II. The History of Evolutionary Thought - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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II. The History of Evolutionary Thought


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: II. The History of Evolutionary Thought

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the Earth
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the
Earth 1. James Ussher (1581-1656) Bishop -
Applied logical rigor to the History of the Earth
as revealed in the Bible... counted the
'begats'... - creation began at 9am on October
23, 4004 b.c.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the
Earth 1. James Ussher (1581-1656) Bishop
2. Nicolaus Steno (1638-1686)
- introduced concept of stratigraphy and
superposition - sedimentary rocks are layered in
order deposited - erosion is continuous and is
the primary agent of geology on earth.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the
Earth 3. Conclusions of the Revolution -
Mechanics of Physical Universe were de-deified -
Constant, Secondary, Physical laws governed
nature. - God as creator (first cause) of
universe and laws by which it operates requires
less intervention.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the
Earth 3. Conclusions of the Revolution 4.
Counter-intuitive Effects on Biology a.
constant laws implied stasis since creation
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the
Earth 3. Conclusions of the Revolution 4.
Counter-intuitive Effects on Biology a.
constant laws implied stasis since creation
b. conflict - deists secondary laws enough
- Natural theologians diversity and
perfection of life requires a God attending to
every detail.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 1. Voyages of
Discovery 2. Scientific Revolution a.
Astronomy and Physics b. The Age of the
Earth 3. Conclusions of the Revolution 4.
Counter-intuitive Effects on Biology a.
constant laws implied stasis since creation
b. conflict - deists secondary laws enough
- Natural theologians diversity and
perfection of life requires a God attending to
every detail. "there is special providence in
the fall of a sparrow..." - Shakespeare
(1564-1616) - Hamlet
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 4.
Counter-intuitive Effects on Biology d.
evidence - Botanist John Ray's book (1691) "The
Wisdom of God Manifest in the Works of Creation"
e. effects - Impressive Natural History
described Every detail of the organism was
studied. Not just described, but rather studied
in a functional sense relative to the environment
- in order to see how the organism "fit" into the
perfect and complete creation.
III. The History of Evolutionary Thought
E. The Renaissance (1400-1700) 4.
Counter-intuitive Effects on Biology d.
evidence - Botanist John Ray's book (1691) "The
Wisdom of God Manifest in the Works of Creation"
e. effects - Impressive Natural History
described Every detail of the organism was
studied. Not just described, but rather studied
in a functional sense relative to the environment
- in order to see how the organism "fit" into the
perfect and complete creation. - Problems
- lots of animals not in the Bible
- numerical/geographical problems with flood
account - too many species to fit -
how did new world organisms get to Noah, or get
to home after flood receded?
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's)
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural Climate
- American Revolution (1775) - French Revolution
(1788) - Overthrow of authority - Reason was an
instrument to solve humanity's problems
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural
Climate 2. Natural Theology
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural
Climate 2. Natural Theology a. Carl Linne
(1707-1778) - "Linnaeus"
  • II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
  • F. The Enlightment (1700's)
  • 1. Cultural Climate
  • 2. Natural Theology
  • a. Carl Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus"
  • - the great cataloger
  • - latin binomen system
  • - group species based on reproductive structures
  • created higher taxa order, class, phylum (nested)
  • - Systema Naturae Creationis telluris est gloria
    Dei ex opere Naturae per Hominem solum -- "The
    Earth's creation is the glory of God, as seen
    from the works of Nature by Man alone." 1758

