The Main Challenges in Social Security of Migrant Workers: the State of the Art and Actions to be Taken - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Main Challenges in Social Security of Migrant Workers: the State of the Art and Actions to be Taken


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Main Challenges in Social Security of Migrant Workers: the State of the Art and Actions to be Taken

The Main Challenges in Social Security of Migrant
Workers the State of the Art and Actions to be
Mr. Idris Isayev State Social Protection Fund
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Geneva, 2011

Labor Migrants the Impact of Globalization
  • One of the important outcomes of the
    globalization is significant growth of migrant
    workers worldwide. This happened due to a number
    of reasons such as different pace in demographic
    and economic development, impact of liberal
    economy, existence of young and cheap labor
    resources, fast development of communication and
    transportation facilities, etc.
  • Currently millions of people migrate from their
    countries of origin to other countries by
    different reasons (low standard of living
    unemployment national, racial, religious
    conflicts disasters, etc.). On the other side,
    countries having demographic problems, ageing of
    population, decrease in number of employed
    people, growth trends in security of local
    employees and in the educational level tendencies
    are in need of low-cost labour.
  • Migration being a global phenomenon that exists
    not within two separate countries or one region
    but almost in all countries of the world. This is
    precisely why it requires a collective approach.

Labor Migrants the Impact of Globalization
  • Of course, all countries can independently
    regulate and maintain the principles and
    mechanisms of migration (both incoming and
    outgoing). However, considering the specifics of
    these processes and their impacts in light of
    globalization, it would be more rational if we
    develop and apply rules and procedures that
    comply with international conventions and
    charters in the area of social security of
    migrant workers.
  • Increase of the level of globalization determines
    the geography, forms, directions and speed of
    migration. Nowadays, the migrants do not stay
    long in one place and frequently change the
    destination. Some of them return back home. Some
    countries from labor donors transform into labor
    migrant hosts. This phenomena could be observed
    in Azerbaijan and some other countries of the
  • The labor migrants sometimes play a significant
    role in economic development of the donor
    countries. Through money transfers they fuel
    national economies in their home countries.

Labor Migrants in Eurasia
  • In Eurasia (former soviet republics excluding
    Baltic countries) the number of migrant workers
    reaches 15-16 millions or 5,8 of the total
  • The main reasons behind the migration processes
    in Eurasia have global nature
  • Difference in income of population
  • Excess of labor force (demographic reasons)
  • Unemployment
  • All kind of conflicts, including armed

Labor Migrants in Eurasia
  • However, the migration processes in Eurasia have
    some specific features too
  • Maintenance of old business or partner relations
    between former soviet countries
  • Common labour market
  • Knowledge of commonly used Russian language
  • Absence of visa regime for CIS countries, etc.
  • These and other specific features as well as the
    scale of the Russian economy attracts the
    migrants from Eurasia to Russia.
  • It should be stated that along with Russia, some
    other Eurasian countries also receive migrants.
    For example, Azerbaijani migrants migrate along
    with Russia to Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
    Belorus and Europe.

Labor Migrants in Eurasia
  • Absence of agreed policy and mechanisms for
    regulation of labor migration as well as
    existence of informal economic relations fuel
    uncontrolled hidden migration processes in
    Eurasia. At present, over 50 of labor migrants
    are involved into various informal sectors of
  • Over time, the directions of migration are also
    changing. Former donor countries start hosting
    the labor migrants.
  • This phenomena is mainly based on economic
    development of the countries. For example,
    development of the oil and gas industry in
    Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan significantly increased
    the number of migrants to these countries.

Labor migration trends (Azerbaijan)
In 1000s of people
Years GDP (mln. USD) GDP Growth rate (times) Number of emigrants to Azerbaijan Number of emigrants from Azerbaijan Difference
1990-1994 466,8 211,2 342,3 -131,1
1995-1999 18540,6 39,7 29,7 64,5 -34,8
2000-2004 33622,1 1,8 13,1 28,1 -15,0
2005-2010 217081,6 6,5 14,3 13,3 1,0

Total 269711,1   268,3 448,2 -179,9
Labor Migrants the Need for Collaboration
  • Absence or inefficiency of legislation on Labor
    Migrants absence or inefficiency of governing
    and managing mechanisms contribute to further
    development of hidden economy, informal labor
    relations among employers and migrants, tax
    evasion, absence of social security for labor
    migrants, etc.
  • Thus, migration issues, along with economic, have
    significant impact on social, political and
    cultural life of both host and donor countries.
    Nowadays, this issue should be considered as a
    global challenge for all countries.
  • Another important issue is integration of the
    labor migrants into the society of host
    countries. Our observations show that in case the
    migrants receive social security services, they
    become more interested in following the legal
    procedures and as a result the integration into
    the host society goes rather smoothly.

