- Ekkehart Boehmer, Singapore Management University
- Kingsley Fong, University of New South Wales
- Julie Wu, University of Georgia
2Todays markets
- High frequency trading (HFT) activity of
algorithms that submit and cancel orders,
reacting within milliseconds to market updates . - HFT is for real between 60 and 80 of trading
volume. - HFT strategies are not transparent
- Regulators and academics are interested in the
consequences of HFT for - market quality
- welfare (of traders, society, )
- systemic risk
- Our study focuses on market quality.
4Priors on HFTs effect on market quality
- Depends on strategies
- Passive market making should improve liquidity
- Stat arb should improve efficiency
- Structural and directional strategies could be
wealth transfers - Algorithmic trading (AT) is a precondition for
all HFT strategies. - Since actual strategies are not known to
researchers, most research studies the AGGREGATE
5Prior studies
- Data used
- Transactions data where AT/HFT is inferred
indirectly from the rate of electronic message
traffic - cost and speed consideration - gt electronic
orders - commonly used as a proxy by consultants,
exchanges and other market venues - Transactions data with trader category
information that have a set of transactions
attributed to AT/HFT - Transactions data with trader account information
6Prior studies message counts
- Hendershott, Jones, and Menkveld (JF2011)
electronic message counts from NYSEs System
Order Data (SOD) database as a proxy for AT - concentrate on 2003 NYSE autoquote event
- algo trading improves spreads and price
discovery, reduces information asymmetry - Hasbrouck and Saar (JFM 2013) similar findings
with HFT inferred from ITCH millisecond episodes. - Eggington at al. (WP2014) liquidity worsens on
extremely high-volume days
7Prior studies trader categories
- Brogaard (and his coauthors), in several recent
papers, uses a 2008-2009 random sample of 120
Nasdaq stocks with 26 HFT firms - HFT activity is associated with better liquidity,
mixed effect on volatility, better price
discovery - Potential selection issue with exchange-selected
HFT firms - nature of order flow, fraction of order flow, no
large proprietary trading desks
8Prior studies trader IDs
- Kirilenko, Kyle, Samadi, and Tuzun (WP 2014)
- see individual strategies in SP500 E-minis
- find that HFT may have worsened (but did not
cause) the Flash Crash on May 6, 2010. - Baron, Brogaard, and Kirilenko (WP 2014)
- find large returns in E-minis for top performing
HFT firms.
9Our objectives
- Broaden the scope of evidence on AT/HFT to an
international sample over a long period and
assess effects on - liquidity
- price efficiency
- volatility
- Examine differences in the cross section of firms
- Size, price level
- Study AT/HFT liquidity provision in different
market conditions
10Data and variables
11Data sources
- Intraday quote and trade data from
Thomson-Reuters Tick History (TRTH) and Trades
andQuotes (TAQ) - 42 stock exchanges, 37 countries, 2001-2011
- on average about 21,552 common stocks per year
- Daily data on returns, volume, price from
Datastream and Center for Research in Security
Prices (CRSP) - Buy-side transaction costs data from the Ancerno
database - Information about trading protocols from Reuters
Speedguide, Exchange Handbook, World Federation
of Exchanges
12(No Transcript)
13Proxy for algorithmic trading
- AT - trading volume / messages
- volume per message times (-1), (US100)
- follows Hendershott, Jones, and Menkveld (JF
2011) - normalize raw message traffic with trading volume
- messages include trades and quote updates
- for the US, TAQ and System Order Data (SOD) based
measures are highly correlated
14Liquidity measures
- Spreads RQS(Ask-Bid)/M, RES2P-M/M
- P is transaction price, M is bid-ask midpoint
- Amihud daily return/dollar volume
- Short Dk ( XP RP ) / RP
- execution shortfall Ancerno actual (buy side)
institutional price impacts. - XP is the volume weighted average price across
component trades of a daily order RP is the
reference price, defined as the opening price on
the day of the order D is buy(sell) indicator
15Informational efficiency
- ARn for various time intervals
- for each stock, compute mid-quote returns for
various intervals - then compute autocorrelation of returns
- ignore overnight returns
- no bid-ask bounce in this measure
- The more efficient the stock price (the closer it
is to a random walk), the smaller is ARn
- Use several standard volatility measures
- Ret, Ret2 for stock raw daily return
- MktadjRet, MktadjRet2, for market-adjusted
daily return - Log (Ret10_Var), Log (Ret30_Var)
- Intraday return variances computed from 10-min
and 30-min mid-quote returns - daily relative price range (High-Low)/Close
17Econometric methodology
18Main Method
- Have three-dimensional unbalanced panel
- 42 markets, about 2770 days, about 550 stocks per
market - Main method estimate firm and day fixed effects
panel regression for each market, then aggregate
across markets - All variables are winsorized (99.5 and 0.5) and
standardized daily within a market so
coefficients are comparable across markets
19Main Method
- Regress market quality measures on AT proxy and
controls - All regressions control for volume, volatility,
inverse price, firm size - volatility regressions exclude volatility control
and add controls for RES and AR - Inference is based on means across markets (42
coefficients, use cross-sectional t-test for
20Regression results
21The relation between AT and liquidity
RQS RES Amihud
Mean coef. on AT -0.0093 -0.0097 -0.0110
t-stat -6.69 -3.52 -6.81
positive 2 26 5
More AT activity is associated with higher
liquidity (i.e. lower spreads and smaller price
22Cross-sectional tests
- How does the relation between AT and liquidity
differ for stocks with different characteristics? - Sort within each market according to firm
characteristic (e.g. SIZE) - Create dummies for Small and Large tercile
- Include interactions with AT in regression models
23AT-liquidity relation for different firm sizes
- Solid colors indicate significance at the 5
level - More AT is associated with better liquidity in
medium and large stocks
24The relation between AT and informational
AR10 AR30
Mean coef. on AT -0.0126 -0.0042
t-stat -7.23 -4.01
positive 7 14
More AT activity is associated with better
informational efficiency.
