Title: Direct Behavior Ratings and Daily Behavior Cards
1Direct Behavior Ratingsand Daily Behavior Cards
- Amy Jablonski,
- A.T. Allen Elementary School
- Assistant Principal for Instruction
- Leah Mills,
- A.T. Allen Elementary School
- Second Grade Teacher
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3Direct Behavior Rating and Daily Behavior Cards
- Objectives
- What is a Direct Behavior Rating?
- Why use Direct Behavior Ratings?
- How can Direct Behavior Ratings be used with PBIS
and RtI? - Explore the effectiveness of whole school Daily
Behavior Card. - School site example of Daily Behavior Cards
4Direct Behavior Ratings
- Definition Assessment tool that combines
characteristics of systematic direct observation
and behavior rating scales. - SDO- method of behavioral assessment that
requires a trained observer to identify and
operationally define a behavior of interest, use
a system of observation in a specific time and
place, and then score and summarize the data in a
consistent manner (Salvia Ysseldyke, 2004
Riley-Tillman, Kalaber, Chafouleas, 2006) - Rate 1 target behavior (ex degree to which a
student is engaged in activity) - Use a scale to rate the degree to which that
behavior was displayed during specified time - Target for short amount of time
5Direct Behavior Ratings Background
- Most behavioral data has been collected from
office referrals - Not able to capture all behaviors
- Not sensitive to individual student needs
- Compiled after long a set period of time
- (month, semester, year)
- Formative data has been used to progress monitor
academics (curriculum based measurements)
- DBRs
- Rating target on a behavior scale for one
behavior (ex off task behavior during class) - DBRs are designed to be used formatively and for
specific amount of time
6ExampleStandard DBR
7Direct Behavior Ratings Overall Purpose
- Used to assess the effectiveness of an
intervention - Document student progress
- Communication within the school
- Home-school consistency and communication
8Direct Behavior Ratings Characteristics
- DBRs are designed to be used formatively
(repeated) and for specific amount of time (3
weeks) and rates a specific behavior - Specified behavior
- Data is shared with team members
- Card serves as progress monitoring tool for
effectiveness of intervention - Flexibility to design actual rating and
procedures based on student need - (Chafouleas, Riley-Tillman McDougal, 2002)
9DBRs Must Have
- Behavior must be operationally defined
- Observations conducted using standard procedures
- Used at predetermined specific time, place, and
frequency - Data must be scored and summarized in consistent
matter - When put together equals a systematic DBR
10When to use
- When should you use DBRs?
- Guiding questions
- Why do you need the data?
- Which tools are the best match to assess the
behavior of interest? - What decisions will be made using the data?
- What resources are available to collect the data?
- When multiple data are needed on the same
student(s) and/or behavior(s)
11When to use
- Limited resources
- Low-priority situations
- Educators are willing to use
- Answering the following questions
- Is a class-wide intervention effective for
changing a particular students problematic
behavior? - Does a child continue to display a behavior when
this intervention is put in place? - Frequent data is needed
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13Guiding Questions for Creating a DBR
- What is the target behavior and goal?
- Focus on specific behavior
- What is the focus of the rating?
- Individual, small-group, or class-wide
- What is the period of rating?
- Specific school period, daily or other
- What is the setting of observation?
- Classroom or other location
14Guiding Questions for Creating a DBR
- How often will data be collected?
- Multiple times a day, daily, weekly
- What is the scale for rating that will be used?
- Checklist, Likert-type scale, continuous line
- Who will be conducting the rating?
- Classroom teacher, aide, or other educational
professional - Will ratings be tied to consequences?
