Tata Letak Fasilitas Manufaktur - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tata Letak Fasilitas Manufaktur


Tata Letak Fasilitas Manufaktur D0394 Perancangan Sistem Manufaktur Kuliah Ke XXI - XXII QAP Formulation Define, rij = rate of item movement between departments i and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tata Letak Fasilitas Manufaktur

Tata Letak Fasilitas Manufaktur
  • D0394 Perancangan Sistem Manufaktur
  • Kuliah Ke XXI - XXII

QAP Formulation
  • Define,
  • rij rate of item movement between departments i
    and j
  • drs distance between locations r and s
  • xir 1, if department i is assigned to location
    r 0, otherwise

d11 0 d12 1 d13 2 d14 1 d15 2 d16 3
1 du
1 du
QAP Formulation
  • Define,
  • rij rate of item movement between departments i
    and j
  • drs distance between locations r and s
  • xir 1, if department i is assigned to location
    r 0, otherwise
  • z total distance items move
  • objective has quadratic form
  • constraints are assignment contraints
  • every dept. to one location
  • every location one dept.
  • Quadratic Assignment Problem

Solution Representation
  • Represent a solution to the facility layout
    problem as a permutation vector a
  • a (a(1), a(2), , a(n))
  • Element a(i) represents the location to which
    department i is assigned
  • a(3) 5 implies that department 3 is assigned to
    location 5

Solution Representation
  • Represent a solution as a permutation vector a
  • Element a(i) represents the location to which
    department i is assigned
  • Example

a (2, 4, 5, 3, 1, 6)
location sites
layout design
Solution Representation
  • Represent a solution as a permutation vector a
  • Element a(i) represents the location to which
    department i is assigned
  • Example

a (2, 4, 5, 3, 1, 6)
location sites
layout design
Solution Evaluation
  • Assume that the direction of flow is unimportant
  • So weight between departments i and j is wij
    rij rji
  • Assume distance matrix is symmetric
  • Total flow cost is

Solution Evaluation
  • Assume that the direction of flow is unimportant
  • So weight between departments i and j is wij
    rij rji
  • Assume distance matrix is symmetric
  • Total flow cost is

Flow matrix (rij)
Solution Evaluation
  • Given a, the total cost for department k is given
  • What is the cost if the locations of departments
    u and v are exchanged? (a represents the new

Pairwise Exchange
Pairwise Exchange
Exchange departments 2 and 4
C(a) 104
DC24(a) 10
C(a) 114
Pairwise Exchange
  • If a least total cost assignment, a, is found,
    then if any two departments are exchanged
    DCuv(a) 0.
  • Necessary condition for a least total cost
  • Not sufficient, in general, since k-way
    interchanges (k gt 2) may improve the solution

Solution Generation
  • Construction Heuristics
  • Begin with the basic problem data and build up a
    solution in an iterative manner
  • General Procedure
  • Let, a(i) 0 if department i has not been
    assigned to a location
  • Let, a(F) be the set of locations assigned to
    departments in set F
  • 0. While ½F½lt n
  • 1. select i Ï F A specification implementation
  • 2. select r Ï a(F) particular rules for
    performing these steps
  • 3. a(i) r
  • 4. F F È i
  • 5. End

Construction Heuristics
  • Many reasonable rules are possible for steps 1
    and 2. Consider,
  • Random department selection in step 1
  • Minimize additional total cost for partial
    solution in step 2
  • Partial solution is (F, a(F)) with cost C(a(F))
  • If we augment the partial solution by assigning
    department k to location r, we obtain an increase
    in cost as follows

Construction Heuristics
  • Specific Procedure
  • 1. Randomly select i Î1,2,,n
  • 2. a(i) 1
  • 3. While ½F½lt n
  • 4. Randomly select i Ï F
  • 5. pi(a(F) Èk) min pi(a(F) Èr) ½ r Ï
  • 6. a(i) k
  • 7. F F È i
  • 8. End
  • Could repeat several times and pick best solution
  • Many variations on this basic procedure

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Randomly select department 3
  • Assign to location 1 a(3) 1

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Randomly select department 3
  • Assign to location 1 a(3) 1
  • Randomly select department 4

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Randomly select department 3
  • Assign to location 1 a(3) 1
  • Randomly select department 4
  • w43d21 (2)(1) 2
  • w43d31 (2)(2) 4
  • w43d41 (2)(1) 2
  • w43d51 (2)(2) 4
  • w43d61 (2)(3) 6
  • Assign to location 2 a(4) 2

