Title: Self-Paced Learning
1 Self-Paced Learning
- Navigating Dallas ISD Source Systems
Data Coaching Services Course DCS-001
2- GradeSpeed is a web-based Grading System used by
Dallas ISD campus teachers and administrators to
manage grading, reporting and attendance. - The program provides categories and weights for
assignments, progress reports, cumulative grades
and a seating charts. - This resource is accessible to authorized users
from district computers or from home.
3- What is available on GradeSpeed?
- Class Rosters
- Seating Charts
- Schedules
- Student Characteristics
- And much more depending on your role
GradeSpeed contains features which help organize
the their grading records. Teachers can
establish grading categories, generate progress
reports, view cumulative grades and develop a
seating chart to streamline attendance recording.
4 http//www.dallasisd.org/Domain/442
GradeSpeed can be accessed through the District
Website by Selecting Staff, Technology and then
by Selecting GradeSpeed.Net
5- Account Request
- http//inet.dallasisd.org/forms/technology_docs/Ac
countRequest-StuSys.pdf - Login
- https//dallas.gradespeed.net/gs/Login.aspx
GradeSpeed access is obtained by completing an
access request form. Once access is granted, the
user signs in on the GradeSpeed Login page. You
may use the same Login request form as you use
for Chancery.
Register in Oracle by logging in and selecting
the training tab on the main menu.
7- Website
- https//dallas.gradespeed.net/gs/Login.aspx
- Assistance
- Contact IT Service Desk 972 925 5660
- Email GradeSpeedInfo_at_dallasisd.org