Labor Migrants protection of social security
  • From other side, inefficiency of social security
    mechanisms lead to a situation when
  • Migrants and members of their families are left
    behind the social security and health insurance
  • Employment periods during migration could not be
    included into total employment records while
    calculating the pension rights
  • Social protection agencies cannot transfer
    pensions and other social benefits.

Labor Migrants protection of social security
  • In general, the problems of social security with
    regard to labor migrants could be identified as
  • Inequity of social security rights
  • Ignorance of social security rights
  • Conflicting legislative systems in different
    countries (this fact creates obstacles while
    calculating the pension rights)
  • Problems in transferring of social benefits to
    the addresses of permanent residence
  • Absence of health insurance and health care for
    migrant workers

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • We think that at present we should mainly focus
    on adoption by the regional countries of the
    international conventions, charters and
    declarations in the area of social security of
    migrant workers.
  • These documents call for
  • Equity of social security
  • Improvement of governing and management
  • Application of gained rights
  • Security of gained rights
  • Possibility to transfer social benefits
  • Close collaboration of social security agencies
  • Data exchange and coordination of efforts

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • At present many countries have not adopted and
    ratified the mentioned documents yet.
  • The ILO Convention on Labor Migrants 97 (1949)
    became effective in 1952. However, only 45
    countries (23) adopted it.
  • The ILO Convention 143 of 1978 has been adopted
    by 19 countries (10).
  • The Convention on Protection of Rights of Labor
    Migrants and Members of their Families became
    effective in 2003. However, only 34 countries
    (17) adopted it.
  • The Convention of ILO 157 of 1982 on
    Maintenance of Social Security Rights - one of
    the most important documents in this area, have
    been adopted by Spain, Philippine and

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • As we see, the most important Conventions,
    Charters and declarations in the area of social
    security of migrant workers have not been adopted
    by the majority of countries including Eurasian.
  • So, our believe is that we should intensify our
    work with regional countries explaining the
    benefits they can gain via adoption and
    application of the mentioned documents.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • SSPF applauds and supports the initiatives of
    ISSA and IAPSF aimed at finding solutions and
    bringing the positions of the regional countries
    closer to each other in the issues of social
    security of migrant workers.
  • There are a number of documents adopted in the
    framework of conferences and technical seminars
    organized by these organizations

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • Convention On Legal Status of Labor Migrants
    from CIS countries, November 14, 2008, Kishinev,
  • Agreement On Establishment of Advisory Council
    of Migration Agencies of CIS countries, October
    5, 2007, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The agreement is
    devoted to regulation and ease of registration
    mechanisms for labor migrants.
  • Declarations and recommendations adopted during
    the Technical Meeting of ISSA and IAPSF Social
    security of migrants in globalization, September
    7-9, 2005 Technical Seminar ISSA Social
    security of migrants in globalization 5 years
    later, June 28-29, 2011, Baku Azerbaijan.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
(Baku Declaration)
  • The Declaration adopted in Baku, in 2005 stated
  • Increasing efficiency of governance and
    management in the area of social security of
    labor migrants through strengthening cooperation
    between social security agencies
  • Amendment of national legislation to ensure
    protection of social security rights of labor
  • Ensuring effective data exchange between social
    security agencies on migrant workers

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
(Baku Declaration)
  • Signing of bilateral and multilateral agreements
    in the area of social security of migrant workers
  • Application of principles of summarization of
    social insurance periods to ensure proportional
    financing of social benefits, development of
    mechanisms for effective delivery of benefits
  • Provision of social security protection to
  • Cooperation with international, regional and
    national migration agencies and organizations
  • Data exchange and close cooperation with the
    national frontier services agencies

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • After adoption of Baku Declaration in 2005,
    Azerbaijan emended its Law On Social Insurance
    and since 2006 labor migrants are cavered by
    Social Insurance. Besides, the national
    legislation gives the International Agreements
    higher status than national laws.
  • The Law of the Republic Azerbaijan On Labor
    Pensions states that the pension rights are
    determined on the base of data recorded in the
    individual social insurance accounts of the
    registered population only.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • In 2006 Azerbaijan introduced a new social
    insurance-pension system maintaining the
    individual accounts. The system foresees
    implementation of the Social Insurance Rights
    declared in the (Rivesed) European Social
    Charter through signing bilateral agreements. It
    provides social security to people
  • a) regardless of citizenship and current
    residence of individuals who have been registered
    in SSPF
  • b) accepts the employment records certified by
    partner agencies from other countries and
    prepared in accordance with the legislation of
    the host countries.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • At present we are updating the national
    legislation to introduce a new social security
    policy with regard to the migrant workers. The
    main objective of the new policy is provision of
    equal and fair social security to migrant workers
    through maintenance of their individual accounts.
  • At present 50 of social contributions are used
    for financing of the basic part of pensions and
    social allowances. Data on the remaining 50 are
    recorded in the individual accounts of insured