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Assign 3 to location 1 a(3) 1
  • Assign 4 to location 2 a(4) 2
  • Randomly select department 2
  • w42d32 w32d31 28 10
  • w42d42 w32d41 44 8
  • w42d52 w32d51 28 10
  • w42d62 w32d61 412 14
  • Assign to location 4 a(2) 4

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Assign 3 to location 1 a(3) 1
  • Assign 4 to location 2 a(4) 2
  • Assign 2 to location 4 a(2) 4
  • Randomly select department 5
  • w25d34 w45d32 w35d31 16
  • w25d54 w45d52 w35d51 12
  • w25d64 w45d62 w35d61 22
  • Assign to location 5 a(5) 5

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Assign 3 to location 1 a(3) 1
  • Assign 4 to location 2 a(4) 2
  • Assign 2 to location 4 a(2) 4
  • Assign 5 to location 5 a(5) 5
  • Randomly select department 1
  • w51d35 w21d34 w41d32 w31d31 34
  • w51d65 w21d64 w41d62 w31d61 34
  • Assign to location 3 a(1) 3

Construction Heuristics
  • Example
  • Assign 3 to location 1 a(3) 1
  • Assign 4 to location 2 a(4) 2
  • Assign 2 to location 4 a(2) 4
  • Assign 5 to location 5 a(5) 5
  • Assign 1 to location 3 a(1) 3
  • Assign 6 to location 6 a(6) 6
  • a (3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6)
  • C(a) 108

Construction Heuristics
  • Observations
  • Many different variations of the construction
  • Clearly the initial location has an effect as
    does the department sequence
  • Intuitively, you want large weights near the
    center and small weights near the outside
  • Difficult to formalize as a general algorithm
  • Example
  • 5 6 largest weights 2 3 close to 6 1 close
    to 3
  • a (3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 5)
  • C(a) 92

Solution Quality
  • How good is the solution?
  • Lower Bound
  • Order location pairs by increasing distance, d
  • Preferred locations
  • Order weights by decreasing flow volume, w
  • Highest activities
  • Assign largest weights to preferred locations
  • LB d w
  • d (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3)
  • w (10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
  • LB 10(1) 8(1) 6(1) 2(3) 2(3) 88

Improvement Heuristics
  • Modify a given solution so that the total cost is
  • Pairwise interchange
  • Select two departments and interchange their
  • General Procedure
  • 0. a a0
  • 1. Select a pair of facilities (u, v)
  • 2. Evaluate DCuv(a)
  • 3. Decide whether or not to make the interchange
  • 4. Decide whether or not to continue
  • A specific implementation requires rules for
    performing each of the steps

Improvement Heuristics
  • Many reasonable rules exist for these steps.
  • Enumeration of all pairs in step 1 and 4
  • Make exchange if DCuv(a) gt 0
  • Alternatively, make exchange between u and v such
    that DCuv(a) is the largest value for a given u.

Steepest Descent Pairwise Interchange
  • a a0
  • done false
  • While (not.done)
  • done true
  • max 0
  • For i 1 to n-1
  • For j i1 to n
  • If (DCij(a) gt max) then
  • max DCij(a)
  • u i
  • v j
  • done false
  • Endif
  • Endfor
  • Endfor
  • If (max gt 0) then
  • temp a(u)
  • a(u) a(v)
  • a(v) temp
  • Endif
  • Endwhile

Improvement Heuristics
  • Pairwise Interchange has several difficulties
  • May be trapped in bad solution
  • Departments 5 and 6 have a large flow between
    them so if they get trapped on the outside, any
    exchange that moves one and not the other will
    have a negative DCuv(a) so it is never made

initial solution
good solution
VNZ Heuristic
  • Order departments by TFCi TFC1 ³ TFC2 ³ ³
  • Phase 1
  • Set m M1 1 and M2 2
  • Order list of departments i by non-increasing
    DCim(a). Proceed through list making each switch
    provided DCis(a) gt 0 (where a is updated
    assignment vector as switches are made) Repeat
    for m M2
  • Phase 2
  • Evaluate DCij(a) for each dept. pair 1 and 2, 1
    and 3, , M-1 and M. Exchange i and j if cost is
  • Continue until every pair has been examined
    without making a change or each pair has been
    examined twice.

Improvement Heuristics
  • Initial (starting) solution is important -- try
  • Could consider k-wise interchanges
  • Computational burden increases greatly
  • Good starting solution not necessary
  • In general, more effort should be expended in the
    improvement phase
  • Quickly, generate a large variety of starting
    solutions and then try to improve them
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