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Guanrong (Ron) Chen City Univesity of Hong Kong Spectral Analysis and Optimal Synchronizability of Complex Networks – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Talk

Spectral Analysis and Optimal Synchronizability
of Complex Networks ????????????????
Guanrong (Ron) Chen City Univesity of Hong Kong
Synchrony can be essential
? Clock synchronization is a critical component
in the operation of wireless sensor networks, as
it provides a common time frame to different
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2012)
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  • Spectra of network Laplacian matrices
  • Spectra and synchronizability of some typical
    complex networks
  • Networks with best synchronizability

A General Dynamical Network Model
A linearly and diffusively coupled network
f (.) Lipschiz Coupling strength c gt 0
A aij Adjacency matrix H Coupling
matrix function
If there is a connection between node i and node
j (j ? i), then aij aji 1 otherwise, aij
aji 0 and aii 0, i 1, , N
Laplacian matrix L D A where D diag d1
, , dN
For connected networks
Network Synchronization
Complete state synchronization
Linearized at equilibrium s
Only is important
f (.) Lipschitz, or assume
Network Synchronization Criteria
Master stability equation (L.M. Pecora and T.
Carroll, 1998)
A (conservative) sufficient condition
Maximum Lyapunov exponent which is
a function of
is called a synchronization region
Synchronizing if
or if
Network Synchronization Criteria
Recall Eigenvalues of
or if
synchronizing if
Case III Sync region
Case II Sync region
Case IV Union of intervals
Case I No sync
bigger is better bigger is better
A Brief History
  • Synchronizability characterized by Laplacian
  • 1. unbounded region (X.F. Wang and G.R. Chen,
  • 2. bounded region (M. Banahona and L.M.
    Pecora, 2002)
  • 3. union of several disconnected regions
  • (A. Stefanski, P. Perlikowski, and T.
    Kapitaniak, 2007)
  • (Z.S. Duan, C. Liu, G.R. Chen, and L.
    Huang, 2007 - 2009)

Spectra of Networks
  • Some theoretical results
  • Relation with network topology
  • Role in network synchronizability

Theoretical Bounds of Laplacian Eigenvalues
  • - maximum, minimum, average degree

D Diameter of the graph
  • Graph Theory Textbooks
  • F.M. Atay, T. Biyikoglu, J. Jost, Network
    synchronization Spectral versus statistical
    properties, Physica D, 224 (2006) 3541.

Theoretical Bounds of Laplacian Eigenvalues
(both in increasing order)
Distribution (interlacing property)
For any node degree there exists a such
C. J. Zhan, G. Chen and L. F. Yeung, Physica A
Lemma (Hoffman-Wielanelt, 1953) For
matrices B C A
Frobenius Norm
? For Laplacian L D A
Cauchy inequality
Difference between Eigenvalue and Degree Sequences
BA scale-free networks N2500, average of 2000
  • ER random-graph networks
  • N2500, average of 2000 runs

Above relative variances below relative errors
C. J. Zhan, G. Chen and L. F. Yeung, Physica A
Upper Bounds for Largest Eigenvalues
- for any graph
- average degree of all neighbors of node u
- total number of common neighbors of u and v
W.N. Anderson, T.D. Morley, Eigenvalues of the
Laplucian of a graph, Linear and Multilinear
Algebra, 18 (1985) 141-145. R. Merris, A
note on Laplacian graph eigenvalues, Linear
Algebra and its Applications, 285 (1998)
33-35. O. Rojo, R. Sojo, H. Rojo, An always
nontrivial upper bound for Laplacian graph
eigenvalues, Linear Algebra and its
Applications, 312 (2000) 155-159.
Lower Bounds for Smallest Eigenvalues
e edge connectivity (number of edges
whose removal will disconnect the graph
e.g., for a chain, e 1 for a triangle, e
2) v node connectivity D diameter
Spectra of Typical Complex Networks
Regularly-connected networks Complete graph,
ring, chain, star Random-graph networks
For every pair of nodes, connect them with a
certain probability. Poisson node
distribution Small-world networks Similar
to random graph, but with short average distance
and large clustering, with near-Poisson node
distribution Scale-free networks
Heterogeneous, with power-law degree distribution
Piet Van Mieghem, Graph Spectra for Complex
Networks (2011)
Regularly-Connected Networks
  • Complete graphs
  • 2K-rings
  • K1
  • N - even
  • K?1
  • Chains
  • Stars

