Title: GRACE
- Its relation to sin, truth and forgiveness
2Teaches (Titus 211-12)
Saves (Eph. 25, 8)
Revealed (Acts 2024, 32)
Stand in it (Rom. 52)
Conditional (Eph. 28)
True grace of God (1 Pet. 512)
Can fall from it (Gal. 54)
Can be received in vain (2 Cor.
3Why Study Grace?
- False views of grace lead to
- False doctrine being taught defended
- Sinners being comforted
- False hope being offered
- Faith onlygrace only
- Impossibility of apostasy
- Divorce remarriage
- Innovations in worship, organization work of
the local church - Plan of salvation
4Grace and SinRomans 520-21 320-26
- Grace does what law cannot, Acts 1511 (1338-39)
- Law condemns, Gal.310 (Rom. 320 415)
- Justification by faith is due to Gods grace,
Rom. 321-24 (Gal. 311-14) - Gods grace is superior to mans sin, Rom. 520-21
5Grace and SinRomans 520-21 320-26
- Gospel of grace teaches us to give up sin as our
way of life, Rom. 62 (1, 15) - Deny sin live upright, Titus 211-12
- Sin no longer rules over us, Rom. 614
- No longer live inor be slaves to sin, 62, 6-7
- Dead to sin, 611
- Sin does not reigndo not obey it, 612
- Do not present your body to sin, 613
- Willful sin insults Spirit of grace, Heb. 1029
6Grace and Truth(Companions)
- Jesus is the fullness of both, Jno. 114, 16-17
- Cannot be saved by grace reject truth, Tit.
211 - Cannot stand in truth with false view of grace
- Standing in grace means we walk in truth, Rom.
52 Gal. 16-7 54-7 1 Jno. 15-7
7Grace and Forgiveness
- Grace is conditional, Titus 211-12 34-7
Gal. 55-7 - Grace does not save in spite of ones sins (Rom.
616, 23) - Once saved, always saved! (61, 15)
- Grace does not provide automatic forgiveness of
sins (continual cleansing even as we sin), 1
Jno. 18-9
8Grace and Forgiveness
- Christians continue to be cleansed when we
continue to walk in the light, 1 Jno. 17, 9 - Attempt to nullify conditional nature of grace
- Christian sins dies, no chance to repent
Lost? - This is used to justify sin without repentance
- Walking in the lightsinning less less (1 Jno.
21) - God will judge
- What does this have to do with you?
9Grace and Forgiveness
- If standing in grace means automatic forgiveness
(continual cleansing), then - How can Christians ever sin? 1 Jno. 18
- Why are Christians told to confess sin, repent
pray when they sin? 1 Jno. 19 Acts 822 - Why is fellowship with God conditional?
1 Jno. 17
10Grace and Forgiveness
- If standing in grace means automatic forgiveness
(continual cleansing), then - How can Christians fall from grace? Gal. 54
- How can saints fall short of grace? Heb. 1215
- Why deny worldly lusts? Titus 211-12
- Why obey God? Jno. 1415
- Why are Christians urged to continue in the grace
of God? Acts 1343
11Save from unrepented sin (Acts
Make sin righteous (Rom. 61-2
Jude 4)
Eliminate need to obey (Matt.
721-23 Lk. 1710)
Minimize / Overwhelm truth (Jno.
117 Acts 2032)
Make doctrine secondary (Gal.
12Grace Sin, Truth Forgiveness
- Saves us, Eph. 28-9
- Teaches us to live in truth righteousness, not
in sin, Rom. 61, 15 - To be saved by grace we must obey in faith,
Gal. 56-8