- Consequences must be consistently delivered by
person responsible
15- Points to consider when creating DBRs
16Designing the Card What and Who
- Define the target behavior and who is the focus
of the rating - Increase positive behaviors
- Decrease negative behaviors
- Individual student/small group
17Designing the Card Scale
- Decide what scale will be used
- Maturity of the individual being rated
- Smiley faces
- Likert-type scale
- Recommended to use 1-10 vs 1-5
- Continuous line
- Check list
18Direct Behavior Ratings
- Example of rating scales
- 1-10 (1 being no behavior observed)
- Faces (happy, neutral, sad)
- Continuous line
- Check mark
- Must be rater friendly and easy to implement
across all settings
19Options for DBR Scales
20Designing the Card When, Where, and How Often
- Frequency of collection
- Specific period of time
- Entire day
- Record immediately
- Frequency of summary
- Daily
- Weekly
- Location
- Where behavior is noticed
21Designing the Card Who Will Conduct Rating
- Classroom teacher or adult with student most of
the day - Word of caution Profiling the attributes of a
student - Increased efficiency
- Willingness to rate
- Same rater avoids inconsistencies
- Chafouleas, Christ, et al., 2007 Chafouleaus,
Riley-Tillman, et al., 2007
22Designing the Card Who Will Conduct Rating
- Caution DBR data is the raters perception of
student behavior - H. Walker has found
- Teachers universally endorse a similar profile
of attributes, yet differ significantly in their
tolerance levels for deviant behavior.
23Designing the Card Who Will Conduct Rating
- Student Self-Monitoring
- Intervention for teaching behavior
- Effective for a variety students
- Success
- Teaching to accuracy
- Initially compare
- Positively reinforce
24Designing the Card Will there be consequences?
- Will consequence be involved with DBR
- Individual basis
- Positive reinforcements
- Communication between school and home
- Consequences at home as result of ratings on DBR
- Same language/same expectation
25After Implementation
- Fidelity
- Does rater compete the DBR as specified?
- Completed at right time of day?
- Periodically check in with rater
- Integrity checklist
- If fidelity is an issue
- Discussion with feedback
- Modify plan
- Review acceptability of DBR with rater
26Matching Data
- Does the DBR data correspond with other sources?
- Situation Teachers perception of students
behavior and the students behavior do not
correspond. - Hypothesis
- 1. The student (or teacher) behaves differently
when school psychologist is present - 2. Teachers is measuring something different
than target data - 3. Teacher does not perceive a positive effect
that the intervention has - Solution dialogued and discussion
27Summarizing Data
- Summarize relevant to the scale being used
- Averages per week
- High or low ratings
- Bar chart
- Line graph
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30 31High Flexibility
- Preschool through high school
- Wide range of behaviors
- Individual or large group
- Effective to monitor hard to notice behaviors
- Outbursts and obvious behaviors easily noticed in
short observation
32High Feasibility, Acceptable, Familiar
- Teachers are accepting of DBR as tool and
intervention - School psychologists accept DBR as intervention
monitoring tool - Familiar language for teachers
- Becomes part of daily routine
33Progress Monitoring
- Constructed in a way to be connected to
behavioral expectations - Administered quickly
- Available in multiple forms
- Inexpensive
- Completed directly following specific rating time
- Set goals and progress monitor
- Increase communication between home and school
34Reduced Risk of Reactivity
- Reactivity effect teacher and students will
behave in atypical ways - Research findings
- Increase the rate of prompt or positive feedback
to the target student - (Hey, Nelson, Hay, 1977, 1980)
- Behavior can be documented entire day
- One observer interrupts classroom space
35 36Rater Influence
- Influence of raters not fully understood
- May be less accurate estimate of students actual
behavior during rating period - History with student
- Sattler (2002) Research
- Low reliability
- Scale issues
- Time delay between observation and recording
37Limited Response Format
- Less sensitivity to change compared to systematic
direct observation - Same score given to student not displaying the
behavior and student displaying behavior at a low
38Is this really new?