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • The contributions notionally collected in the
    individual accounts constitute the insurance
    capital of the registered population and are
    annually indexed for the rate of inflation in the
    country. The current national legislation states
    that a person can apply for a labor pension if
    he/she reaches the retirement age, and his/her
    employment period exceeds 12 years. In case the
    number of employment years is less than 12 years,
    a person should apply for social allowances,
    which in turn are given Azerbaijani citizens.
    This, in fact, limits the pension rights of labor
  • To eliminate this injustice, the Government of
    Azerbaijan is planning to amend the existing
    legislation and allow, with regard to migrant
    workers, to record 100 of the contributions made
    for individuals. The paid contributions could be
    used for financing of pensions and other social
    insurance cases.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • The second direction of reforms in that area is
    improvement of governing and management
    mechanisms in the area of social protection of
    migrant workers.
  • We believe that one of the best solutions of the
    migrant workers problems might be proportional
    financing of pension rights by collaborating
    agencies and countries. From organizational
    perspective, it is necessary that the social
    insurance systems of collaborating agencies might
    communicate with each others and ensure effective
    data exchange.
  • The automated management system of SSPF allow us
    to register the migrant workers and provide them
    with social insurance numbers and cards. So far,
    the citizens of 92 countries have been registered
    in our system and get social insurance-pension
    services from SSPF. The majority of migrant
    workers represent Russia, Turkey, Iran and

Increasing the number of bilateral and
multilateral agreements signed between national
  • Recognition of certificates specifying the
    employment periods of migrant workers is one of
    the important steps toward protection of social
    security rights of labor migrants
  • According to ILO report 595, bilateral agreements
    have been signed by 66 countries. The majority of
    these agreements have been signed between 10
    countries. The number of signed agreements is
    constantly growing.
  • Distribution of agreements with respect to goals
    is as follows
  • 57 social security
  • 18 regulation of migration matters
  • 12 exchange of young specialists
  • 5 regulation of seasonal migration processes.
  • There are about 100 bilateral agreements signed
    by Latin Amerikan and Caribbean countries.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • The number of agreements on deportation of
    illegal migrants is also growing. Such agreements
    are effectively used, for example, for protection
    of the EU labor market from illegal migrants.
  • Some countries sign bilateral agreements on
    regulation of money transfer issues as, for
    example, Canada and Caribbean countries did.
  • The agreements signed in EU can be considered as
    a best practice in the area of social security of
    migrant workers.
  • To make the agreements effective they should
    reflect the specifics of the national
    legislations. Besides, they should be in line
    with the requirements of the international
    conventions and charters. Thus, our vision is
    that the framework agreement to be prepared by
    ISSA should foresee all sensitive issues relating
    to migrant workers. It would be useful if the
    working group of ISSA prepares explanation of
    articles to be put into the framework agreement.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • The State Program for Development of Social
    Insurance-Pension System in Azerbaijan for
    2009-2015 reflects the issues concerning social
    security of migrant workers from Azerbaijan.
  • Trying to fulfill the objectives of the State
    Program, SSPF is always expanding its partnership
    relations with social security organizations
    worldwide, review and study the social security
    legislations of other countries. Membership in
    ISSA creates perfect opportunities for
    fulfillment of the set objectives.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • Over the last few years SSPF has established
    strong collaboration with social security
    agencies of Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Germany,
    Poland, Czech, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Saudi
    Arabia, Israel and some other countries. Now SSPF
    is working on agreements that would deepen these
    relations and increase efficiency of joint
  • So far SSPF signed and efficiently applies 10
    bilateral agreements on regulation of pension
    provision issues.

Our vision on social security of migrant workers
  • Our analysis show that in fact there are quite a
    number of bilateral or multilateral agreements
    signed globally. However, when it come to
    implementation, some countries limit their
    application trying to use only those articles
    that give them certain benefits or privileges.
    Some countries try to limit application of
    agreements or conventions by immigrants ignoring
    labor migrants. Sometimes, they do not share data
    on migrant workers and as a result they loose the
    pension rights gained in other countries.
  • So, we are looking forward to achieving real
    progress in this very difficult area - social
    security of migrant workers.

  • THANK YOU !!!
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