look for words/letters in the environment
- Reading Homework Later
- Learn new words, revisit old ones
- Paired Reading
- Ask both literal and inferential questions
- Ask child to sequence story, predict, retell
- Link what they have read to what they already
know - Apply what they know about sounds and words to
10What is Paired Reading?
- Promotes reading skills, self confidence and
enjoyment of books - Sharing a book 4 stages
- Parent reads
- Parent and child read together
- adult taking the lead - Parent and child read together - child encouraged
to take the lead - Child reads
Who A person, a name
When A time of day, day of the week, date etc
Where A place
Which The reader usually has to choose from a selection
What Depends on how the question is worded, but usually a thing
How An explanation
How many A number
How..big, far, tall etc Also involve an explanation
Why A reason (very often using because)
12Reading doesnt have to look like this.
13All Reading is Valuable
Reading to an adult/other child
Being read to
Research/ instructions
Newspapers/ comics
14Listening Skills
- Good eye contact, sitting still,
- nodding, responding
- Hear small differences (p b)
- Recite rhymes and poems from memory
- Listen for information, instructions and
- directions
- Retell simple stories, instructions, correctly
- sequenced
- Take a turn
15Talking Skills
- Ask for help
- Ask/answer questions
- Give simple definitions
- Express thoughts and feelings
- Be able to use new words and phrases to express,
ideas, thoughts and feelings - Speak clearly and audibly
- Be aware of their audience
- Convey information, instructions and directions
16Pre Writing
- Child needs to develop muscle tone and control in
fingers and hands - Construction toys like, Duplo, Lego, Mecanno
- Play Dough, plasticine
- Jigsaws
- Threading beads, tying laces, zips, buttons
- Cutting, gluing, sticking, painting, scribbling,
- colouring in, tracing, dot to dot
17- Writing
- Pencil hold
- Letter formation
- Experiment with writing
- Write own name
- Understand we use writing to communicate
- Copy a letter, word, sentence
- Compose a sentence
- Think and talk about writing before starting
- WEBSITES english alphabet
- sky writing
- sebran