Title: Leadership
- The ability to influence people toward the
attainment of goals.
2Major Leadership Theory Issues
- Is leadership ability inborn or learned?
- Is leadership best explained in terms of Traits
or Behaviors? - Is there one best way to lead in all situations?
(Universal vs. Contingency) - How much should the leader allow subordinates to
participate in decisions? - How can you improve leadership?
3Types of Leadership Theories
4Types of Leadership Theories
- Trait Theories
- e.g., Self-Confidence, Persistence, Emotional
Intelligence - Traits better predict being perceived to be
leaders (leader emergence) than effectiveness - Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to
Experience good predictors of leader emergence - Dont explain how traits translate into action
- Universal Theories (Traits or Styles)
- Research disproves
- Contingency-Style Theories (Type IV)
- Most prevalent today
5 2 Basic Leadership Styles
- Category 1
- Initiating Structure---
- Job-Centered----------
- Conc. for Production-
- Task-Oriented---------
- Directive----------------
- Category 2
- Consideration
- Employee-Centered
- Concern for People
- Relationship-Oriented
- Supportive
6Contingency Approaches
- Imply that no particular traits or styles
guarantee success - Identify relevant Situational Variables and what
Leader Traits or Styles are appropriate for each.
7Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Theory (Type
- Situational Variables
- Followers Readiness (Maturity) is due to
- Ability
- Willingness
- Leader Behaviors
- Task Behavior (High or Low)
- Relationship Behavior (High or Low)
- 4 Combinations Including
- Telling (H-L)
- Selling (H-H)
- Participating (L-H)
- Delegating (L-L)
8Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership
Leader Behavior
Selling S2 Explain decisions and provide
opportunity for clarification
Participating S3 Share ideas and facilitate in
decision making
Relationship Behavior
Delegating S4 Turn over responsibility
for decisions and implementation
Telling S1 Provide specific instructions and
closely supervise performance
Task Behavior
ReadinessHigh Moderate Low
R4 R3 R2 R1
9Path-Goal Theory (Type IV)
- A leaders responsibility is to increase
subordinates' motivation by - Clarifying the subordinates' path (i.e., helping
them reach the goal) - Giving things they value as rewards for reaching
the goal - A major contribution is the Achievement
Oriented leadership style in which the leader is
able to provide challenging goals that give
subordinates an incentive
10Path-Goal Theory
- Situational Variables
- Follower Characteristics
- e.g, abilities, motivation
- Workplace Characteristics
- e.g., task difficulty
- Leader Behaviors
- Directive leadership
- Achievement-Oriented leadership
- Supportive leadership
- Participative leadership
11Leadership and Cultural Differences
- Effectiveness of leader behaviors varies with
national culture - Directive Leadership less effective in U.S. than
is most countries - Participative Leadership
- Useful in most countries
- Not so much with High Power Distance