Title: Facts for January
1Facts for January
- 25 January 1759
- Robert Burns Birthday
- He is regarded as the national poet of Scotland
and was born in Ayrshire in 1759. His life,
work, songs and poetry are celebrated annually
all over the word on Burns Night
26 January 1788 Australia Day Australia Day
commemorates the creation of the first British
settlement in Australia in 1788. Captain Arthur
Philip and an advance party from his fleet
entered Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) which he
described as the finest harbour in the world.
A landing party was sent ashore and this was to
be the site of the new settlement.
2Facts for January
- 27 January 1788
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg.
- He was a prolific and influential composer of the
Classical era.
27 January Holocaust Memorial Day This is the
day on which the world remembers one of the
greatest tragedies in human history, the Nazi
Holocaust in Germany during WWII. Six million
European Jews perished in the Nazi concentration
camps. The date falls on the anniversary of the
liberation of the largest Nazi death camp
3Whats on ??
- Monday
- 3.00 Chess Club P5 7 - GP Room 3
- Tuesday
- All Day Dental Inspections Meeting Room 3
- 9.15 P6 Guitar Group GP Room 8
- 10.45 Red Cross Visit 1E
- 11.20 Piping P5/6 GP Room 2
- 3.00 Active Start P4 Infant Hall
- 4.00 Football Active Schools P 5- 7
- 6.00 League Football Coaching - Picky
4Whats on ??
- Wednesday
- All Day Dental Inspections Meeting Room 3
- 9.15 Red Cross Visit 1M
- 10.45 Red Cross Visit 1S
- 1.00 P7 Piping Group GP Room 2
- 3.00 SUPA Club GP Room 1
- 3.15 P6 Netball Infant Hall
5Whats on ??
- Thursday
- All Day Dental Inspections Meeting Room 3
- AM Joan Greg Red Cross visit to P1s
- 3.00 P7 Netball - Infant Hall
- 2.00 Kristeen Stewart Visit 4M
- 2.00 Ragnhild Ljosland Visit 4S
- 6.00 Pre-school Parent Workshops
- Friday
- All Day Dental Inspections Meeting Room 3
- 12.00 Pupil Council GP Room 2
6Eco Club
- They would like to share with you the results of
their Environmental Review. This A3 poster will
be displayed in several places across school. - Our Eco Action Targets are nearly ready and will
be displayed on our Notice Board. - We would like as many classes as possible to join
us in The Big Bird Watch 2015, this only takes an
hour and can be done anytime time between Monday
26 January and Friday 6 February. - The map which shows good places to watch and
count is on the table near the office. - Thank you to the P1 and P3 classes who have
created the fat balls. - Happy Birdwatching! Let us know your results.
Thank you.
7Well Done to .
Josie for coming and telling all about her
fundraiser. She will be baking and selling it and
the funds will go towards a Cancer Charity.
Jenna who has completed Level 4 at her swimming
8Well Done to .
Our Buddy of the Week
Dennis 7M