Your Bioterrorism Plan! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Your Bioterrorism Plan!


Title: Slide 1 Author: Audra Warhol Last modified by: Sandra Owen Created Date: 4/26/2004 9:43:03 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Your Bioterrorism Plan!

Your Bioterrorism Plan!
Introduction We have just completed our unit on
bioterrorism. Now it is time to do some critical
thinking. Since the devastating act of 9-11,
safety and security have become an important
issue in the U.S. Use the information you have
learned in the unit to help you devise an
emergency plan of action in the case of a
bioterorrism situation in or near your school.
Task Your groups task is to assume the roles of
the school principal, a school nurse and a grade
level teacher. To facilitate matters, each
student in the group will be assigned a specific
role. Principal This person will be
responsible for overseeing the entire
operation. However, the principal should also
have certain specific duties designated to him
or her, such as communicating with the
authorities, media and school staff throughout
and after the emergency. School Nurse This
person will be responsible for treating any type
of minor wounds and dispersing any first aid to
students and staff. Also, this person should
create a disaster kit and list the type of items
that would be contained in the kit. Teacher
This person will be responsible for managing his
or her class and responding to directions given
out by the principal or higher administrator.
Specific duties should be outlined for this
person such as contacting parents or guardians,
lock-down of classroom, if necessary, and
communicating to other staff members. The group
members must communicate to come up with an
emergency plan of action that ensures the safety
of the school if a chemical agent had been
discharged near the school. When you have
completed your emergency plan, it should list
how the response to a chemical agent will take
place and the order of operations. Each of the
three personnel should have their duties
specifically listed and how the three staff
members communicated and coordinated with each
other throughout the situation. This is a design
  • Process
  • Here is a list of the types of questions that you
    should ask when you are
  • setting up your emergency plan of action
  • What type of authorities should be contacted in
    this type of emergency?
  • What actions should be taken throughout the
    school building?
  • Who can be let in and out of the building?
  • What is the citys emergency response plan?
  • 5. If required, how should an evacuation of the
    school take place?

Process (cont.)
  • Roles
  • Principal
  • Oversee all action during and after the emergency
  • Spokesman for the school with the authorities,
    superintendent, staff and media
  • Communicate and relay necessary information from
    authorities to staff
  • Makes minor decisions inside of school building
    regarding site, staff and students
  • Oversee evacuation if required by authorities
  • School Nurse
  • Creates a disaster kit for transportation around
  • Treats wounds and delivers first aid when
  • Speaks to authorities and parents when required
  • Speaks to physicians and specialist when
  • Teacher
  • Manages class during and after emergency
  • Initiates lock-down of classroom if required
  • Contacts parents by cell phone or classroom phone
  • Communicates with administration and authorities
  • Helps lead evacuation if necessary

Process (cont.) Here are some web sites that
could be of use when researching the
information for your emergency plan of
action Center for Disease Control
http// Mass.
Dept. of Public Health emergency planning
sm/advisorygrps/faq.htmtop American Red Cross
aster/0,1082,0_609_,00.html Disaster News
Network http//
s.php Georgia Emergency Management Agency
http// Reso
urces In addition to the websites already
provided, you may search web- Sites that you come
across. Books, television programs, or experts
can be Used as sources of additional information.
Evaluation A grading rubric was handed out (at
the start of the task section) when we discussed
this project in class. You will be graded on the
criteria that is listed on the rubric. If you
have any grading questions, be sure to ask the
Web Quest Grading Rubric Link Click here to
get the rubric
  • Conclusion
  • In addition to turning in your emergency plan the
    group will turn in a written or typed
  • reflection and list of questions that the group
    had to answer in order to come up with
  • the final product.
  • What questions did you have to ask in order to
    get your answers?
  • What questions may not have gotten answered
    during your process?
  • Reflect on the quality of your final product as
    you see it.
  • How well did your group work together on this
  • 5. Reflect on the process of creating your

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