Title: Alleluia, Christ is risen,
1The Ascension of the Lord
2Christ is with us, Alleluia
- He is with us indeed Alleluia, Alleluia.
- And so we gather. In the name of the Father
3Opening prayer Christ Jesus, you sent out your
disciples to spread your word. Encourage us also
to go out and share your good news with others
through our words and our actions. Amen
4- Lord Jesus, you welcome us into your family.
- Lord Have mercy.
- Lord, have mercy.
- Jesus Christ, you bring hope and joy to all who
believe in you. - Christ have mercy
- Christ, have mercy.
- Lord Jesus, you wash away the sins of the world.
- Lord have mercy
- Lord, have mercy.
5Alleluia , Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia
6A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to
Matthew Glory to you, Oh Lord
The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
7Alleluia , Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia
8What very important mission did Jesus give to his
disciples? How do you imagine the disciples felt
when they heard what Jesus wanted them to
do? What did Jesus say to encourage them? How
do Christians today continue to spread Jesus
9 We pray that the Church and all people will
reveal Gods love to the world. Lord in your
mercy. Lord, hear our prayer That all
Christians will be united by understanding and
love. Lord in your mercy. Lord, hear our
prayer That we may have the courage to proclaim
what we believe to others. Lord in your
mercy. Lord hear our prayer
10Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening in
the silence of our hearts let us share our
unspoken prayers with him.
11While we listen to quiet music, please could each
teacher ask someone to collect a gesture from the
focal point.
12Let us say this prayer together God of light and
life, we know that your Son Jesus is with us
always. May we show your love and care for others
in all that we do so that we may spread your good
news. Amen.
13 14I will never leave you, I am with you until the
end of time...