Title: Health and safety: Challenges of the new Strategy
1Health and safety Challenges of the new Strategy
EMPL Introductory Workshop Policy areas and
current challenges in the field of Employment and
Social Affairs at EU level Workshop organised by
Policy Department A22 23 September 2014
- Lothar Lißner
- Kooperationsstelle Hamburg IFE (KOOP)
2Background of this presentation
- EU - Evaluation of the regulatory impact of
EU-Directives - EU - Evaluation of Costs and Benefits of OSH
- EU - Database on Exposed workers
- ILO - Global OSH strategy evaluation
- International strategy overview
- National strategy evaluation DE
- Analysis and advice on work organisation and OSH
3Three challenges of the new strategy
- 1. Improving the implementation record
(particularly by supporting SMEs and micro
enterpr.) - 2. Improving the prevention of work-related
diseases by tackling existing, new and
emerging risks - 3. Tackling demographic change
4Seven objectives
- Further consolidate national strategies
- Facilitate compliance with OSH legislation,
particularly by micro and small enterprises - Better enforcement of OSH legislation by Member
States - Simplify existing legislation
- Address the ageing of the workforce, emerging new
risks, prevention of work-related and
occupational diseases - Improve statistical data collection and develop
the information base - Better coordinate EU and international efforts to
address OSH and engage with international
5Major components of the OSH-infrastructure
- Ministries of Labour or Ministries of Health or
Social Affairs - Legislation - Labour inspection (partly keeping all working
conditions under surveillance, partly only
competent for OSH) - Accident insurance (recognition / compensation of
work accidents and work related diseases,
private, public or mixed systems, guidance and
regulation) - Enterprises - Obligations for enterprises (e.g.
resources for OSH according to the legislation)
and voluntary activities - Rules and institutions for the education and
training of professionals and practitioners - Bodies (public / private) - technical standards
and norms - Communications channels official channels,
journals and events - Research institutes - public, private or mixed
6Very insufficient data of the work place situation
- Data on work accidents in Europe
Underreporting and doubt on figures - Influence of work on the health situation
Few reliable data for extreme exposures - Development of the quantity and quality of risk
factors and exposures at workplaces From
noise over chemicals and air quality to heavy and
tiring work to violence and aggression - Prevention level in enterprises Organisation,
awareness, competence - Effectiveness of public infrastructure
7Key indicators for safety risks
- Work accidents more than 3 days, fatal,
traffic related
Key indicators for health risks
- Occupational cancer
- Musculo-skeletal diseases
- Mental disorders
- Listed occupational diseases
8Main changes in three areas
- Work organisation
- Workforce structure
- Technical progress
9Example - Work organisation
- Work pace
- Units have become smaller
- Work is more project oriented
- Steering happens less via hierarchies
- Time schedules and working arrangements
10Illustrating the differences - 1980
11Illustrating the differences 1995 and 2010
12Five main conclusions
- Better data
- Improve the prevention level in enterprises
- Modernise the legislation
- Rethink the concept of occupational diseases
- Activate the health and pension insurances, who
currently pay the bill of bad prevention, start
with workers with high and multiple work loads
- Dr. Lothar Lissner
- Kooperationsstelle Hamburg IFE
- Humboldtstr. 67a, 22083 Hamburg
- 49-40-484010-100
- www.kooperationsstelle-hh.de
- l.lissner_at_kooperationsstelle-hh.de