- No.Other names for DBRs include
- Home-School Note
- Behavior Report Card
- Daily Progress Report
- Good Behavior Note
- Check-In Check-Out Card
- Performance-based behavioral recording
39- Whole-School Based Assessment Approach
40School-Based Behavioral Assessment
- Tier I (primary level)
- assessment efforts are preventive and proactive
indicators of performance - Tier II (secondary level)
- assessment efforts focused on select group of
students deemed for at risk - progress monitoring
- Tier III (tertiary level)
- assessment focused on individual student
- progress monitoring
41Behavioral Assessment Whole School Approach
- Use whole-school data to determine what, how,
where, and when behaviors are occurring - Proactive approach to determining potential
problem areas and student concerns - Assists with Special Education
- Behavior goals
- Progress monitoring
42Behavioral Assessment Whole School Approach
- Productive and effective school environment
- Clear expectations
- Common language
- Immediate conversations
- Communication within the school
43- School Site Example
- Whole School Approach and DBRs
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45A.T. Allen Elementary School
- Cabarrus County
- K-5 Elementary School
- Full Title I school
- Demographics
- 54 free and reduced lunch
- 27 Hispanic population
- EC population- resource, speech, self-contained
classroom (previous years)
46Behavior Cards
- Created over 15 years ago
- Track student behavior
- Communication in school and with home
- Movement to Positive Discipline
- Based on administration and staff expectations
(SIT team)
47Early Version of Behavior Card
Sent home weekly Students were to earn a point
each hour of the day. Different card at each
grade level
48Behavior Cards
- Adjusted over time
- Same card for entire school
- Creation of daily cards as an option
- Carbon copy
49Behavior Cards toResponsibility Cards
- Need for change
- Change in staff
- Buy in not present
- Inconsistent use of card in school
- Implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention
50Responsibility Cards
51Responsibility Cards
- Matched expectations with PBIS expectations
- Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful
- Added location column
- Assist with communication
- Data collection to choose intervention
- Ex bathroom vs. classroom
- Focus on area of need more targeted
- Sent home daily for all students vs. weekly
- Communication
- Teacher remembering incident
52Classroom Application
53Daily Behavior Cards
- Increases in-school communication
- Student accountability in common areas and all
classes - Parent communication
- Track behavior for each hour
- Specific behavior noted
- Data driven decisions
- Individual student plans made
- Time of day
- Location
- Determine effectiveness of intervention
54Parent Perspective
55Daily Behavior Cards and DBRs Together
- Use data on card to target behavior
- Choose Daily Behavior Rating scale
- Match student needs
- Ease of teacher use
- Implement intervention
- Keep data on that one target behavior using DBR
56Daily Behavior Cards and Daily Behavior Ratings
- Progress monitor on behavior
- Graph data
- Use data to make decision
- Discontinue intervention
- Change intervention
- Move to next Tier/Level
- Continue to use Daily Behavior Card throughout
57Key Points
- Clear definition of behavior
- Training/information for staff members involved
- Same language
- Same policy for rating
- Choices for re-teaching opportunities
58Writing IEP Objectives
59Student Example
- Found target behavior
- Created DBR
- Implemented intervention
- Collected data
- Progress monitored
- Used data to make decision
- Continued progress monitoring
- Target behavior tantruming
- Clear definitions of mild, moderate, severe
- Tracking in all areas of the school
- Training on ratings given to needed staff members
61Beginning Data Collection
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63Graph DBR
64What do the students say?
65Staff Insight
66Administrative Support
67 68Resources
- www.interventioncentral.org - This website offers
an extensive resource on using behavior ratings
in the Classroom Behavior Report Card Manual. - Chafouleas, S.M., Riley-Tillman, T.C., Sugai,
G. (in press). Behavior Assessment and Monitoring
in Schools. New York Guilford Press. - Crone, D. A., Horner, R. H., Hawken, L. S.
(2004). Responding to problem behavior in
schools The behavior education program. New
York Guilford Press. - Jenson, W.R., Rhode, G., Reavis, H.K. (1994).
The Tough Kid Tool Box. Longmont, CO Sopris
West. - Kelley, M.L. (1990). School Home Notes Promoting
Childrens Classroom Success. New York Guilford
Press. - Shapiro, E.S., Cole, C.L. (1994). Behavior
change in the classroom Self management
interventions. New York Guilford Press.
69For More Information
- Amy Jablonski, A.T. Allen Elementary School
- ajablons_at_cabarrus.k12.nc.us
- Leah Mills, A.T. Allen Elementary School
- lmills_at_cabarrus.k12.nc.us
- Charouleas, S., Riley-Tillman, T. C., Sugai, G.
(2007). School-Based Behavioral Assessment
Informing intervention and instruction. - RILEYTILLMANT_at_ecu.edu