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural
Climate 2. Natural Theology a. Carl Linne
(1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b. Georges Louis
Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788)
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural
Climate 2. Natural Theology a. Carl Linne
(1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b. Georges Louis
Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788)
- the foremost "biologist" of the 18th century -
1749 Histoire Naturelle - emphasized
life-history of organisms not their
classification (if all are independent creations,
what does similarity represent, anyway?)
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural
Climate 2. Natural Theology a. Carl Linne
(1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b. Georges Louis
Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788)
- aware of possibility of evolution but rejects
it because
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Enlightment (1700's) 1. Cultural
Climate 2. Natural Theology a. Carl Linne
(1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b. Georges Louis
Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788)
- aware of possibility of evolution but rejects
it because -no new species during recorded
history (wrong) - infertility of hybrids
prevented new forms (wrong) - lack of infinite
series of intermediates (well, not infinite...)
"Not only the ass and the horse, but also man,
the apes, the quadrupeds, and all the animals
might be regarded as constituting but a single
family... If it were admitted that the ass is of
the family of the horse, and different from the
horse only because it has varied from the
original form, one could equally well say that
the ape is of the family of man, that he is a
degenerate man, that man and ape have a common
origin that, in fact, all the families, among
plants as well as animals, have come from a
single stock, and that all the animals are
descended from a single animal, from which have
sprung in the course of time, as a result of
progress or of degeneration, all the other races
of animals. For if it were once shown that we are
justified in establishing these families if it
were granted that among animals and plants there
has been (I do say several species) but even a
single one, which has been produced in the course
of direct decent from another species if, for
example, it were true that the ass is but a
degeneration from the horse - then there would no
longer be any limit to the power of nature, and
we should not be wrong in supposing that, with
sufficient time, she has been able from a single
being to derive all the other organized beings.
But this is by no means a proper representation
of nature. We are assured by the authority of
revelation that all animals have participated
equally in the grace of direct Creation and that
the first pair of every species issued forth
fully formed from the hands of the Creator."
Georges Buffon - Histoire Naturelle (1766)
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) "it makes no difference which of
the authors of the second half of the 18th
century one reads - their discussions are, in the
last analysis, merely commentaries on Buffons
work. Except for Darwin and Aristotle, there has
been no other student of organisms who has had as
far-reaching an influence." Ernst Mayr - Growth
of Biological Thought (1982)
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
Theologian who restated Aquinass proof of God,
largely using the argument of design and the
watchmaker analogy in his book, Natural
Theology (1802).
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797) - Wrote "Theory of
the Earth" in 1795 marks the discovery of "deep
time" in English science.
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797)- Wrote "Theory of
the Earth" in 1795 marks the discovery of "deep
time" in English science. - Based on two
- 1. granite is an igneous rock, it infuses
itself into other rocks (shists) and can only do
that when molten.
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797)- Wrote "Theory of
the Earth" in 1795 marks the discovery of "deep
time" in English science. - Based on two
(- huge "bubbles" cool slowly - plutons like
half-dome in Yosemite, or Table Rock in SC!)
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797)- Wrote "Theory of
the Earth" in 1795 marks the discovery of "deep
time" in English science. - Based on two
After it cools, it must be raised from the depths
of the earth by uplifts to the surface, with
erosion of the 'overburden' (Hmm... the earthc
crust can cycle, not just erode once)
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797)- Wrote "Theory of
the Earth" in 1795 marks the discovery of "deep
time" in English science. - Based on two
2. the proper interpretation of unconformities
boundaries between cycles of uplift and erosion
(again, episodic renewal, not unidirectional
Siccar Point unconformity, observed by Hutton
Siccar Point unconformity, observed by Hutton
Process 1. Initial depositional cycle
Process 2. uplift (time)
Process 3. erosion (time)
Process 4. second depositional cycle (time)
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797) - the crust is
recycled - the earth has "no vestige of a
beginning - no prospect of an end"
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797) - the crust is
recycled - the earth has "no vestige of a
beginning - no prospect of an end" - these
cycles of uplift, erosion, deposition,
consolidation, are very slow.... (Hadrian's wall)
Hadrians Wall, built during the reign of the
Roman Emperor Hadrian in 122 A.D.
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797) - the crust is
recycled - the earth has "no vestige of a
beginning - no prospect of an end" - these
cycles of uplift, erosion, deposition,
consolidation, are very slow... IF the rates have
been CONSTANT ("uniform"), then the Earth must be
REALLY old...
White Cliffs of Dover - limestone deposits...
1. Cultural Climate 2. Natural Theology a.
Carl- Linne (1707-1778) - "Linnaeus" b.
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
(1707-1788) c. William Paley (1743-1805)
d. James Hutton (1726-1797) 3. Conclusions
of the Period All were creationists, their
discoveries had to be reconciled with their
Biblical worldview. But there were conflicts and
inconsistencies - fossils and extinct species
vs. plenitude and universal harmony/perfection -
age of earth - 4004 bc? - uh, not likely... - The
earth has changed... - how can life remain
adapted if earth changes? ...could life
change, too?
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's)
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) a. Early
Career - wrote a four-volume flora of France -
Buffon selected him to be his son's tutor - 1788
- Buffon got him a position in the Botany Dept.
of the Natural History Museum - believed in the
fixity of species.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) b. 1793 -
Appointed Professor of Invertebrates - found
living molluscs that were similar to fossil forms
- could array some species in nearly continuous
lineages from the Tertiary (65 mya) to present -
concluded that species change over time.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) 3. 1809 -
Philosophie Zoologique (culminating work) -
animals series of perfection towards man (Scala
naturae) - species change over time into new
species (lineage evol.)
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) 3. 1809 -
Philosophie Zoologique (culminating work) -
mechanisms of change
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) 3. 1809 -
Philosophie Zoologique (culminating work) -
mechanisms of change innate potential, given
by Creator, to become progressively more
III. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) 3. 1809 -
Philosophie Zoologique (culminating work) -
mechanisms of change innate potential, given
by Creator, to become progressively more
complex. - Interactions with the environment
causes a NEED Organism uses some organs
more Organism changes during its lifetime
passes modification to offspring
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) 3. 1809 -
Philosophie Zoologique (culminating work) - TWO
PRINCIPLES - use and disuse - inheritance of
acquired characteristics
III. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829)
4. Implications - Solving the Extinction problem

