Industrial Revolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Industrial Revolution


Chapter 23 Industrial Revolution American Revolution French Revolution The Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain in the 1600s-1700s Land Labor Capital Spreads to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Industrial Revolution

Chapter 23
  • Industrial Revolution
  • American Revolution
  • French Revolution

The Industrial Revolution
  • Begins in Britain in the 1600s-1700s
  • Land
  • Labor
  • Capital
  • Spreads to Belgium, the United States, Germany,
  • Begins in the textile industry
  • Spinning Jenny, spinning mule, power loom, etc.

The Industrial Revolution
  • Changed the way work was done
  • Work left the home moved to factories
  • Factory work difficult
  • Long hours (13-15 hrs/day, 6 days/week)
  • Dangerous (no regulations, no job guarantees)
  • Child Labor (smaller, can pay less)
  • Environmental problems (pollution of rivers, air)
  • Does eventually increase the standard of living

The Industrial Revolution
  • Railroads
  • Railroads invented because of the steam engine
    (developed for water travel).
  • Easier, cheaper, faster to transport people and
  • Refrigerated railroad cars lead to fresh fruit,
    vegetables, and meat to be transported across the
  • U.S. Transcontinental railroad finished in May

The Industrial Revolution
  • Other inventors
  • Alexander Graham Bell telephone
  • Eli Whitney Cotton Gin
  • James Watt steam engine
  • Thomas Edison light bulb
  • Ben Franklin - electricity

The American Revolution
  • Colonists from Britain, France, Holland mostly
    settle Eastern U.S.
  • Conflicts between Britain and France over
    territory lead to Seven Years War (1756-1763)
    (French and Indian War).
  • Britain wins gains all land between Mississippi
    River and Appalachian Mts.

The American Revolution
  • Colonists believe they have a right to land
    because they helped win it.
  • Conflicts with Native Americans cause Britain to
    forbid settlement of new area.
  • In addition, Britain begins to tax settlers to
    help pay for the war.
  • Stamp Act
  • Tea Act

The American Revolution
  • Inspired by Enlightenment ideas, colonists begin
    to protest unjust laws.
  • Boston Massacre - 1770
  • Boston Tea Party - 1773
  • First Continental Congress 1774
  • Many divided on how to deal with Britain
    intense loyalty to crown vs. revolutionaries

The American Revolution
  • Lexington and Concord
  • April 19, 1775 Britain decided to seize
    stockpiles of weapons in Concord, Massachusetts.
  • Confronted by Minutemen at Lexington
  • Colonists win first battles of the revolution
  • Second Continental Congress
  • Colonists decide to raise an army appoint
    General George Washington as head

The American Revolution
  • Declaration of Independence
  • The U.S. formally declares independence in July
  • Written by Thomas Jefferson inspired by the
  • All people created equal
  • Unalienable rights
  • Governments derive powers from governed

The American Revolution
  • War lasts from 1775-1781.
  • Many battles most important
  • Battle of Saratoga French decide to join
  • Battle of Yorktown General Cornwallis
    surrenders to General Washington.
  • Americans begin to form new government.

The American Revolution
  • First government Articles of Confederation
  • Weak central strong states
  • Many problems
  • By 1787 everyone realizes the Articles needs
  • Constitutional Convention summer of 1787
  • Supposed to change Articles eventually created
    whole new government

The American Revolution
  • The Constitution
  • Inspired by Enlightenment philosophers
    Voltaire, Montesquieu, Locke
  • Strong central government
  • Two houses in Congress (Great Compromise)
  • Senate, House of Representatives
  • Three branches of government (Leg, Ex, Jud)
  • Federal System
  • Federal govt, State govt, Local govt
  • Bill of Rights first 10 amendments to
  • Can change government when it needs it
  • Currently 27 amendments have been ratified