Rectangular Random Networks
E. Estrada and G. Chen (2015)
RRN N nodes are randomly uniformly and
independently distributed in a unit rectangle
(It can be generalized to higher-dimensional
setting) Two nodes are connected by an edge if
they are inside a ball of radius r gt 0
Example N 250 a 1 r 0.15
Theorem For RRN, eigenvalues are bounded by
Lower bound The worst case all nodes are
located on the diagonal
E. Estrada and G. Chen (2015)
Upper bound Lemma 1 Diameter D diagonal
length / r ?
Lemma 2 Based on a result of Alon-Milman
(1985) ?
E. Estrada and G. Chen (2015)
Spectral Role in Network Synchronization
Topology affects Eigenvalues affects Sync
S - any subgraph, with
  • Recall (bigger is better)
  • Implication small local changes affect
    eigenratio, hence network synchronizability,
    which however do not affect much the network
    statistical properties in general
  • degree distribution, clustering, average

Statistical properties depend on H, yet depends
on S
Statistics Determines Synchronizability?
Answer - Not necessarily Example
  • They have same structural characteristics
    Graphs and have same degree sequence
  • So, all nodes have degree 3 same average
    distance 7/5 and same node betweenness 2

Z. S. Duan, G. R. Chen and L. Huang, Phys. Rev.
E, 2007
  • But they have different synchronizabilities
  • Eigenvalues of are and
    Eigenvalues of are and
  • Eigenratio satisfies

Topology Determines Synchronizability ?
  • Answer Not necessarily
  • Lemma 1 For any given connected undirected
    graph G , all its nonzero eigenvalues will not
    decrease with the number of added edges namely,
    by adding any edge e , one has
  • Note

Z. S. Duan, G. R. Chen and L. Huang, Phys. Rev.
E, 2007
What Topology ? Good Synchronizability ?
Given Laplacian
Q How to replace 0 and -1
while keeping the connectivity (and all
row-sums 0), such that maximum ?
? maximum
Observation Homogeneous Symmetrical Topology
  • With the same numbers of node and edges, while
    keeping the connectivity, what kind of network
    has the best possible synchronizability?
  • Computationally, this is NP-hard
  • Objective Find analytic solutions

Such that row-sum 0
(Laplacian) (connected)
  • Nishikawa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,
    014101(2003), regular networks with uniform small
    (node or edge) betweenness we found edge
    betweenness is more important than node
  • Donetti et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 188701(2005)
    Entangled networks have biggest eigenratios we
    found not necessarily
  • Donetti et al., J. Stat. Mech. Theory and
    Experiment 8, 1742(2006), algorithm based on
    algebraic graph theory big spectral gap ? big
    eigenratio we found the opposite
  • Zhou et al., Eur. Phys. J. B. 60, 89(2007),
    algorithm based on smallest clustering
  • Hui, Ann Oper. Res., July (2009), algorithm based
    on entropy
  • Xuan et al., Physica A 388, 1257(2009), algorithm
    based on short average path length
  • Mishkovski et al., ISCAS, 681(2010), fast
    generating algorithm
  • Shi, Chen, Thong, Yan., IEEE CAS Magazine, 13,
    1(2013), 3-regular optimal graphs

Our Approach
  • Homogeneity Symmetry
  • Same node degree
  • Minimize average path length
  • Minimize path-sum
  • Maximize girth

D. Shi, G. Chen, W. W. K. Thong and X. Yan, IEEE
Circ. Syst. Magazine, (2013) 13(1) 66-75
Non-Convex Optimization
  • Illustration
  • Greynetworks with same numbers of nodes and
  • Greendegree-homogeneous networks
  • Bluenetworks with maximum girths
  • Pinkpossible optimal networks
  • Rednear homogenous networks

WhiteOptimal solution location
Optimal 3-Regular Networks
Optimal 3-Regular Networks
  • Optimal network topology (in the sense of having
    best possible synchronizability) should have
  • Homogeneity
  • Symmetry
  • Shortest average path-length
  • Shortest path-sum
  • Longest girth
  • Anything else ?