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 1. Jean
Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet,
Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829)
4. Implications - Solving the Extinction problem
- Previous solutions were - all extinct
species were killed by Noah's flood - might
live elsewhere (and NOT be extinct) - it is
the work of humans, not God.
4. Implication - Solving Extinction Problem
Species "change", but there is no net loss from
the original creation
4. Implication - Solving Extinction Problem

"May it not be possible that the fossils in
question belong to species still existing, but
which have changed since that time and have been
converted into that similar species that we now
actually find?" - Lamarck (1809)
5. Summary of Lamarck's Contributions - First
to commit to evolution as historical fact

5. Summary of Lamarck's Contributions - First
to commit to evolution as historical fact -
First to propose a testable evolutionary
mechanism of change
5. Summary of Lamarck's Contributions - First
to commit to evolution as historical fact -
First to propose a testable evolutionary
mechanism of change - Uniformitarian approach of
gradual change
5. Summary of Lamarck's Contributions - First
to commit to evolution as historical fact -
First to propose a testable evolutionary
mechanism of change - Uniformitarian approach of
gradual change - Support for ancient Earth

5. Summary of Lamarck's Contributions - First
to commit to evolution as historical fact -
First to propose a testable evolutionary
mechanism of change - Uniformitarian approach -
Support for ancient Earth - Courage to include
5. Summary of Lamarck's Contributions - First
to commit to evolution as historical fact -
First to propose a testable evolutionary
mechanism of change - Uniformitarian approach -
Support for ancient Earth - Courage to include
"Lamarck was the first man whose conclusions on
the subject excited much attention. This justly
celebrated naturalist first published his views
in 1801. . . he first did the eminent service of
arousing attention to the probability of all
changes in the organic, as well as in the
inorganic world, being the result of law, and not
of miraculous interposition." - 1861
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 2.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844) a. Career -
was vertebrate zoologist at Museum of Natural
History with Lamarck. Invite Georges Cuvier to
join him in 1794.

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 2.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844) b.
  • There were 'unities of type' among organisms -
    homologous structures even to the point where
    all animals were a type, with arthropods living
    within their vertebrae.
  • form is malleable and affected by environment

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 2.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844)
"The external world is all-powerful in alteration
of the form of organized bodies.. . these
modifications are inherited, and they influence
all the rest of the organization of the animal,
because if these modifications lead to injurious
effects, the animals which exhibit them perish
and are replaced by others of a somewhat
different form, a form changed so as to be
adapted to the new environment."

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 2.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844) b.
What can be more curious than that the hand of a
man, formed for grasping, that of a mole for
digging, the leg of the horse, the paddle of the
porpoise, and the wing of the bat, should all be
constructed on the same pattern, and should
include the same bones, in the same relative
positions? Geoffroy St. Hilaire has insisted
strongly on the high importance of relative
connexion in homologous organs the parts may
change to almost any extent in form and size, and
yet they always remain connected together in the
same order.

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) a. Overview - The
dominant figure in French science after 1810. -
Refuted Lamarck's mechanism, and shed doubt on
the whole idea of evolution as fact.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 2.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) b. Arguments against
Lamarckian evolution - organisms are
functional 'wholes' - change in an organ would
stop its function - and use and disuse were
not heritable - extinction is real
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) c. Accomplishments in
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) c. Accomplishments in
Biology - Founded comparative anatomy as a
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) c. Accomplishments in
Biology - Founded comparative anatomy as a
discipline - Founded vertebrate paleontology
as a discipline
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) c. Accomplishments in
Biology - Founded comparative anatomy as a
discipline - Founded vertebrate paleontology
as a discipline - split the Scala into four
embranchments Vertebrata Articulata
(Arthropoda and Annelida) "Mollusca" (Molluscs
and other bilateral inverts) Radiata (Cnidaria
and Echinodermata)
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 2. Accomplishments in
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 2. Accomplishments in
Paleontology - Accepted William Smith's
observations that each strata had it's own
distinct fossil assemblage (faunal succession).