The French Revolution
  • Old Regime
  • System of estates used before the revolution
  • Three estates
  • First estate Clergy
  • Second estate Nobles
  • Third estate Everyone else
  • Bourgeoisie Middle Class in Third Estate
  • Bread crisis
  • Price skyrockets
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Austrian Princess spends huge amount of money
    French hate her

The French Revolution
  • King Louis XVI calls a meeting of the
    Estates-General hasnt met for 175 yrs.
  • Each estate gets one vote 1st and 2nd estate
    always outvotes 3rd estate
  • Tried to change voting system king denied it
  • Third Estate votes to create the National
  • Locked out of their meeting hall take the
    Tennis Court Oath.

The French Revolution
  • King Louis orders Swiss guards into the city
    Parisians scared
  • Storm the Bastille on July 14, 1789 for weapons
    kill several guards and release prisoners
  • Rebellion spreads to the countryside peasants
    begin to burn nobles houses
  • Great Fear

The French Revolution
  • The National Assembly creates a new Constitution
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the
  • Modeled after Enlightenment, Declaration of
  • Took over Church lands, clergy paid by the state
  • Peasants did not like this

The French Revolution
  • Louis XVI tried to escape to Austria failed
    increased his enemies
  • National Assembly finalizes Constitution
    becomes Legislative Assembly
  • Radicals, Moderates, Conservatives
  • Emigres Nobles who flee France
  • Sans-culottes Parisian shopkeepers who want
    greater voice in government.

The French Revolution
  • Monarchs in other countries feared for their
  • French declare war on Austria when Austria
    proposes putting Louis back on the throne.
  • Prussia joins war with Austria
  • Austria and Prussia win at first Parisians
    imprison Louis and family in stone tower.
  • Also begin to raid and kill royalist prisoners
  • September massacres

The French Revolution
  • After the massacres they declare a new
    government the National Convention
  • Radical
  • Jacobins created
  • Abolished monarchy
  • Executed Louis by guillotine

The French Revolution
  • Maximilien Robespierre
  • Radical leader
  • Changed calendar
  • Decks of cards changed
  • Committee of Public Safety
  • Reign of Terror
  • Queen Marie Antoinette guillotined
  • End of the Terror
  • Robespierres Death
  • The Directory Fourth government - moderate

  • Napoleon born in Corsica
  • Became hero by saving royalists during riot
  • Napoleon became leader of army drove out one
    chamber of legislature helped to create three
  • He became first consul and assumed dictatorial
    powers of France
  • Coup detat

  • Pretended to be elected plebiscite taken gave
    all power to Napoleon
  • Tax collection, national bank, dismissed corrupt
    officials, created public schools, gave some
    power back to the Catholic Church,
  • Napoleonic Code set of uniform laws
  • Freedoms of speech and and press limited
  • Womens rights limited
  • Slavery restored in colonies

  • Tried to regain power in Atlantic world
  • Lost Haiti
  • Decided to sell Louisiana to U.S. (15 million)
  • Focused on Europe
  • Eventually signed peace treaties with Austria,
    Prussia, and Russia
  • Lost only to Britian Battle of Trafalgar

  • Three costly mistakes
  • Tried to hurt British trade
  • Continental system hurt France and continent
  • Invasion of Portugal
  • Spain revolted
  • Invasion of Russia
  • Scorched Earth policy

  • Weakness caused his enemies to attack
  • He was defeated and exiled to the island of Elba
    (off Italy).
  • Three months later tried to return
  • Hundred Days
  • Ruled for about 3 months
  • Finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
  • Exiled to St. Helena in South Atlantic

Congress of Vienna
  • Congress held to stabilize Europe
  • Three goals
  • Surround France with strong countries
  • Restore Balance of Power to Europe
  • Restore monarchs to thrones
  • Klemens von Metternich of Austria most important
  • Concert of Europe
  • System of alliances formed to prevent future wars
  • Holy Alliance
  • Austria, Russia, Prussia
  • Nationalism
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