Title: Validation of
1Validation of uro-Star Replacement Index.
2Key Questions?
- Does the Replacement Index work?
- If I bought/selected a breeding heifer based on
her parent average replacement index, how would
she subsequently perform relative to an average
animal? - Will genomics help improve the accuracy of the
uro-Star Replacement Index. - What additional value can the genotype data bring
to the accuracy of purchase/selection, above
information on parent average and owne
performance data?
3Replacement Index.
Trait Goal Relative wt
Calving Less 16
Feed Intake Less 18
Carcass wt (for age) More 21
Maternal milk More 18
Female fertility More 23
Docility More 4
Emphasis Cow traits 71 Calf traits 29
4Data Analysis.
- 162,363 females that were born in 2011 and
subsequently entered the suckler herd as female
replacements. - Analysis of average performance of these females.
- Compared performance of 5 star females, relative
to this average. - Replacement Index roofs taken from
- December 2012 (parent average proof, new
replacement index recalculated). - April 16 (parent average own performance data)
- June 16 genomic (parent average own performance
data animals genotype).
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6 7 8 9- Proofs for animals could change by 100 with more
10Change in Stars Dec 12 gt Apr 16
11- Extent of changes are less with genomics.
12Change in Stars Apr 16 gt June 16
- The uro-Star Replacement Index is an accurate
predictor of future performance. - Use of genomics will add significantly to the
accuracy of this prediction in the future. - Proofs for individual animals will continue to
change. This is exactly in line with
expectations, based on reliability. - Analysis supports moving to official genomic
evaluations, from August 2016.
14BDGP - Key Time-lines.
Month Key Time-lines.
Ongoing 2015 payment upon verification of compliance.
May Finalisation of list of herds involved in the BDGP scheme. Tags sent to Autumn calving herds in BDGP (some 2.5k herds).
July Tags sent to Spring calving herds in BDGP (remaining 22.5k herds).
August Release of official genomic evaluations for beef AI sires.
September Updated BDGP reports with new beef genomic evaluations sent to scheme participants.
October Completion of BDGP Training by all scheme participants. Completion of initial Carbon Navigator herd assessment by all scheme participants.
December Commencement of 2016 payments.
All months Completion of relevant BDGP data recording forms, as requested by DAFM.
15GN IR AI Sires (n73)
16Beef Genomic Evaluations.
17Update since last meeting
- Survival trait given priority
- Solution found based on a 2 step process similar
to dairy genomic evaluations called SNP BLUP - Involves developing a genomic key based on
informative breeding values - Given the progress with survival the same process
was then applied to all 16 traits in the
Replacement index
18Update since last meeting 2
- New phenotypic data and pedigree up to middle of
May 16 - 512k genotyped animals in database at start of
May included of which 418k were beef genotypes - Evaluations were loaded to database last week
- Test proofs for AI sires circulated
- Run single trait analysis for each trait (16
traits) - Removes any bias in ebvs derived from predictor
traits - Use these uni-variate ebvs to derive a genomic
key for each trait - Apply that genomic key to all genotyped animals
- Use a blending approach to combine with the non
genomic evaluations
20Training datasets by trait
Criteria Genotyped animals with non genomic
reliability gt heritability from a single trait
- Run single trait analysis for each trait (16
traits) - Removes any ebvs derived from predictor traits
- Using these univariate ebvs to derive a genomic
key for each trait - Apply that genomic key to all genotyped animals
- Use a blending approach to combine with the non
genomic evaluations
22All genotyped AI sires gt90 rel official (247)
23All genotyped AI sires lt50 rel official (422)
24Experience from dairy
- Average PTA (reliabilities in brackets) N244
PA Official genomic Daughter
Milk 197 (41) 133 (63) 129 (94)
Fat 13 11.2 11
Fat 0.106 0.119 0.12
Prot 10.5 8.5 8.2
Prot 0.074 0.08 0.078
CI -3.48 (31) -4.2 (49) -5.1 (81)
SU 1.9 2.2 1.99
CD 3.05 (37) 1.9 (50) 2.7 (90)
Gest -2.0 -2.35 -2.73
Carcase Weight -1.8 -3.5 -2.4
Carcase Conf -0.63 -0.71 -0.72
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28Next Steps.
- Some young AI bulls not in file, new file to be
circulated - Investigations necessary for some traits
- Mortality increase with genomics
- cow liveweight increase with genomics
- Update of new data, pedigree, genotypes
- Validation of genomics where possible
- Final set of proofs for end of July meeting