II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 2. Accomplishments in
Paleontology - Accepted William Smith's
observations that each strata had it's own
distinct fossil assemblage (faunal succession).
- Fossils in upper strata are more similar to
extant (living) species than fossils in lower
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 2. Accomplishments in
Paleontology - Accepted William Smith's
observations that each strata had it's own
distinct fossil assemblage (faunal succession).
- Fossils in upper strata are more similar to
extant (living) species than fossils in lower
strata. - Validated extinction - believed that
Mammoths could not be hiding elsewhere.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 3. Debates with St.
Hilaire - 8 debates in 1830
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 3. Debates with St.
Hilaire - 8 debates in 1830 - showed that
arthropods and vertebrates were only
superficially similar.. no unity of type across
all animals
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 3. Debates with St.
Hilaire - 8 debates in 1830 - showed that
arthropods and vertebrates were only
superficially similar.. no unity of type across
all animals - showed that Egyptian mummified
cats were no different from modern cats in
morphology... no change over time.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 3. Debates with St.
Hilaire - 8 debates in 1830 - showed that
arthropods and vertebrates were only
superficially similar.. no unity of type across
all animals - showed that Egyptian mummified
cats were no different from modern cats in
morphology... no change over time. - Professes
a "functionalist" approach - structure follows
function, and cannot be modified without losing
that function.
II. The History of Evolutionary Thought
F. The Battle in France (1780's-1830's) 3.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) 4. Conclusion of the
Period While Cuvier "won" the debate and also
beat back Larmarck's ideas, evolutionary ideas
were now prominently discussed. But the
functionalist approach and Paleys argument of
design were strong logical arguments.
II. Darwins Contributions
II. Darwins Contributions A. Natural History
- Voyage of the Beagle - 1831
II. Darwins Contributions A. Natural History
- Voyage of the Beagle - 1831 sent back hundreds
of specimens including fossil Glyptodont -
similar to Armadillos, but huge
II. Darwins Contributions A. Natural History
- Voyage of the Beagle - 1831 Explained the
formation of coral atolls
II. Darwins Contributions A. Natural History
- Voyage of the Beagle - 1831 1839 - Elected to
Royal Society
Image 1840 portrait of Charles Darwin, age 31,
by George Richmond.
B. The Origin of Species
B. The Origin of Species 1. One Long
Argument - observations leading to the
conclusions that - life changes through time
B. The Origin of Species 1. One Long
Argument - observations leading to the
conclusions that - life changes through time
- species descend from shared ancestors
B. The Origin of Species 1. One Long Argument
evidence of ancestry 2. Proposed Hypothesis
for HOW change occurs - Natural Selection
B. The Origin of Species 1. One Long Argument
evidence of ancestry 2. Proposed Hypothesis
for HOW change occurs - Natural
Selection 3. Dilemmas things that didnt fit
C. Observations 1. Geology - The Earth is
OLD - James Hutton (1726-1797) Scottish
Hadrians Wall, but by the Roman Emperor Hadrian
in 122 A.D. 2000 years old, but no sign of
erosion. How much older must highly worn and
eroded granite outcrops be?
And how long must it have taken for the layers of
sediment comprising the White cliffs of Dover to
If rates of erosion and mountain building have
been uniform, governed by the processes we see
operating in nature today, then "(in
geology) we find no vestige of a beginning,no
prospect of an end." . (The Earth is
immeasureably old.)
C. Observations 1. Geology - The Earth is
OLD - Charles Lyell (1797-1875) British
Geologist Principles of Geology Promoted the
(slow, steady change, accumulating over long
periods of time, can result in major effects)
C. Observations 2. Paleontology a. Major
groups appear at different times - additive
Jawed fishes
Jawless fishes
C. Observations 2. Paleontology b. Within a
lineage, there are patterns of gradual change
C. Observations 2. Paleontology b. Within a
lineage, there are patterns of gradual
change c. Within a lineage, there are patterns
of radiation (many descendants from few
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy -
Homologous Structures
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy -
Homologous Structures
Same structure, but different uses in different
environments (correlated pattern)
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy -
Analogous Structures
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy -
Analogous Structures
Different structures, but same uses in the same
environment . (again, a correlation between
anatomy and environment)
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy -
Analogous Structures
Different structures, but same uses in the same
environment . (again, a correlation between
anatomy and environment) Could the relationship
be causal?
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy -
Vestigial Structures Whale hip bones
C. Observations 3. Comparative Anatomy-
Vestigial Structures Human structures
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