25AT-efficiency relation for different firm sizes
- More AT is associated with consistently better
price efficiency in large stocks.
26The relation between AT and volatility
ret Ret2 PriceRange Ln(Ret10_Var) Ln(Ret30_Var)
Mean coef. of AT 0.027 0.0182 0.0401 0.0216 0.0295
t-stat 7.65 6.67 8.52 4.25 5.17
positive 81 81 83 71 79
- More AT activity is associated with higher
volatility. - control for efficiency and liquidity.
27AT-volatility relation for different firm sizes
- The positive AT-volatility relation decreases
with firm size.
28Is AT-related volatility associated with improved
- A two-step procedure
- 1. estimate a cross-sectional regression within
each market each day, using liquidity,
efficiency, and volatility as dependent
variables, and record the AT coefficients. - 2. compute Spearman rank correlations between AT
coef on liquidity and AT coef on volatility. - The correlations are positive (0.02 -
0.14). - On an average day, when AT is associated with
higher volatility, AT also is associated with
wider spreads.
29Is the AT-related volatility good volatility?
- Probably not.
- Controlling for the efficiency of prices in
regressions produces the same result. - This implies that higher volatility cannot easily
be attributed to greater price efficiency
accompanied with higher AT.
30How resilient is AT liquidity supply in different
market conditions?
- Identify days when market making is difficult
- MMs dislike one-sided order flow that moves
price. - E.g., consider sell imbalance price moves down,
MM is long, faces inventory losses - Tend to cut back on liquidity provision on such
one-sided trading days - Tend to cut back more when imbalance continues
through the next day
31A proxy for difficult MM days
- Select all days when the daily return has the
same sign as the previous days return - Set HARD dummy to one on these days if the 2-day
cumulative return exceeds the 20-day historical
mean by at least one standard deviation - Then interact with AT as before
32How does AT change on difficult market-making
- More AT is still associated with higher
liquidity, but this is significantly less than on
regular days - Greater information content of trades (RPI)
- Smaller reward for providing liquidity (RRS)
- More AT, higher volatility and efficiency
- If AT use MM strategies on average, they tend to
resort to other strategies when market making is
unusually difficult.
33How does this compare to traditional market
- The importance of traditional vs. HFT market
making should increase with AT. - Compare low-AT tercile (traditional MM) with
high-AT tercile (new MMs) by estimating the
HARD interactions separately
34Results on new vs. traditional market makers
- AT benefits are concentrated in traditional MM
stocks, especially on HARD days. - Negative AT association (higher volatility, no
liquidity improvement) are concentrated in new-MM
stocks where traditional MMs are less important. - Not clear that HFT MM are substitutes for
traditional MMs, consistent with Anand and
Venkataraman (2012).
35Which way does causality go?
- Use co-location within each market as an
instrument for AT - Estimate IV regression at the market level
- compute value-weighted daily averages for each
market - estimate first stage regressions of AT on
co-location dummy variable with market and day
fixed effects - estimate second-stage IV model using predicted
values from 2
36IV estimation using co-location as an exogenous
shock to AT
Dependent variable AT coefficient t
RQS -0.023 -4.06
RES -0.045 -7.12
Amihud -0.003 -0.32
Shortfall -0.024 -1.95
AR10 -0.041 -4.00
PriceRange 0.060 9.99
ln(Ret10_Var) 0.076 15.62
Ret 0.066 9.16
Results are largely unchanged with IV.
37Robustness checks
- Results maintain if we
- control for news announcements
- exclude financial crisis period
- use Fama-McBeth regression for weekly or monthly
aggregation periods - run time-series regression at firm level first,
then aggregate across firms
- Algo trading
- improves liquidity and informational efficiency
- increases volatility, even when controlling for
efficiency and liquidity - But
- Little liquidity effect in the smallest third of
firms in each market - AT increases volatility the most for small firms
that are small. - On days when market making is more difficult, AT
provides less liquidity, increases information
content of trades, and increases volatility more.
- Volatility increases with more AT what exactly
are the implications? - In assessing the current market structure, market
observers should take into account that - the effects of AT are not uniform across markets,
across stocks, and over time.
40Thank you for your attention.