Title: MCS 101: Algorithms
1MCS 101 Algorithms
- Instructor
- Neelima Gupta
- ngupta_at_cs.du.ac.in
2Table of Contents
3- Divide the problem into smaller sub-problems.
- Solve the sub-problems recursively
- Combine the solution of the smaller sub-problems
to obtain the solution of the bigger problem. - Size of subproblems must reduce
- There must be some initial conditions
- The two together ensures that the algorithm
4Familiar Egs of divide and conquer
- Quick sort
- Merge sort (John von Neumann, 1945)
- If T(n) is the time to sort n numbers -
- T(n)T(n/2)T(n/2)?(n)
- 2T(n/2) cn
- ?(nlog n)
- Where ?(n ) time required to merge two sorted
lists, each of size at most n/2
6Multiplying 2 large integers
- Suppose for simplicity, numbers are of equal
length Eg- - suppose the 2 number are
- 2345 and 3854
- O(n2) time by the usual successive add algorithm.
- We can reduce this time using divide and conquer
7Multiplying 2 large integers
- split the numbers into roughly 2 halves
- Here x0 45 x1 23 y0 54 y1 38
8- Mathematically
- x x1 .10n/2 x0 (1)
- y y1 .10n/2 y0 (2)
- xyx1y1.10n(x1y0y1x0).10n/2x0y
0 (3) - In our eg n4
- x23102 45
- y38102 54
9- x1y1874x1y01242x0y11710x0y02430
- Using (1),(2),(3) answer came out to be
- 874104 (2952)1022430
- adding these numbers take linear time.
10Time Analysis
- Computing
- x1y1,(x1y0y1x0),x0y0
- T(n)4T(n/2)cn
- ?(n2)
- So, no improvement. Well use a smarter way to
compute the middle term. -
11- (x0x1)(y0y1)x1y1(x1y0y1x0)x0y0
- Thus,
- x1y0y1x0 (x0x1)(y0y1) - x0y0 - x1y1
- Thus, only 3 multiplications suffice
12- So T(n)is reduced to
- T(n)3T(n/2)cn
- ?(nlog23)lt?(n2)
- where 3T(n/2) is the time required to multiply
- x1y1 , (x0x1)(y0y1), x0y0
13Complex Roots of Unity
- Consider xn 1
- It has n distinct complex roots as follows
- ?j,n e (2 p ij)/n , j 1 to n 1
- where i v-1
- These numbers are called nth roots of unity
14nth roots of unity
- For example, for n 2
- x 2 1 gt x 1 , -1
- e (2 p ij)/n , j 0,1
j 1 e (2 p i)/2 epi cos p i sin p
j 0 e (2 p ij)/n e0 cos 0 i sin 0
Thanks to Megha and Mitul
15- These can be pictured as a set of equally spaced
points lying on a unit circle as shown in figure
for n 8. - Figure by Mitul
- If ?j,2n ( j 0, 1 2n-1) are (2n)th roots
of unity then clearly ?2j,2n ( j 0, 1 n-1)
are nth roots of unity. For j n 2n -1, roots
repeat. - ? j,2n e (2 p ij)/2n e (p ij)/n
- ? j,2n2 (e (p ij)/n )2 e (2 p
ij)/n - It is also visible from the figure below
- Figure by Mitul
16Discrete Fourier Transform
- DFT of a polynomial with coefficient vector
lta0,a1,.,angt is the vector y lty0,y1,.,yngt
where - T(n2) time to compute DFT is trivial, each yi can
be computed in T(n) time. - FFT is a method to compute DFT in T(n log n)
time, It makes use of special properties of
complex roots of unity.
17Fast Fourier Transform
- Instead of n, we will deal with 2n
- Break the polynomial in 2 parts
- Aeven(x) a0 a2x an-2 x (n-2)/2
- Aodd(x) a1 a3x a5x2 . an-1x(n-2)/2
- A(x) Aeven(x2) x.Aodd(x2)
- Let
- p(x) Aeven(x2) a0a2x2 a4x4. an-2xn-2
and - q(x) Aodd(x2) a1 a3x2 a5x4.an-1xn-2
- x.q(x) a1x a3x3 a5x5an-1xn-1
Thanks to Megha and Mitul
18Fast Fourier Transform contd
- Thus,
- yj A(?j,2n ) Aeven(?2j,2n ) ?j,2n
.Aodd(?2j,2n ) - (2n)th root of unity nth root of unity
- Aeven and Aodd are polynomials with n terms,
thus they can be computed at nth roots of unity,
19FFT contd..
- Thus we arrive at the following recurrence to
compute the DFT - T(n) 2T(n/2) O(n)
- n log n
- Thus given a polynomial, its DFT can be computed
in O(n log n) time.
20Vandermonde Matrix
- Computing DFT is equivalent to
- n is only a control variable and can be replaced
by 2n - Since DFT can be computed in O(n log n) time,
this matrix-vector product can be computed in O(n
log n) time.