Open Problem
Looking for optimal solutions
Given Move
which -1 can
maximize ?
Where to add -1
can maximize ?
Where to delete -1 can maximize ?
And so on ???
Thank You !
  • 1 F.Chung, Spectral Graph Theory, AMS (1992,
  • 2 T.Nishikawa, A.E.Motter, Y.-C.Lai,
    F.C.Hoppensteadt, Heterogeneity in oscillator
    networks Are smaller worlds easier to
    synchronize? PRL 91 (2003) 014101
  • 3 H.Hong, B.J.Kim, M.Y.Choi, H.Park, Factors
    that predict better synchronizability on complex
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    17 (2007) 3499-3506
  • 5 M.Barahona, L.M.Pecora, Synchronization in
    small-world systems, PRL 89 (5) (2002)054101
  • 6 H.Hong, M.Y.Choi, B.J.Kim, Synchronization on
    small-world networks, PRE 69 (2004) 026139
  • 7 F.M. Atay, T.Biyikoglu, J.Jost, Network
    synchronization Spectral versus statistical
    properties, Physica D 224 (2006) 3541
  • 8 A.Arenas, A.Diaz-Guilera, C.J.Perez-Vicente,
    Synchronization reveals topological scales in
    complex networks, PRL 96(11) (2006 )114102
  • 9 A.Arenas, A.Diaz-Guilerab, C.J.Perez-Vicente,
    Synchronization processes in complex networks,
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  • 10 B.Mohar, Graph Laplacians, in Topics in
    Algebraic Graph Theory, Cambridge University
    Press (2004) 113136
  • 11 F.M.Atay, T.Biyikoglu, Graph operations and
    synchronization of complex networks, PRE 72
    (2005) 016217
  • 12 T.Nishikawa, A.E.Motter, Maximum performance
    at minimum cost in network synchronization,
    Physica D 224 (2006) 7789

  • 13 J.Gomez-Gardenes, Y.Moreno, A.Arenas, Paths
    to synchronization on complex networks, PRL 98
    (2007) 034101
  • 14 C.J.Zhan, G.R.Chen, L.F.Yeung, On the
    distributions of Laplacian eigenvalues versus
    node degrees in complex networks, Physica A 389
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  • 15 T.G.Lewis, Network Science Theory and
    Applications, Wiley 2009
  • 16 T.M.Fiedler, Algebraic Connectivity of
    Graphs, Czech Math J 23 (1973) 298-305
  • 17 W.N.Anderson, T.D.Morley, Eigenvalues of the
    Laplacian of a graph, Linear and Multilinear
    Algebra 18 (1985) 141-145
  • 18 R.Merris, A note on Laplacian graph
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    285 (1998) 33-35
  • 19 O.Rojo, R.Sojo, H.Rojo, An always nontrivial
    upper bound for Laplacian graph eigenvalues,
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  • Applications 312 (2000) 155-159
  • 20 G.Chen, Z.Duan, Network synchronizability
    analysis A graph-theoretic approach, CHAOS 18
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  • 21 T.Nishikawa, A.E.Motter, Network
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  • 22 P.V.Mieghem, Graph Spectra for Complex
    Networks (2011)
  • 23 D. Shi, G. Chen, W. W. K. Thong and X. Yan,
    Searching for optimal network topology with best
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Prof Ernesto Estrada, University of Strathclyde,
UK Prof Xiaofan Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University Prof Zhi-sheng Duan, Peking
University Prof Jun-an Lu, Wuhan University Prof
Dinghua Shi, Shanghai University Dr Juan
Chen, Wuhan University Dr Choujun Zhan, City
University of Hong Kong Dr Wilson W K Thong,
City University of Hong Kong Dr Xiaoyong Yan,
Beijing Normal University
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