Title: Agenda
1Best Practices for Distance Education Designing
the Perfect Course Michael Simonson,
Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology
and Distance Education Fischler School of
Field of Dreams.avi
2Teacher as ?
3Teacher (Nursing Educator?) as Skeuomorph
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9What do we know?
10Definition of Distance Education
- Institution-based formal education where the
learning group is separated, and where
interactive telecommunications systems/media are
used to connect learners, resources and
11Coldeway's Quadrants
Face to Face Instruction
Distance Delivered Instruction
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15Staggering Growth of DE
16Best Practices
- Logical and Intuitive Organization
- Multimedia Use to Present Content
- High Quality Production Standards
- Content-Rich Design
- Meaningful, Quick and Meaningful Interaction
- Self Pacing Apparent
- Continuous Evaluation and Revision
17Best Practices Instruction
- Content
- Readings
- Viewings
- Listenings
- Interaction
- Chats
- Discussions
- Teamwork
- Email
- Telephone
- Live Presentations
Assessment Exams Presentaitons Writing Journals Bl
18Rules of Thumb
- For a typical 3-credit course
- 90 -130 hours of student involvement
- 10 25 students/instructor
- Clear organization 45 topics, 15 modules, and 3
units - Build Communities gt5 lt10
- Grade often and everything
- lt1 instructor posting to 4 student postings
19The perfect Course
20The Standard?
- 3 Credit, Carnegie Unit Course
- 3 x 750 minutes of class time 2250 minutes or
45, 50-minutes classes
21Equivalency Theory of Distance Education
- Learners, distant and local, should be provide
equivalent learning experiences in order for them
to achieve similar learning outcomes
22Learning Experiences
Anything that happens to or with a student that
promotes learning, including what is observed,
felt, heard, or done.
23Chunking of Information
Post- Chunking
24 Equivalency Units (vs. Carnegie Units) Modules
(3-5/Unit) Topics (3-5/Module, each with a
Learning Outcome)
253 x 5 x 5 Approach
- 3 Units/3Credit Course
- 5 Modules/Unit
- 5 Concepts/Module
- 1 Objective/Concept
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271 Semester Credit 1 Unit 5 Modules 15
28Trigger Videos
- A motion media production (most often a video)
that presents a dilemma without resolving it,
with the intent that this video will lead to a
discussion among the group for which it is
intended. The dilemma may be of any type
ethical, professional, moral, financial, social,
Mike Simonson,
- EDD 8123 WebCT
- Exemplary Course WebCT Pages
30Types of Trigger Videos
- Instructional Introduction
- Instructional Problems
- Professional
- Organizational
- Situations Vignettes
- Case Studies
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