Vandermonde matrix
21Computing DFT-1
- TheoremFor j,k 0 2n -1, (j,k) entry of V-12n
is ?-kj,2n /2n - Thus, given yi s , ai s and hence the
polynomial can be computed as follows - As before n can be replaced by 2n. This
matrix-vector multiplication is similar to the
previous one and hence can be computed in O(n log
n) time.
- Let A lta0,a1,.,angt and
- B ltb0,b1,..,bngt be 2 vectors
- C A o B ltc0,c1,..,c2n-2gt (Length 2n
-1) - C k ? ij k aibj
- AIM to obtain convolution in (nlog(n)) time
Thanks to Megha and Mitul
23Applications polynomial multiplication
- Suppose we have two polynomials
- A(x) a0 a1x an-1xn-1
- B(x) b0 b1x bn-1xn-1
- Then, C(x) A(x).B(x)
24Algortihm for AoB
- Let A(x) and B(x) be two polynomials with
coefficients from the vectors A and B
- Compute A and B at (2n)th roots of unity
i.e. compute A(?j,2n ) and B(?j,2n ) , j 0,1
2n-1 using FFT. O(n log n) time. - Compute C(?j,2n ) A(?j,2n ) . B(?j,2n ) .
O(n) time. - Reconstruct C(x) using FFT-1 .O(n log n)
- Submitted By
- Jewel
Pruthi(18) - Juhi Jain(19)
26- Problem Given a set of points
p1,p2,--------pn, - our aim is to find out the
closest pair - of points.
- Finding Closest Pair in one-dimension
- Complexity O(nlogn)
- How?
to Jewel and Juhi
27- Sort the points.(takes O(nlogn) time)
- Find distance between every pair of consecutive
points. - In n comparisons,we will find the distance
between every pair of consecutive points. - In another n comparisons,we will find minimum of
the distances found. -
to Jewel and Juhi
28Finding Closest Pair in two-dimension
- Proposed algorithmSort the points p1,p2,------pn
say on increasing order of x-coordinates. - where pi(xi,yi)
- Distance between 2 consecutive points
- dsqrt((y2-y1)2 (x2-x1)2 )
- st
x1x2x3------xn - Ques Will this algorithm work?
- Thanks to Jewel and Juhi
29- No
- Consider p1,p2,p3 st d(p1p2) gt d(p2p3) after
sorting p1,p2,p3 on x-coordinates. - Algorithm returns p2p3 but we can see that p1p3
are closer. -
Thanks to Jewel and
30- Note For minimum distance,the two points need
not be consecutive on x/y-axis. - Brute Force Approach
- Calculate distance between every possible pair of
points. - Time Complexity- O(n2)
- Can we improve on the time complexity?
Thanks to Jewel and Juhi
31- Divide and Conquer Approach
- Arrange the points in increasing order of
x-coordinates say Px increasing order of
y-coordinates say Py. - Divide the set of n points into 2 halves Q and R
(breaking on middle of Px). - Compute the closest pair in Q and in R
recursively. -
Thanks to Jewel and
Solve recursively
Solve recursively
32- Let (q1,q2) and (r1,r2) be the closest pairs
obtained in Q and R respectively. - Let dmin d(q1,q2) , d(r1,r2)
Thanks to Jewel and Juhi
Solve recursively
Solve recursively
33- Ques Does ? a pair of points say (s1,s2) such
that d(s1,s2) lt d ? - Soln Let p be the point with maximum
x-coordinate in Q and let x be its x-coordinate. - Draw a line through p described by the
equation L xx -
to Jewel and Juhi
34 Q
This distance is x-qx
- Now in the highlighted triangle we can see that
the length - of horizontal line
- (x-qx) lt hypotenuse according to Pythagoras
theorem. - x-qxlthypotenuseltd(q,r)lt d
- Similarly we can prove that rx-x lt d(q,r) lt d
35- Consider square boxes each of side d/2 in this
vertical strip. -
Thanks to Jewel and Juhi
Square of side d/2
36- Claim No box contains more than 1 point.
- Proof If the 2 farthest points in the box are
the 2 diagonal points of the square, then - Distance between the 2 points
- v( (d/2)2 (d/2)2 ) (d/v2)
lt d - 2. Both the points are within Q or both are
within R -
- This implies that we have two points within Q
(/R) with distance lt d which is a contradiction
to the definition of d.
Thanks to Jewel and Juhi
37- Claim Between any pair of 2 points q and r in S
with d(q,r) lt d , there can be no more than 12
points. - Thanks to
Jewel and Juhi
No of points 12
38- Proof Let Py1 Pyt be the points of S in the
increasing order of y co-ordinates. - If there are more than 12 points between q and r
in the above list then there will be at least 3
rows between the y co-ordinate of q and y
co-ordinate of r. - Then,
- the vertical distance between q and r is
- gt 3 (d/2) gt d
- Thus, the actual distance which is gt vertical
distance (show through fig.) gt d - ---Contradiction to the definition of points q
and r. - Thanks to Jewel and Juhi
39- For i 1 to t
- For j i1 to i 12
- Compute d(Pyi , Pyj)
- Compute the minimum of the 12t pairs above ---
O(n) time.