1 What is the very first topic I would present to
the Orientation class?
2Branches in The Franciscan FamilyThe Secular
Franciscan Order
Topic O2 O6
3Francis of Assisi The Founder
- Began around 1206
- Go and rebuild my Church
- The Penitents of Assisi was born
4Francis First Brother
Bernad of Quintavalle A rich and important
citizen of Assisi
5Francis and 11 brothers go to Rome
The Rule of 1209
- Pope Innocent III
- Gave verbal approval
- Gave right to preach penance
The approval of "Propositum Vitae"
The order of Friars Minor was born.
6First Order Order of Friars Minor - OFM
7Franciscan Family Tree
8The Franciscan Family Three Distinct Orders
9First Order Order of Frias Minor Capuchin -
Fr. Nguy?n Qu?c Hung, OFM Cap
10First Order Order of Friars Minor Conventual -
OFM Conv
Fr. Steven Gross, OFM Conv. CRSA Mentor, St.
Francis Region
Most Holy Trinity St. Mary Williamsburg,
Brooklyn, New York
11Second Order The Poor Ladies of Assisi - Clara
Founded in 1212 in Assisi
- Religious community of women
- Observe a cloistered, Contemplative life
- Life of prayer and penance
- Franciscan tradition of joy and simplicity
12Third Order - Secular Franciscan Order
- 1221 Started in Poggibonzi
- Brothers and Sisters of Penitence
- Later - Third Order of St. Francis
- Luchesius Modestini and Buonadonna
- Currently The Secular Franciscan Order
13Third Order Regular - TOR
Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Saint
Francis Friary Loretto, Pennsylvania
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary - FMM
14The Secular Franciscan Order - OFS
St. Clare Fraternity Orange County
Vietnamese Secular Franciscan Gathering
Oceanside Sept. 2010
15Secular Franciscan Saints
Aug 4 St. John Mary Vianney, OFS
Aug 21 St. Pius X, OFS 1835-1914
Jan 31 St. John Bosco. OFS 1815-1888
May 16 St. Margaret of Cortona,OFS 1247-1297
16Secular Franciscan Saints
Pope John XXIII, OFS
Pope Paul VI, OFS
Blessed Franz Jagerstatter, OFS Beatified in
Linz, Austria, on October 26, 2007.Husband,
Father, Farmer, Martyr
17The TAU Cross OFS Symbol
the distinctive sign of the Secular Franciscan
Order of the United States
18San Damiano Cross A Franciscan Symbol
Prayer before the Crucifix Most High, Glorious
God Enlighten the shadows of my heart, and grant
me a right faith a certain hope and a perfect
charity and sense and understanding, Lord, so
that I may accomplish your holy and true command.
Francis, go and rebuild my house, which is
falling into ruins
19Formation and Requirements
Topic O-4
- I- Orientation
- - First Interview
- - Orientation
- II- Initial Formation
- - Inquiry
- - Candidacy
- III- On-going Formation
- A. Personal interview
- B. Orientation
- Purpose
- Discovering affirming your call
Time frame Not less than 3 months
National Statue 19.1a, 1b
21Minimum Content for the Orientation Phase
- O-1) The Life of Francis
- O-2) The Branches of the Franciscan Family
- O-3) The Secular Franciscan Order
- O-4) Phases of Formation and Expectations
- O-5)Review of Catholic Doctrine and Christian
Morals - O-6) The Franciscan Movement Franciscan Family
- O-7) Elements of Ecclesiology Theology of the
Laity - O-8) The Apostles Creed
- may require additional study in an RCIA style
program before entering Inquiry.
- desire to learn about the OFS
- proper motivation
- free from any responsibility/restriction
- basic understanding of the Catholic Faith
- be an active participant in fraternity life
- understand that the OFS is a vocation
23 Initial Discernment
- Desire to continue learning about OFS
- Formally introduced to the fraternity
- Ceremony of Welcoming
24Pathway to Profession